
Sunday, May 21, 2017

Going to the Dogs

I will have a clinic update with photos, I promise.

But not tonight. (spoiler alert it was awesome).

I wanted to give you a quick update on some other, non-equine events.

My son is away for work and we are looking after his puppy, Ripley. She is the same age as Guinness.

I'm not gonna lie- adjusting to having TWO puppies was not easy.
Guinness: Help! She's killing me. 
Ripley: RAWR
Me: sigh
The first week drove us nutty. While I was dealing with one the other would get into trouble. I was getting really frustrated- I had arranged my life around work, farm chores, training Carmen and training Guinness. I didn't know how to fit her into my routines. Ed and I learned to work together. After one day I looked at him said "Thank god we didn't have twins".  He looked at me in horror at the very thought.

Things are better now- they are used to each other and much less wrestling is happening in the house. Ripley is a sweet puppy but she is energetic and sleeps much less than Guinness. She loves to follow us around the house and watch what we're doing.

We have no idea what her breeding is. I am sure that there is some hound in there based on some features, plus she 'roos'. If you have any guesses let me know. I'm thinking of getting some DNA testing while she's here.

from the front

side view
Guinness is growing up to be a very solid dog. He needs lots of sleep but he's growing a ton. He still is sweet and smart. I have us signed up for Level 1 obedience. It should be interesting. 

d'Arcy is handling it well, although the cats think we've lost our minds. He's taking on the role of old, experienced dog who is not going to take any guff from these young whippersnappers.

I may or may not be counting the days until my son returns. In the meantime I am learning to enjoy life with two puppies. Mostly. 

Guinness- I got the stick
Ripley: no, you're doing it wrong. Let me carry it.
Let go!
No, you let go! 
Me: sigh


  1. Oh God bless you, puppies are so exhausting! Hopefully your son is home soon ☺

    Can't wait to hear about your clinic!

  2. That face shot of Ripley is pure herding dog. She has the whole laser-eyed stalking thing down pat. I'm thinking blue healer/hound/something mix. A DNA test would be interesting.

    Guinness is becoming a very handsome fellow. He is at that age where you can see the aura of the dog he will be.

    1. I have been wondering about the blue heeler- she does like to collect things as well.
      Guinness is growing into the dog that I hoped he would be. If I don't kill him first. :)

  3. People always say having two is easier because they will play but I've never thought so. Twice as much trouble! They are cute though.

    1. The trouble is that they do play and it's harder to get them to bond to you. But we're working on it.

  4. Guinness is getting big. He's a beautiful guy. Don't know what Ripley might be, DNA testing would be interesting. Your house sounds like what I go through with my two everyday. Non stop wrestling, running, playing and then there's the skirmishes over food, bones, sticks, toys etc.....the only peaceful time is nap time.

  5. So happy to see Guinness again! He looks amazing! My guess on mystery pup is Blue Heeler crossed with Bluetick Hound or some Black and Tan Coonhound, with a shot of Lab in there. I wonder if you are constantly saying "Watch out for d'Arcy, watch out for d'Arcy" like I am when Bess and Connor go all rowdy while near Scout.

    1. d'Arcy tells them to watch it often. Thanks for the comments on Guinness. We do have some blue heelers here but if we have the others it would be unusual so I would be surprised but who knows.

  6. How fun to see not one puppy but two! Promise to let us know how the obedience training goes. Preferably with pictures. I like the new header photos. It looks great.

    1. Thanks for the feedback about the header! Two puppies is sometimes fun, sometimes adorable and sometimes a real PITA. I will update you on the obedience.

  7. Love the pups. With her coloring, I'm guessing Ripley has quite a bit of Catahoula Leopard Dog in her. Google "Catahoula Leopard Dog Images" and look at the pics. Have fun and don't let them wear you out. LOL

    1. Yeah- there does seem to be a similarity!

  8. That's a damn good lookin' shepherd ;-)


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