It all started with a lunch date.
My dear friend Karen was coming to Halifax and we arranged to meet for lunch. Right before we firmed up our plans I saw that Greenhawk had fly spray on sale.
Karen is also a crazy dedicated horse person so we arranged to meet at the tack shop and then go for lunch. I told Ed our plans.
Ed: 'what are you getting at the tack shop?'
Me: 'fly spray, it's on sale and I want to stock up'
I am sure that you know where this is going......
Karen and I met at the store and started chatting as we looked around. When I walked in I spied this mug and grabbed it:
My daughter had bought me this a few years ago and it was my favourite mug. Then Ed dropped it and it broke. I missed that mug so clearly I had to have it.
I also grabbed the fly spray.
And a sparkly dressage whip.
All the while showing Karen things she should definitely consider buying.
Karen spied some lovely tops and I also loved them so I had to try it on:
IKaren spied some show coats
Karen "look they are made of mesh now. What a great idea!"
Me: "I wish we'd get rid of coats altogether (old rant of mine). The ONLY coat I'd ever consider buying is a Burgundy one, I love the idea of colour instead of black." I should explain that Burgundy is one of my favourite colours.
A few minutes later Karen nudged me 'look!'
There was a sales person showing me a burgundy, lightweight, mesh show jacket by Kerrits.
Me:"...... but"
Karen: "well you did say Burgundy. And look it's light"
Sales person is a bright cheery voice "it's in the clearance rack and will look great on you"
I checked the size- Large. Damn, my size.
I checked the tag- a ridiculously low number. Damn again.
Me (ungraciously): 'Fine, I'll try it on'
The shirt fit perfectly, it was light and airy and was also medium so it made me feel good. In it went to the purchase pile.
I eyed the jacket. Not sure if I wanted it to fit or not.
It fit. I walked out and Karen and the sales person assured me I looked great.
Me: I have a saddle pad that matches this colour.....
And that's how I ended up with a burgundy show jacket:
It's more burgundy than the picture shows |
That matches my saddle pad:
I did put back the sparkly dressage whip.
'Cause, you know, I am a responsible person.
Lunch was excellent too. We shared a brownie and ice cream for dessert.
When I got home Ed said 'what did you buy at the tack shop'
'Flyspray!' I said brightly. Technically accurate.
He walked away muttering "fly spray cost $$$??! I don't think so"
Ah well.
You only live once. The coat, along with the matching pad, will be making its debut at the show next week.