
Monday, October 9, 2017

We're Going and We're Going to Have Fun Damnit!

Years ago, when the children were small, I made plans for us to go the beach for the day. Alec asked if he could invite a friend and I said sure. After he phoned he came and said 'Kyle* says he wants to go to the lake not the beach' (*name changed to protect the not so innocent).

I explained that we were going to the beach and that Kyle could come or not but I wasn't changing my plans. Then Amanda's friend wanted to play video games rather then go to the beach. Before I knew it I was embroiled in this discussion and getting more peeved by the minute. Finally I snapped "We are not going to the lake, we are not playing video games. We are going to the BEACH and WE ARE GOING TO HAVE FUN. Now'. 

Perhaps not my best parenting moment. But once we got to the beach much fun was had and everyone was happy. 

Which really proves that mom is always right

As you know, Carmen has been a bit of a dingbat lately. So putting her on the trailer to go out for a trail ride might not have seemed like the smartest move. 

I didn't care. We were going. 

And we were going to have fun. 

As always, Carmen loaded and unloaded just fine. As I took her off of the trailer a young woman said 'oooh'. I looked up to see her looking at Carmen with unabashed admiration. 
'Do you want her?' I asked, 'Because yesterday she was FREE'. 
Everyone laughed in sympathy. Horse people, they just understand. 

I groomed Carmen before we left so all I had to do was throw on her tack. 
do not let this expression fool you- she was completely relaxed in the stall,
just not happy that I was interrupting her snack
Nancy and I headed to the trails. The fall colour is hitting it's stride and the woods were beautiful.

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Carmen started off a bit tight and tense but soon relaxed with a happy expression and a long rein. I could feel the tension that had built up between us dissipating. We walked, trotted and cantered along the trails. Nancy and I chatted lightly. We both love going into the trees. We went into a big field and walked by some houses. Carmen could have cared less about the back yards, she was too busy giving some white rocks the stink eye.

On the way back we stopped to play in the hunter ring. As soon as we entered the ring Carmen gave a big spook at some decorative flowers. She was back to the tense, tight spooky horse of yesterday. I just kept working her. There was one moment when I was cantering and then she took off towards Nancy but there was a jump in the way and I was all 'No no no! We are not jumping that!' I managed to steer her around and got her back to control.
I took this driving out- this is the ring we were playing in
As soon as we were back in the woods she gave a big sigh and relaxed.
So happy here

I shouldn't be surprised but I am. It just seems weird to me that the ring is the scary place but the woods are fine. But I am happy that we both love going in the woods.

A post shared by Teresa Alexander-Arab (@teresaalexanderarab) on


  1. I'm with Carmen, being in the woods is so calming and relaxing.

    1. It is my favourite place to be. Add in a horse and I'm in heaven.

  2. So pretty out there. I'm glad she was good for your ride.

    1. It's beautiful. And the bugs should be gone soon.

  3. I like the "we're going and we're going to have fun!" attitude 😁 and it sounds like it paid off!

    1. Sometimes you just have to decide that it's going to be fun.

  4. Beautiful woods. The woods are my happy place. Maybe Carmen just wanted a break from all the training

    1. That could be. I think she's never been stressed in the woods so that might be why she's so well behaved.

  5. Beautiful trails. So odd that she’s tense in a ring and not on the trails. Then again the trails are fun and relaxing and the ring means work. So maybe that explains her attitude.

  6. lol i've definitely gotten that attitude of "shut up and enjoy it" when trying to plan 'fun' outings that keep growing and expanding and getting ever more complicated as everyone tries to get their way lol. glad it was a good ride!!

  7. Love it!! Those trails look gorgeous

  8. I’ve heard that over and over—the shock at a horse being better on the trails. The ring is hard work and concentration and stress, but a trail ride is completely natural and satisfies the horse’s deep curiosity. It also develops the partnership. I’m so happy that you and Carmen are experiencing this. What a beautiful ride!!

  9. Next time take the horse to the beach :)

    1. Oh my. I would love to- I've done it before. I wonder what she would think?

  10. Best time of year to ride, hands down. Your woods still look leafy - here the ground is 4" deep with crunchy, fallen leaves. :-(

    1. The weather has been so warm that fall is 'delayed'.

  11. Oh Carmen. She sure still keeps you on your toes. Glad you can get in a trail ride in such a beautiful place, wish we had more woods around here I too love them

    1. she does keep me thinking. I would really miss woods if they were not around.

  12. OOh jealous! :) For me it is just the opposite--Savvy is terrified on trails and relaxes in the arena. One trail ride with friends was half hour through the woods to an arena. I laughed the whole way at my snorty/prancy/trantering pony and when we stepped foot in the arena she just let out a huge breath and relaxed. Everyone was a bit shocked at what a different horse she was inside the arena fence. Overthinking pony finds comfort in predictability. :/

    1. If we could put our gray mares together we would have the perfect horse!


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