
Thursday, May 18, 2017

Please Ma'am- I Want Some More

Since Carmen and I have come home our rides are going so well.  The last two ones I walked her up and hopped on. I did not need to lunge or work her 'through' anything.

I think we have an understanding of each other. I am fine with her worrying but the listening is non-negotiable. She is still not above spooking when she feels that she has done enough work. I'm doing the 'spooking leads to more work' approach. I have confident that I know the difference between a genuine 'EEEK' vs a 'eek I cannot possibly work anymore'.

But now that I'm not spending 40 minutes working on getting her attention I need to figure out what do now. I realized that yesterday I was feeling a bit frustrated because our transitions were not 'through' enough for me.

I then realized that 2 weeks ago I was trying to get her to steer reliably.

Turns out I want more. I'm feeling much more relaxed with her even when she's being a bit tense or spooky. And when she does spook (which is now much rarer) it doesn't take much to get us back. Our canter work is much straighter too.

And she's happier. Not always and sometimes she gets a wee bit cranky. But it's not really serious and I try to listen to her. It's feeling like a partnership.

So the timing is great for the clinic I'm in this weekend. It's with Johanna and I am hoping that she can give us some exercises and homework. Last year we could only walk - turned out to be saddle fit.  Then I can start back again with Shanea- we've been having some scheduling difficulties.

Dressage- it sucks you in and makes you want more and more. 
I'd say wish us luck but I really mean wish us a great learning experience. 


  1. So fun to be able to work on the fun stuff now you have all the basics in place

    1. It is. It's like now the real work can begin.

  2. Wishing you a great learning experience! Have fun.

  3. Have fun and I hope you get the "homework" you are looking for :)

  4. You two have turned a significant corner. I wish you a happy clinic and loads of homework.

  5. It's so awesome when you turn that corner and stop working on "baby" stuff! It took me by surprise with Ruby, and I'm hoping it's not too far off in the future for me and Cin! I can't wait to hear what your takeaways are from the clinic, and your new plans for continued progress.

  6. Sounds like we both enjoy lessons a lot. Yours are really paying off enormously.

  7. ha ohhh dressage. as soon as i get one fleeting moment of that good feeling, i just want more more more....

  8. I love that feeling when you can actually start working on stuff. I agree with you completely that Dressage sucks you in :)

    1. It really does. I remember when I started 'to work on my flat work....'

  9. <3 perfect timing for clinic! Here is to a GREAT learning experience for you both! Movin' on up!!!

  10. That last photo she looks like a stallion.

    I love dressage, despite what I've blogged. I had a great trainer in America and I hope to have another like her someday.

    1. does she? It must be because of her neck. It seems weird that you can't find a dressage trainer inGermany. I thought that they were everywhere!

  11. Overreacting when she's done with work? Sounds sooo familiar. Lol
    She's going to be so amazing in another few months.

    1. The "I'm so scared because I'm done" is a PITA

  12. This is so great! All those baby steps come together to make a broke horse (or so I hope with my young ones haha). I am so excited to scroll down on your blog and read about the show ahhhhh

  13. As I'm bringing Q back into work and addressing her spooking - which is SO SO similar to Carmen's - I feel like you're writing out my thoughts on the issue better than I ever could. I totally understand and agree with how you're approaching work with Carmen as it relates to her spooking. I love the understanding you two have come to!

    1. It's much harder for you because you need to be careful of the injury! It's not fun but I believe that I have learned a TON.


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