
Saturday, July 15, 2023

Momentous Non-Events

 How did it get to be July 15th already? 

Time sure does fly when you're having fun. I wanted to share a few developments that are happening around here. 

every morning is foggy. It does make for nice moody photos though

Last week my farrier came to do the horses. Carmen needed new shoes as we had worn out her older ones. I was excited to take off Quaid's shoe and pad to see how his hoof looked underneath. 

The answer was that it looked great! The hole is barely there and has grown out to his toe. That is pretty good for 3 months post surgery. 

March 10th a few days post surgery

July 11th 

The pad was ditched and he was just shod in new shoes. Since his sole has been covered since February I was glad that the ground was soft from all the rain. You can imagine how closely I watched him to make sure he wasn't sore. It's been 4 days and he's showing no signs of lameness or soreness.  I'm hoping to transition him to barefoot again this fall but for now I'm just glad that taking off the pad was a total non-event. 

Back in April when the horses had their spring appointments the vet thought that Quaid looked pretty immature and advised me to not back him. I totally agreed. He had taken a big growth spurt and had that weedy look of young horses (and teenagers). 

End of April

When he was on stall rest/reduced turnout I had kept his feed a bit restricted to keep the energy low. He did have free choice hay but still looked pretty ribby. With the restrictions lifted he was able to build up some muscle. I ended up doubling his feed too. Grass+Exercise+more food all worked to get him looking much better. 

End of June

I taped him last week and he has gained 150 pounds since March.  I tried my Spanish saddle on him and the fit was pretty good. I sent the photos off to the saddle fitter and she thought it looked good. It was a huge difference since end of April. 

Quaid has been doing really well with our training sessions. I have introduced side reins and he is doing well with them. Before I hook them on I have them fastened to the surcingle so that they flap around. He is getting used to having things flop at his side.  I have been bringing up the saddle too and putting it on near the end. I've put weight in the stirrups, hung over the side and even sat on him (with Julia holding him) and he is curious but not worried too much. 

Yesterday, Julia came and I rode while she worked with Quaid. She put the saddle on him and worked with him for a bit.  After a good school,  I hopped off Carmen and untacked her. She hung around the ring while we took Quaid over to the mounting block. I set my phone up on a post and here's what happened: 

 As you can see, being 'ridden' was a total non-event. He didn't mind it at all. At my second dismount you might be able to see how he adjusts his stance to keep him balance. I'm really happy that our first ride was not stressful for him. 

I am thrilled with how good he's being about all this. I am not planning to do much riding with him this summer but will continue to play with this so it just feels like part of what we do. 

getting a pony ride. 


  1. Ahhhh!!! BIG DAY! What a good baby horse! I'm so excited for you and Quaid!

  2. That's so wonderful! He looks so chill and like he's having fun with the attention. I'd love to come over and say hello to you and the horses sometime this summer!

  3. Oh what a good boy! I was just wondering today how his foot is doing. Great healing!
    What a perfect non event first ride.

  4. Awesome first ride! Uneventful are the best kind. Your saddle looks comfy. So glad Quaid's foot has healed up. He sure is a beautiful guy and so well behaved!

    1. Uneventful is exactly what I wanted. And my saddle is incredibly comfortable. I love it.

  5. The best feeling <3 How fantastic!

  6. You’re giving him a great start. He looks awesome!

    1. As you know I’m trying very hard to give him a good start. Thank you for the encouragement.

  7. gotta say --- what an accomplishment that such a "BIG" event was a ... non event for you guys --- congratulations!!!! sorry i've been so absent but am catching up now. it's taken every ounce of patience i can muster to wait out charlie's hoof growth, and i imagine you've felt similarly.... glad to see things coming together tho!

    1. I hear you on the patience thing. Like why can’t make it grow with our minds? 🤷‍♀️


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