dancing horses

dancing horses

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Surprises in the hay

The other day I was doing my morning chores. Both horses have hay racks because Steele liked to take his hay and make a nest with it. Anyway, I was on auto pilot and my mind was half on my job and half on the cup of coffee waiting for me when I got back to the house. As I put Steele's hay in his rack a tuft of hay fell on the ground.

I bent down and put it back in the rack. As I turned around to leave something made me stop and go back. I pulled the hay back out and looked at it again. It was the dessicated corpse of a rat. It must have been caught in the hay baler.

My feelings as I was holding this dead rat in my (fortunately) gloved hand were ones of surprise tinged with interest in how flat it was. I threw it in the muck bucket along with the hay. Then I headed back into the house for my coffee.

 I know, I know, I'm weird.

What weird things have you found in hay?
not only doesn't she feed me enough, now she's giving me dead rodents!


  1. I've found a flat dead snake in my hay once.

  2. Snakes, rats, mice, shirt, license plate, beer cans, parts of a kiddie pool. I could go on.

  3. I found the leg of a deer once. The whole leg. It should have grossed me out but, like you, I thought it was wierd and interesting. Jackson wouldn't touch that flake... not that I blame him.

  4. This doesn't really count, because I found it in the wooden pallets underneath the hay, but last week I found a recently deceased rabbit.

  5. Once I found, quite literally, a drowned rat in the riding ring after a very heavy rain. It was huge.

  6. Um if I had just picked up a dead rat I would probably scream and wash my hands for hours LOL! Or burn my gloves hehe. I don't think I've ever found anything dead in my hay and I'd like to keep it that way.. oh wait I did find a turtle shell... but luckily no turtle!

  7. In 2014 I went to Pony Club Nationals with a group of friends. To save space, we ordered hay there instead of bringing it with us. One of the bales had a freshly dead mouse in it. Needless to say, we got our money back. The year before I was working at an equestrian center. One of the hay bales was incredibly heavy, more than normal, when we opened it we found about fifty pounds of dirt mixed into the hay.


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