Happy New Year everyone. I hope that you had a wonderful holiday filled with friends, family and food. I sure did. Like so much food. But I have zero regrets because sometimes you just have to enjoy the moment and not ponder how many calories are in a peanut butter ball and how many you've had that day.
We actually had a white Christmas! |
I made hot chocolate cookies. They were delicious |
We had two snow storms right before Christmas which delayed my daughter and her partner from coming until Christmas morning. It's been rare that we've had snow for Christmas. It was pretty but that and the bitter cold kept me from my usual Christmas morning ride. That was okay, we had a great time anyway.
actually had to break out the snow shoes |
I really enjoy the time we spend with family just low key hanging out and enjoying each other. There were board games and tv shows and food. When I was a kid I was excited about the presents. Now it's all about the time together. And none of the magic is gone.
Cordelia: I don't know what's going on but I like it! |
I *might* have made too much food.... |
A few days after Christmas the weather started to improve. The snow stayed soft and fluffy and Julia was able to come on Sunday for one more ride before she leaves (I mean there's a chance she may come again but I doubt it). The last time I rode either horse was December 16th. Carmen was a bit spicy. I did a lot of ground work with Quaid but he kept wanting to canter in the snow and I didn't want him to strain something. So after a bit to settle him I got on. He was low key pissed that I wouldn't let him roll. Then got a little attitude about steering and just walking.
Quaid: Imma gonna trot
Me: no, not yet. You have never carried anyone in snow before, let's not get hurt.
Quaid: but this is so booooring
In the end we did a little trot but mostly walking.
Julia and Carmen |
The footing was quite good really. In the end no one died and it was all good.
The next day the weather was even warmer but it was too slushy to ride and the day was foggy and drizzly. We had rain last night and this morning the snow was gone. I figured that the ring would be a soggy mess but it was in great shape. I did a quick drag and then tacked up Carmen. My friend, Paula came for a visit while I was riding.
Carmen gave a couple small spooks but nothing major. Then when I was trotting her down the long side she gave a big spook and took off. Okayyyy I said and settled into the canter. After a couple circles she doubled down and gave an even bigger spook and tried to take off and shake me off. She tried to pull the reins out of my hands and, when that didn't work, tried to get her tongue over the bit and when that didn't work gave a couple bucks. I laughed and rebalanced put my leg on to urge her forward. We settled into a 20m circle and after a bit I could feel her tire. So I brought her back to trot and returned to the original exercise of trotting down the long side. Funnily enough the super scary monster was gone. Go figure.
But other than that it was a good ride. Paula brought a double bridle she had for sale to try on her and we think it's going to work. I'll have Jane take a look and, if it's good, I'll buy it. Not that we're ready for a double but I've been keeping my eyes peeled for a good used one and this one is lovely leather.
are you not done torturing me? |
After, Paula and I had a coffee and caught up and then we went for lunch. It was delicious. I had fish and chips because, well, why not? We came back and Paula encouraged me to ride Quaid to. So I changed and got him ready. As I expected, he was a very different horse. Still forward and a little irritated that I try to regulate his pace but we had a lovely little schooling session.
look at my ring compared to 2 days ago! |
Ed and I barbecued steak for supper and I'm not sitting her in my PJs typing this post. I will not see midnight (unless I get up to pee!) but that's okay. It was a great day to end what was, overall, a good year.