Thank you everyone for your kind words and sympathy for Guinness' passing. It helps. I still find myself looking for him but not as much. He was a grand dog and we miss him. Cordelia and chickens. One thing that was a bit overwhelming was what to do with his body. In the past our pets have been cremated and it was part of the overall euthanasia. We were unsure what to do with him dying at home. Friends told us who to call and Ed was able to transport his remains to the person who does the cremation. He's now back home.

However, no matter how I feel there are animals that need to be cared for. I find comfort in the routines of looking after the horses, Cordelia is doing much better and returning to her normal bouncy self. Animals are much more resilient when it comes to death I think. She's definitely sticking close to me and I'm doing my best to keep her with me. When I can't, Ed is staying with her. Our walks are different without Guinness but are starting to feel more normal. I signed her up for agility in the new year and I think she'll enjoy that. Cordelia was out keeping Ed company while he put up the outside Christmas decorations. I was riding but heard her barking. After I asked him what was going on and he said that she was backing at the Grinch. Which, let's be honest, is kinda adorable.
Cordelia: "There will be no stealing of Christmas. Not on my watch. No-Siree-Bob!" |
The weather has been pretty awful- high winds, cold, rain, and so much cloudiness. Finally, this week there have been some breaks which allowed me to squeeze some rides in. Quaid, after some time off was not so sure at this 'return to work' thing but it's been fine. I've been taking it a bit slow. Probably too slow but I'm not pushing myself. I hadn't felt like riding before so it's nice to want to ride again. He's still on the antibiotics but they will be finished Saturday. We're both excited for that.
Hey Quaid, look pretty for the camera! Quaid: 'okey-dokey' |
My rides on Carmen have been interesting. I've been keeping on with the getting her to stretch out her neck and relax. I find it's getting easier every ride and it feels like she's also searching for that too. I mean she's still Carmen but with softer edges.
Hey Carmen, look pretty for the camera! Carmen: 'how about bored?' |
Both are easy to catch in the field. Probably because I always give them a treat when I put the halter on. Quaid likes to try and sneak one even if he's not the one being haltered. It makes me laugh. Don't tell me that Carmen is not tolerant!
Quaid: 'oh hai. I also like apples'. |
In other news, I think Henry is going to be seeing HR. This morning Cordelia and I were cleaning stalls when suddenly Diana came running through the barn yelling her head off with Henry in fast pursuit. We looked outside and there was Henry now flirting and trying to mount Penelope who just kept shaking him off while she was foraging. He looked quite put out by the whole thing. Diana was standing there looking outraged. I told her that since she was always going broody she should probably have some sex to fertilise her eggs. She looked appalled at this information.
Henry: why won't anyone love me? |
Losing Guinness was devastating. And life continues to go on. I believe that that is a good thing. Not in a cold way but in a 'love carries on' way. I wish I could explain this better but the words are escaping me. That's okay, sometimes it's enough just to breathe.
So, so, sorry about the loss of Guiness. You will love agility! I am a former dressage rider and switched to agility 10 years ago after I lost my horse. I now compete with 3 dogs at national events throughout the U.S. Agility training mirrors so much of how we train in the horse world. Keep us posted on your journey!
ReplyDeleteThank you. Many years ago I did agility and enjoyed it. The club folded a long time ago. So I’m excited to try it again.
DeleteI too find comfort in routine when things get hard. It doesn't mean you loved Guinness any less, just that life has to march on. And you get to recall wonderful memories of him while you're doing the necessary things. Thinking of you. It's never easy. But especially hard when it's sudden.
ReplyDeleteI’m glad that I said made sense.
DeleteI get your "love carries on" reference. The love we felt for them in life does not diminish, it is still there and it carries us through the separation. It helps us to carry on. I think the creatures we loved are part of our "whole".
ReplyDeleteThat Quaid nose photo cracked me up!
‘Part of our whole’. I love that.
DeleteWonderful that you were able to bring him back home <3 Animals do seem to be very practical about things, which I've also found a bit of comfort in previously. Cordelia and the Grinch is just adorable.
ReplyDeleteI’m happy to have him home
Deletesending hugs <3 life does continue to go on, and i'm so grateful for all these beloved animals in my life demanding my immediate and undivided attention...
ReplyDeleteIt really helps.
DeleteOh, Cordelia, what a sweetie. I think our animals mourn quite deeply, especially dogs, but you are doing the right thing keeping her close. I’m sure that is comforting her.
ReplyDeleteI believe she carries part of Guinness, as do you. I read that every decision we make, relationships we have, turn on and off genes.
I was so happy Cowboy got to imprint on Tumbleweed and Epona. It’s all connected. ❤️
You are right. It is all connected.
DeleteI'm so sorry to learn about Guinesses passing. He was a beautiful and lovely dog. Sending love to you and your family.
ReplyDeleteThank you.