
Thursday, October 24, 2019

Life Stuff

Riding has been taking a back seat to the rest of my life.

not that Carmen seems to mind

This week has totally kicked my ass.

I'm doing this special project at work and it's in an intense phase.  I am enjoying the project but I've been on the road and at many many meetings which is draining.  Then our car decided to throw a huge issue our way. Because why not? We thought it was a bearing but it turns out that it's the transmission. It seems the CVT transmission on subarus are a 'known problem' and often fail about 150-200k kms. You know, after the warranty has expired.

Not only is this expensive but it will take a long time to repair. Of course I didn't know what the plan was until I came home from work. Ed embarked on this long, rambling explanation and I finally said 'honey, this week has kicked my ass. I know you are trying to lead me to a conclusion but this is just making my blood pressure rise. Can you skip to the end and then we can fill in the blanks later'. Which he did. It's disappointing because we bought a subaru because it was supposed to be reliable.

Ed also started talking about our next car being a honda because we just can't buy a brand that we can't rely on. Again I stopped him and said 'you know we try to buy good cars and it rarely works out. Our best cars were the shitboxes we bought when we had no money. I say we just buy shitboxes and then we won't be disappointed (or as broke) when they fail. 

So I might be a little bitter. And trying to figure out how I can work without a car. Fortunately, my daughter is loaning us hers while she is away on vacation.

I managed to get in the saddle once this week since Saturday. Julia came out and we hacked followed by a little bit of work in the ring. It was about all I wanted to do. I had no desire to work hard at things, I just wanted to toodle. And Carmen was pretty cool with that. We even popped over a little X (about 8 inches).

Last sunday we got together with friends and spent the day touring wineries. 

this is a wine dispensing machine. I need it for my office 
In the past this would really bug me that I wasn't schooling more. But this year I was determined to not benso driven. The reality is that Carmen and I are not heading to the olympics any time soon. And  we all know how Carmen responds to pressure and stress anyway.

So that doesn't make for good horse blog fodder but life often requires us to focus on other things.


  1. There must be something in the air this week. So rough on so many people :(

    1. Must be. This is small compared to other things. But retirement is starting to look good to me.

  2. We are on our third Subaru. the first two were great. This one I hear you. Funny we were talking about getting a Honda next time, too. ...and there’s a lot to be said for relaxed no-stress riding.

    1. Huh. I’m sorry about your car. And yes, I really appreciate low stress riding.

  3. Ugh, car problems suck. And that's a major car problem!

    I'm sure Carmen will enjoy her toodles until you have the time and desire to do more. Hopefully soon!

    1. Car problems totally suck. It just feels like a waste of money.

  4. Gosh I loved my Subaru but had to eventually make the switch to Honda/Toyota. I used to think they had no souls but now I realize getting where I need to go is more important.

  5. Car trouble in the worst. It is always more expensive and time consuming than it should be. I hope you get the car situation resolved one way or another

  6. Ugh, sorry to hear about the car troubles... its like the vehicle knows when the warranty is up and decides to act up.

    I haven't ridden much lately either, and in a weird way, I am kinda enjoying not having the pressures of ring riding and Annie actually seems to be enjoying the downtime of doing absolutely nothing.

    1. Car trouble is very annoying. I think our horses do enjoy having less pressure

  7. Oh man, hope you get the car stuff figured out!!

  8. Im right there with you in the "life stuff". Im enjoying the lack of pressure to go do something with my horse, since everything else in my life has my undivided attention. Does that make any sense?

  9. Poop, sorry about the car. I hate when real life crap messes with horse life. But that's part of being an adult I guess... It would be easier to handle if there were more of those wine machines scattered about...

    1. I’m kinda done being a grown up. 👶 and yes these wine machines should be everywhere.

  10. Car troubles can really make even a normal week horrible. It sucks that you've got a 'known issue'. If you're looking into a new brand Toyota and Hyundai are pretty amazing as far as being around for lots of miles.

    It's nice that our horses are along for the ride when we just need to toodle or chill. They are awesome like that.

    1. I am feeling pretty cynical about all cars at the moment. But I will get over it.

  11. I totally get that. Life kicking butt and taking away from horse time. It has been doing that to me a lot lately. It is OK. That is what is great about horses. These times make us just enjoy them for them.

    1. That is true, it does help me to appreciate the time I do ride and not view it as a chore. :) You are always so positive

    2. Thank you. It is not always easy to be sure, but it makes everything else easier when we are!

  12. I AM SO SORRY ABOUT YOUR SUBARU! I want to scream and stomp and rant and kick things on your behalf. UGH.

    1. It really sucks. I was so excited about getting a Subaru that it feels like a betrayal. Which is likely an overreaction so I will get over it.


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