dancing horses

dancing horses

Saturday, January 17, 2015



  1. Hugs to you. This is going to hurt for a long time.

  2. My situation is very very very different from yours....but I need this today...so thanks...

    *hugs* to you

  3. So true. It is coming up on a year since Storm died and she is consuming all of my thoughts and even my dreams lately. I can't wait for the day to just get here and go away. You are still in my thoughts almost every day. I hope Simon is still comforting you and making you laugh every day.

  4. I love that photo of Steele - such natural grace and balance. I wish there was a magic shortcut to get you to the other side of your pain and grief, but I know there is not. The depth of your pain is, perhaps, also the truest reflection of the measure of your love for your beautiful boy. And his for you. Wishing you quiet solace to help you through.

  5. <3 Sending big hugs. Lovely photo of your boy.


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