
Sunday, October 27, 2019

Autumn Refresh

After last week I definitely needed to recharge and I decided that I was going to spend the whole weekend recharging my batteries.

walking to the get Carmen I spied this 4-leaf Clover.
I decided it was a sign

Of course that involved doing horse things. I had no major goals for schooling. Just to sit on Carmen and see where we were with things and go from there. 

This weekend also marked the start of deer hunting season. Which means that a little extra caution is required. Last March I found this orange fly veil in a sales bin and I snatched it up. When we were tacking up I put it on Carmen and she immediately shook it off. 
Carmen: I hate this colour on me. It doesn't go with my eyes
Me: It's for your safety. Besides, it looks lovely. 
Carmen: It's just so not-cool. 
I hate this bonnet. And you. 

Friday Julia came out to ride and we started with a ride on our little trail. Both horses were a bit excited but stayed well behaved. In the ring Carmen was really good. She thought about being distracted but was easy to redirect. We had some lovely canter work and I was super happy with her.   I asked Ed to come up and take a photo of us in our hunter orange.

safety first 
Saturday I rode her by herself. She was a little more feisty but we worked through it. In my Johanna lesson she talked to me about weight aids. I tend to put too much weight in the stirrups. She asked me to think about how much my legs weigh. Don't tell me, just have a number in your head and have only that much weight in the stirrups.  When I think about it I can feel my seat get right into the saddle and I'm immediately more balanced.  I've been really trying to use that. When I focus on it, it really works and she can't dislodge me with any antics.

we had our first hard frost this weekend
I love riding in autumn. The air just feels so nice and fresh. And the bugs are gone.

If it wasn't that it meant that winter was just around the corner I would really love it. 

Sunday I arranged to go to Coveside and ride with a new riding buddy. Nancy was not available but this person was. Carmen was clearly stressed about getting on the trailer but when we arrived she was  just 'oh, it's here. Okay then'.  As we tacked up we chatted about our horses. She told me that her mare was pretty good on the trail. 
Carmen is good too on the trails. I will tell you know that if you run we're probably going with you.

When I walked out with Carmen to mount the amorous donkey came up to say hi. 
Well hello there little lady. How you doin'?  I didn't see the look Carmen gave him but he veered off pretty quickly. Mare glare. It's real folks. 

I have to say that the two mares were great together. They walked at similar pace. They were pretty chill with one another too. It was a lovely ride in the woods. 

As we walked along Carmen dropped her nose to check out a stump that was recently cut. I let her reach down to it when she suddenly popped her nose up. I laughed. I totally saw that- it jumped at you!' She sniffed and walked on. After that she was rock steady. Even when we encountered Dianne walking her dogs and an ATV. 

I could do this all day

It was a great weekend and just what I needed. My batteries feel recharged and I'm ready to tackle the world again.


  1. The woods are my place to recharge as well. Fall used to be my favorite season but spring in the south is a sight to behold.

    1. I have always been drawn to the woods. I love the ocean but trees really feed my soul.

  2. Sounds like a pretty perfect weekend! And Carmen, the orange looks fab on you!

    1. I mean, she's a gray horse- everything looks good on her!

  3. How lovely! <3 what a great way to spend the weekend to get ready for the world!

  4. Autumn is the best for casual strolls in the woods. Something about the air... it feels so fresh and "new".

    Glad you had a wonderful weekend of horsey things and Carmen was there to help you recharge and recenter yourself.

    1. It is the best way to eliminate stress that I know.

  5. What a great weekend. I love Autumn too. Just great weather, pretty scenery and no bugs. Love the orange coat on Guinness too! Glad you found that four leaf clover they always bring such good luck.

    1. I thought about feeding the clover to Carmen to see if would work it's magic.... lol

  6. Oh, Carmen, any color looks good on you!

  7. That’s a beautiful 4 leaf clover. Riding the trails with other horses is so happy and natural for all involved. I’ve been out of the saddle for a couple of weeks, due to travel and sickness, but hoping to get back out today.

    1. I’m hoping to squeeze in as much as possible before winter.

  8. Great photos, and glad you had a good trail ride :) I'm glad hunting isn't a thing around here!!

    1. Yeah, th3 hunting is a pain because it’s when the woods are at their prettiest. But they need their time too.


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