A few months ago when I was struggling with Carmen, Nancy had sent me an email suggesting that we get together and ride the trails are the place where she boards. Her horse, a big beautiful warmblood named 'Bo' was a great companion horse because he was just always so calm. I contacted the owner of Coveside Stables to see if it was okay with her that I haul in. I used to ride a horse there a long time ago and she remembered me. She couldn't have been more kind about letting me come.
I really wanted to take her up on but with one thing and another it didn't happen. Last week I sent her an email to see if she was free Saturday and she was! The owner was also okay with me coming and so it was all scheduled.
In the morning I loaded Carmen on the trailer. Actually she loaded herself and I had to hold her back - as soon as she saw the trailer she was all 'let's go!' and did not take kindly to my telling her that she needed to wait for me. The ride was short and I pulled into the gates.
the view leaving the property |
I pulled up to the barn and unloaded Carmen. She walked behind me into the barn on the rubber pavers and into a large, beautiful stall and looked around as though to say 'finally'. I turned around to get my stuff but it was already out- Nancy and one of the workers had unloaded my saddle, bridle etc for me. I then parked the trailer in the parking lot and came back to the barn.
barn and arena |
Nancy introduced me to the guy who helped and then to Rose- 'all grown up'. I knew Rose when she was young it was great to see what a lovely young woman she had grown into even though I can't believe all that time had passed.
After a brief chat we tacked up the horses, went into the indoor, mounted and walked out of the indoor (red door in the middle of the photo above). I didn't walk her around or lunge her. I just got on and off we went.
And we hit the trails. Bo and Nancy were perfect companions. They ambled along in front of us at a nice steady walk. Carmen was amazing. She was obviously looking around and a bit excited but normal horse excited. Not stiff or spooky at all.
those ears- one was on me at all times |
I let her have a bit a rein and we just walked. I loved the woods trails- they were so varied in the type of tress. Some had a lot of ferns others were mossy and still more with strewn with pine needles. I told Nancy that I expected to see a hobbit at any moment. My inner 12 year old was over the moon and kept giggling. There were numerous wooded bridges and I wasn't worried. The first one she was a bit spooky once she realized that there was something underneath. By the third one she was all 'meh' a bridge. At one point we came close to a public trail and Nancy called 'hello' to a couple walking above us (most likely to warn the horses). I called hello as well and Carmen didn't even blink.
![]() |
Nancy took this with her phone. I wore my vest to be safe |
We went up and down hills which was a great way to work her hind end. There were some rocks along the path that Carmen looked askance at but, again, it was just normal horse ('are these okay? I will go by but will keep my eye on them in case they turn to be rock trolls' ) behaviour.
We then came into a huge field and the hay had been cut so it was free to use. Part of me wanted to go for a gleeful gallop but I restrained myself. Next time I told myself, this is all about making it low key and easy. Nancy and I chatted the whole way. We both agree that riding out is the most fun part of riding. Her little West Highland Terrier kept us company- occasionally going off to hunt squirrels. Carmen was completely not bothered by this little white terrier popping up in various locations. I loved watching her run around being all terrier like. She was definitely less white when we were done.
and then with my phone. Pretty sure this was my expression the whole ride. Carmen "could you calm down please, it's embarrassing' |
We ended up coming out near the front gates and by the dressage court. We headed back into the woods and came up to the barn. I think we were gone between 60-90 minutes. I put her back in the stall. Nancy hosed Bo off and turned him out while I went to get the trailer. Carmen was not too impressed when I came back My friend! Where's my friend? But settled as soon as there were people around. The ride home was uneventful. I hosed her off at home and turned her out to catch up on all the grass that she missed.
it's not fancy but it's my slice of heaven |
As I was cleaning out the trailer Ed came up and said "How was it?"
"OH MY GOD I HAD SO MUCH FUN" I may have been squealing. I was definitely grinning.
He smiled and said "you have been saying that every time you come back. You are having a great summer with her and I am glad. You earned it". This is why I love this man.
