
Sunday, October 8, 2017

Drama Llama Ding Dong

oh oh oh oh
I got a girl named Drama Llama, Drama Llama Ding dong
She's everything to me
Drama Llama, Drama Llama Ding dong
I'll never set her free
For she's mine, all mine

Today was the day we were having Thanksgiving dinner; the kids were coming and so was Ed's mother and sister. I had everything planned to the minute so that I could squeeze a ride in before everyone came. I was prepared for Carmen to be a bit of a idiot after yesterday but she was really mellow in the barn. 

However, up in the ring she began to ramp up again. Now, in her defence, it was very blustery and the  biting flies are fierce this year. In my defence, it's been windy lots of times and the flies, while nasty, don't seem to be a real problem when she's grazing.  However, there was this one big gust of wind and we found ourselves in a maelstrom of leaves. 

This was the final straw for her. Clearly I was crazy and she was having none of it. I spent some time trying to get her to pay attention to me and NOT let her gawk to the far field. This just pissed her off. 

Now I could totally ride this out and work through it. But I didn't have time. Instead I dismounted and headed to the barn. There I removed the stirrups from the saddle, hooked up some side reins and headed back up to do ground work. I don't normally lunge in side reins but I wanted ot make it clear that she doesn't get to look to the outside and that, yes, she CAN actually trot forward with a proper bend. I know that she's had them before and she was perfectly fine with them. They really weren't tight- they just came into play when she tried to llama or turn to the outside. 

I'm glad that I did that because it was a faster way to get her tuned in. After lunging I did some basic ground work of yielding her quarters and shoulders, leading and ground tying. Now the mare that just was able to stand like a rock while I flipped the lunge whip all around her. 

And I had time to come back to the house, shower and finish cooking. 

I had been neglecting the ground work lately (bad me) because I've been enjoying the riding so much. Clearly I need to make it a priority again. 

Tomorrow we're heading off property to go for a hack in the woods. And I am not worried about it. However, I'm ready to get my not-drama-llama back. 

Hopefully by tomorrow. 


  1. Good for you for not letting her get you crazy. The ground work always seems to help.

    Hope you had a great dinner!

    1. It was delicious. I think we're doing more ground work for a while.

  2. Good stuff. Glad you got it all sorted out. It was super blustery here today too. And yeah, what's up with these nasty flies?!?! Oh well. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. The flies are terrible! Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

  3. How dare the wind blow! The wind has definitely unhinged Levi's minding the past so I know how that goes. Maybe she sensed your distraction? Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. She could definitely have sensed I was in a hurry. I tried not to let it influence me but horses are very sensitive. and yeah, the wind was nasty.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving! I'm making a pumpkin pie this year cuz my mom sent me a can of pumpkin. Likely no one will eat it, cuz Germans don't like pumpkin pie.

    1. I actually don't care for pumpkin pie either. :) But I hope you enjoy it.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving! I hope the dinner turned out delicious

  6. Happy Thanksgiving!

    Bahaha great song spoof.

    I use side reins the same way - loose when behaving, but bothersome when they deign to act'a'fool! Ground work is so so beneficial, but definitely not quite as fun as riding.

    1. I'm glad that you liked my spoof. GW can be fun, I just LOVE being in the saddle.

  7. lol drama llama ding dong! glad you got her sorted out!! and happy thanksgiving!!

    1. Yes, I may start singing it to her when she's foolish. That'll teach her!

  8. Great 'lesson'. Love making them work harder when all you want is easy. Makes them wise up very quickly. XD

  9. That whole non-linear progression thing with horses can be a real pain sometimes!! Glad you guys worked it out. Happy Thanksgiving :)

  10. Sometimes they just lose their marbles


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