
Saturday, March 25, 2017


On Friday my FB feed popped up with one of those 'memories'. It was the 2 year anniversary of Carmen arriving home to stay.

As you can see there was a LOT more snow (that was one of the worst winters I've ever known) and Carmen looks a little shocked.

However, Friday was much nicer and Cynthia came out so that we could ride. It was chilly but not that bad and the ring was fine. Carmen was a bit tight and reactive so I made myself a sponge. Once she was settled lunging I got on. One thing I had always been taught (or at least the last few decades) was to follow the motion of the horse. I was trying but Carmen was all over the place with her rhythm, head, body, etc. My contact was all over the place. I finally realized that I was looking for her to stabilize so I could follow and all I was doing was making us both unstable and pissing her off.

I took a deep breath and said 'I guess one of us should be stable and I think it's up to me'. I settled myself into the saddle and put my leg on - not squeezing, just there. I shortened the rein a wee bit and settled my hand. For the next several minutes I worked on making sure that my seat was loose and my hands maintained the same amount of contact no matter what. When she sped up I asked her to slow, when she gawked I asked her to come in and voila. I had my horse and we could go to work. I started on the middle circle and gradually made it bigger.

Cynthia called over 'she looks like she saying 'I don't really want to listen but I will". Which pretty much sums up how she felt. As we went along she began to loosen and blow relax. In the end I had a trot that was floating and we were all over the ring.

I was very happy.

This morning dawned sunny and warm (with 'warm' being a relative term - like 3 degrees and no wind). Cynthia and I went to get ready and ride early. Carmen was a completely different horse. In the barn she was mellow and happy. I lunged her and it was immediately apparent that she was relaxed and tuned in. I think you're going to have a good ride Cynthia predicted.

And that's what we had. It wasn't anything exciting (yay for boring rides) but it was exciting for me because:
1. we could ride anywhere in the ring right from the start.
2. her one spook was in place and then she carried on
3. there were no protests/balking/kicking.

She was just a horse being ridden and it was all fine.

don't let the snow fool you- it was lovely out

Happy Gotcha day Carmen. I hope you are as happy with me as I am with you.


  1. All that time and hard work has certainly paid off. Happy gotcha day to both of you.

  2. She has the perfect life, of course she's happy: ) The most doting and compassionate rider a horse could hope for, which she returns in willingness and affection, and trust. I'd love to hear more about your friend Cynthia, and as always, your Irish horse: )

    1. I've been trying to talk Cynthia into doing a guest post but she's shy. :)

  3. Happy gotcha day! She landed in the perfect home 😁

    1. I certainly try. I think she landed where she needed to.

  4. Think of all the phobias she had when she arrived -- you have helped her become a happy horse. You've both learned a lot from each other; including finding joy in your relationship. There's been a whole lotta healing going on...

    1. Thank you- yes she really has learned to let go of her defensiveness

  5. Love those days when you can just ride :)

  6. Woohoo!! That an amazing anniversary ride :) I'm so happy for you and it's so much fun to hear how far she's come.

  7. Wow, time flies by! Seems like just yesterday that I'd read this post. Happy Gotcha day

  8. Aww congrats on two years! Seems like Carmen has been having some major breakthroughs in the past couple months too. How exciting! I love your idea about stabilizing the ride too. My dressage trainer always told me with Isabel to "ride where I wanted her to go, and just let her go there." As in, don't keep changing what I'm doing to meet her, just put myself in the right place and let her follow. And whadya know, it usually worked better haha

  9. This sounds like a great day when it all came together for both of you. Happy gotcha day!

  10. The simple rides are sometimes the most satisfying.

  11. What a long & wonderful way she has come with you!
    I had a friend over to ride today, we were talking about how horses act like mirrors of what we are trying to hide (as she was riding a mare that was on her first ride out this year because it's been too icy until the last week). I love your sponge analogy.


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