It may sound silly that I was so excited about trailering off property, riding out and then returning. I know lots of people do this all the time. But two years ago I considered it a good ride if there were fewer then three bolts in a ride. Last year we spent hours on training to get her rideable. I will be eternally grateful to Royce and how he helped us. This year I wasn't even sure I should show and look at how that turned out. I will be eternally grateful to Karen, Johanna and Shanea for getting us ready for that. Last year I would not have believed that I could have done something like today without a lot of lunging and 'managing' of Carmen. Yesterday I hopped on and said 'let's go, this will be fun'. And she believed me.
I am finally getting to do all the things I love on a horse that I love and for me that is truly special.
Thank you Nancy for taking me and Jackie for letting me enjoy your beautiful property.
"OH MY GOD I HAD SO MUCH FUN" I may have been squealing. I was definitely grinning.
He smiled and said "you have been saying that every time you come back. You are having a great summer with her and I am glad. You earned it". This is why I love this man.
It may sound silly that I was so excited about trailering off property, riding out and then returning. I know lots of people do this all the time. But two years ago I considered it a good ride if there were fewer then three bolts in a ride. Last year we spent hours on training to get her rideable. I will be eternally grateful to Royce and how he helped us. This year I wasn't even sure I should show and look at how that turned out. I will be eternally grateful to Karen, Johanna and Shanea for getting us ready for that. Last year I would not have believed that I could have done something like today without a lot of lunging and 'managing' of Carmen. Yesterday I hopped on and said 'let's go, this will be fun'. And she believed me.
I am finally getting to do all the things I love on a horse that I love and for me that is truly special.
Thank you Nancy for taking me and Jackie for letting me enjoy your beautiful property.
Imagine me smiling ear to ear for you and Carmen (((♥︎♥︎♥︎)))
ReplyDeleteThank you. It was a special day.
DeleteSquealing with excitement for you! Sounds like a beautiful facility and very cool that you have a friend to ride with when you trailer in! The trails look gorgeous. You deserve all these fun adventures with Carmen -- you put in so much work and watching you reap the rewards is so exciting ☺
ReplyDeleteThank you. It is nice to reap the rewards of my hard work.
Delete60-90 minutes is perfect. I love trail rides (of that length) too. You are so fortunate to have a partner that loves being out on the trail. Lucy hates it. HATES it.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't sure what Carmen would feel but based on how she is here at home and at Coveside I think that she really likes it. Even if some rocks are highly suspicious.
DeleteWoo hoo! That's the taste of freedom when your horse can tackle a trail ride like a pro.
ReplyDeleteExactly. I figured you understand.
DeleteI"m so happy for you and so jealous. I can't wait until I can go on trips like this :)
ReplyDeleteI bet you will be able to soon.
DeleteAw this sounds like the BEST kind of day to spend with horses and friends out in some gorgeous woods! I'm so glad you're having all this fun with Carmen - and agreed that it's definitely a bit of a paradigm shift to finally be able to just go take the horses out somewhere and do whatever we please, esp when the horses so clearly enjoy it too!!
ReplyDeleteIt was a glorious day. And when I made my list of things in a horse the 'being able to go places and do things' was top of my list. So it's nice that it's starting to come together.
DeleteSO happy for you!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you! I wish you were in Canada and we could hit the trails together. :)
DeleteEEEEEEE! this is so wonderful :D You have earned it!!
ReplyDeleteIt is wonderful. And Thank you.
DeleteAll the training was great preparation for that day on the Trail. There's nothing you can't handle now. I really believe horses LOVE the trails, too. It satisfies their curiosity and they take great pride in themselves out there. It solidifies the partnership, too, because they have to rely on you. I'm very happy for you and I hope there are many more trail rides in your future!
ReplyDeleteIt was the training- you are correct. I think horses should love going out and about. I hope that Carmen and I do many more adventurous things.
DeleteOh how wonderful! What a good horse you have! I do love your second photo of you caption, lol Carmen totally looks like she says calm down
ReplyDeleteShe and I have a fun relationship.
DeleteSo happy for you!
ReplyDeleteThank you! Me too.
DeleteWhat a beautiful place to ride. LOVE the smiles on your face! Also love how Carmen was all "yeah,np'.
ReplyDelete:D It is a lovely place.
DeleteGrinning ear to ear for y'all. I am so glad you got to do that and I so hope you do it again. And that Ed. He is so right.
ReplyDeletethank you!