
Thursday, March 24, 2022

In the Zone: Lesson Recap

 Since Carmen had recovered from her surgery back in November, I've been trying to book a lesson. Unfortunately, either timing or weather interfered and it never happened. Then winter hit and I gave it up. 

But now it's March and things have thawed and I've been itching to get a lesson. I wanted to wait until we had a few rides under our belt but not too long to let bad habits get solidified. Finally the stars aligned: I had a vacation day this week,  the weather was supposed to be nice and Jane was available. 

Phew- that's a lot of logistics to fall into place. So I was worried when, in the morning, it was cloudy and windy. Prime conditions to create a fire breathing dragon. I was tempted to cancel but decided that I should go ahead and deal with whatever happened. 

A windy March day

By the time the lesson was due to start it was still breezy but the sun had come out. The thing about March is that how warm it feels depends on whether the sun is out. I got dressed and then got Carmen. She was actually pretty calm during our ground work. I set up my Pivo to record the lesson. Let me say I'm really loving it so far. 

I was a little more thorough in my ground work this time making sure I did liberty work as well. Then when things looked really good I mounted. We were walking around when Jane pulled in. Carmen's ears went up and we watched her get out of the car. 

Carmen: oh, I know what's happening now. 

I told Jane about how great Carmen's been but I was struggling with the forward. 

We went to work on the circle. Jane was having me do an exercise of putting Carmen's haunches out on the circle as we went around. Think of it like doing a turn on the forehand while you're walking

I'm not gonna lie, it was hard to wrap our heads around that one. Jane was very patient. I know the idea is to get her using her hind legs active and stepping under. 

Carmen: do I look like a pretzel? This exercise is ridiculous

As always my left hand is dominant and The problem with that is that Carmen also depends on that and will look for it when I try to relax it. Which is fine when it's the outside hand but not when it's inside. I can see looking at the video why Jane kept telling me to let go of the inside and let her stretch. I really worked at it and I could feel her responding. I'm going to try to pay particular attention to that over the next few weeks (Or months. Or years. Whatever, riding is hard). 

After practicing the exercise at a walk Jane asked us to trot. And it was pretty much as I expected: shuffle, shuffle, shuffle.  After watching us for a few seconds Jane told me to get her to lengthen (fortunately she didn't just hop in her car and leave). I'm pretty sure she was NOT expecting a lengthen but was just trying to get Carmen's motor going. It was a lot of leg but no kicking. 

Photo of not impressed Carmen

Carmen had feelings about this, mostly expressed by ear pinning and shooting me glares over her shoulder.  But I kept at it. Then she picked up a canter. 
Sure, that's fine said Jane, just canter on.  
So we did and I did the same thing of pushing her towards my hand and not holding the reins tight. 
Go for a gallop!  said Jane with way more enthusiasm than either Carmen or I were feeling. 

Carmen: do I look like Secretariat?

But things got better and then we did a transition back to trot. Carmen was much more free after that canter and we were able to get a good working trot. 

With forward installed we went back to that exercise of putting the haunches out on the circle. I'm not gonna lie- this exercise was hard and we kept working on it. I could feel how it helped but, even when I got it, it definitely felt precarious- not too hard but definitely challenging us and one lesson was not going to get it solidified for us. 

ignore the gaping mouth and see how she's stepping under beautifully

We might actually be figuring out this dressage thing. Here's a short video clip:

At one point Carmen did a fake spook at the gate of all places. It was because she was getting tired. But we let the canter go on and I could feel her thinking 'that didn't work out like I planned'. After trot work we had a break. Carmen immediately wanted to head into the middle to get her praise from Jane. She clearly believes that all this progress is because of her and I am merely the passenger. 

Then we did some canter work. And the same exercise with her haunches. Which is even harder because she likes to throw her haunches in at the canter and so getting them out is really hard. But neither of us had a melt down and we worked at it. 

After another break we went back to the right rein and did some trot. By then Carmen and I were a little over it. Not that I was wanting to stop because I was loving the work we were getting and I felt totally in the zone. But my body was telling me that I was tired.  After some really good trot work Jane said 'half halt and then canter'  

Carmen:  is she serious?

me: I think she is!

Carmen: we could say no you know

me: c'mon darling, we can do it

Carmen: *sigh* fine

And we cantered. 

When it was time to stop both Carmen and I said 'oh thank god'

As a first lesson of the year I was thrilled. Carmen's mind was right with me. And even when she had feelings there was no fighting. Jane told me that she was pleased where we were starting off. 

I got some good exercises and it will help to guide my schooling rides before our next lesson. 

After we dismounted I stood with Jane and debriefed the ride. I then realised how cold the wind had become. I said let's go down to the barn and out of the wind. I then realised something. 

was the wind like that for the whole ride? 

Jane:  yes

Me: wow. I never even noticed. 


  1. Ahhhh I'm so excited you kicked off the year with such a great lesson! You and Carmen look great 🤩

  2. What a good fire breathing dragon. Sounds like a very successful lesson.

  3. I love how expressive your mare is. Mine is like that too, without the fire breathing part.
    You were in the zone if you didn't notice the wind!

    1. She does not hide how she feels. That’s for sure

  4. Sounds like a great start to the season! I too have a left hand that likes to be overly involved. Which I find odd being that I'm right handed...

    1. Interesting. I am left handed so it makes sense for me.

  5. What an interesting suggestion to gallop. It seems like she was wanting Carmen and you to open up and fly, then bring that energy back to the other work?


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