
Thursday, March 23, 2017

What the Hell March?!

Remember my last post where I was able to ride two whole days in a row?

Yeah, well, Sunday night we had a winter storm and it dumped a bunch of snow followed by ice on everything. It caused our first puppy class to be cancelled.  Tuesday and Wednesday were warmer but the snow needed to melt and then the water needed to drain from my ring. It usually drains well but everything was soggy.

That was okay- we were all enjoying the warming temperatures. It was lovely to putter in the barn in just a hoody. It was good for Guinness to because he could be outside playing and enjoying himself.

Why yes, this is a great stick. Why do you ask? 

Then today happened- the temperatures plummeted to -12 with a strong north wind making the windchill -20.  The horses were not impressed. The dogs were not impressed. The cats were fine- they just stayed indoors.

Every time Carmen saw me she gave me a look that expressed volumes- this is not acceptable you need to do something. It was completely weird today- the sun was warm and my ring was perfectly thawed and rideable but I couldn't feel my face.

What is this white stuff? 

While it makes it harder in some ways I'm glad that I have a puppy to play with. he's keeping me amused.  He's getting into the routine of things in the house and in the barn. He knows that when I feed he can have his carrot. Is there a horse person with a dog that doesn't eat carrots?

I'm very careful with Guinness around the horses. Irish is very curious and wants to get to know this new addition. Carmen is less amused. I have been working on short training sessions and he's catching on pretty well. He will come when called and even leave something that has attracted him (like the cat). I'm careful to not make it sound mean or angry. I'm okay if he thinks about it - that shows me he's understanding. He can sit and go down on command. 'Wait' is coming. I am his 'person'. When he's hurt or upset he runs to me for protection.

So I'm managing to stay amused but this weather is getting tedious. I am ready to get training - both puppy and horse.


  1. Looks like you are doing such a great job with Guinness! Love watching him politely wait for his carrot! One thing I like to teach my pups as early as possible is the phrase "watch out!" They quickly learn that I don't say this ever in anger, but only in great concern for something dangerous that might harm them. When I say this, I want them to stop whatever they are doing and come quickly to me. This can keep them safe from vehicles, hot wood stoves, angry cats, annoyed equines, etc.
    Hope your weather improves, and hope ours gets better too!

    1. oh I like the phrase 'watch out'. I shall work on it !

  2. Kersey, who pretty much will eat anything, does not like carrots. Lousy barn dog... :). We have heavy rain here -- all this past week and going into next week too. I am frustrated as well; Lucy was just getting her fitness back a bit.

    1. yeah the rain is just as bad from the training perspective.

  3. Guinness is learning quickly! Working with smart dogs is so rewarding. Einstein is not smart. It took us 9 months to house train him and finally after nearly 3 years his come is perfected. The dog just doesn't learn quickly at all. Hang in there with the weather. It'll warm up soon.

    1. You are immensely patient. I might have lost my mind over that. :)

  4. Ugh boo, snow. Boo. That's not the right way to kick off spring at all!!

    1. Snow I can handle- bitter cold I cannot. Our spring is often rainy, sometimes cold but this is a bit ridiculous.

  5. While I was away in not so sunny NC, Hubs was cleaning the barn in - digits. Our Ivy loves carrots so much, she doesn't chew properly, up chucks later on the carpet. Quincy used to dig them up fresh from my garden. He did share with the others. Love how Guiness goes to the rug to eat. You could turn that part into a handy dandy command as well!

  6. Do not send that weather our way, I may lose my freakin' mind!! It has been like spring here, highs around 50 (which seems balmy) and partial sun or rain, no snow or ice. I want to believe winter is over! Please! !!!!

    1. I think it's starting to warm up now- keep your fingers crossed.

  7. omagersh weather! That is the pits.
    My pup eats carrots, apples, other horse treats, horse feed, and I have seen her eating a blade of hay next to my mare before...and she responds to clucks and whoa. You know you're a horse person when!

  8. If winter should just end for good, that'd be awesome.

  9. That's what I hate about March, it teases you into thinking its spring and then bam nope winter again. Glad you got some distraction with Guinness around

    1. March is tough. Doesn't it realize that show season is just around the corner?!

  10. That may be the cutest puppy picture yet! Love that puppy. My dog eats carrots too at feeding time in the barn. But she won't eat them in the house. Guess she doesn't want to be left out during snack time.

    1. I think that's it- they see the horses getting them and decide that they want in on the action.

  11. I'm also so over this weather. It's the wild swings that are the worst for me and I get headaches so easily when that happens. I just can't wait for some sun and warm days!

  12. All that snow! We're also having very odd weather. Cold rain and then suddenly we rocket into a heat wave. It's keeping the vets busy with colic. I hope you guys thaw out and stay thawed out.

    1. Thanks- a heat wave wouldn't be good either! I hope your mare stays fine.

  13. March is turbulent at best. Such a tease, bursts of spring thaw weather but still enough taste of winter to threaten one with insanity at times. April is always better!


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