
Friday, January 13, 2017

January Thaw

Today was a gift.

After our fabulous and fun ride last saturday we were hit with snowstorm and a large amount of snow. However, the temperatures warmed up starting on Tuesday and it began to rain. Also, because of the warm temperatures there was a fog and that really ate the snow. To be honest I thought that the ring would be too soggy to be of use. This morning, after feeding the horses, I went up to the ring and found that the footing was perfect. There were just a couple puddles but the base was firm.

I sent Cynthia a text saying that the ring was perfect but she answered that she was too busy and couldn't come. We were meeting up later for dinner but I thought that this was a mistake. So I sent one more message:
"I will point out that it's 10 degrees and the sun is shining. 🙂"

"I will just leave that there" I thought to myself but she didn't respond.

The view out my side door- the grass is still green! 
When I went out to get the horses both started running around the field like fools. I waited until they settled and then went and brought Irish in. He was really puffing hard so I took off his blanket to help him cool off. 

I tacked up Carmen and headed up to the ring. 

But wait I hear you say. You haven't ridden in a week, Carmen is a hot and reactive horse, it feels like spring and it's windy out. Is riding really a good idea? How did the ride go?

Well, gentle readers, it went way better than you might suppose. First of all I started off with ground work. Second I was fully prepared to only do ground work if it seemed unsafe. However, she seemed okay and I hopped on. 

Carmen was definitely tense and ready to be a hot mess. It does seem that I continuing to unfazed by this and just kept riding. A few times I felt myself get quite tense in reaction her tenseness but was able to relax almost immediately. Which is way better. As a result the ride went very well. It wasn't long and it wasn't fancy. All I wanted to do was reinforce the basics and keep it simple. I hopped off quite happy with everything and Carmen seemed the same. 

After I put her away I dragged the ring. Just as I was finished I had a text from Cynthia asking if it was too late. Of course not I said. So she and Andrew came down. While Ed and Andrew constructed things in the garage Cynthia and I rode. 

This time I didn't lunge, I just hopped on. It was a lot windier now. Carmen was very confused by all this and began to have a  mini-meltdown. 
Carmen: Have you lost your mind? We've already done this! 
Me: I know but we can do this again. 
Carmen: I don't think so!
Me: I'm pretty sure. 

After a few tantrums and threatening to spin and run away I pushed her up to canter and let her just go forward and get over herself. That helped a lot and I was able to work on leg yields, serpentines and transitions. We rode everywhere and let her come to terms with the fact that we can use all 4 corners of the ring and not die. 

In the end I stood her in the center of the ring and practiced turns on the forehand. These go better on the ground- usually under saddle she over reacts or ignores the leg cues. This time she responded to the lightest of touches and was super responsive. I was thrilled and gave her a ton of praise. 

She was much more relaxed after this ride and her eye was softer.  

how is being ridden twice in a day even allowed? I'm pretty sure
that it violates my contract. But more treats would be nice...
I will have to do more of this when we start back in the spring otherwise I might run into trouble at a show.


  1. Twice in one day! And in the winter too. Carmen sounds like she may benefit from having her expectations shattered... or at least having her routine tweaked every now and then. That was one of the techniques that one of my horse trainers emphasized for me to use with my horses. She'd tell me to figure out what they are anticipating, and do the opposite.

    1. Yes I think that it was good for her. She can get pretty rigid in the routine- too much variation freaks her out so it's finding the right amount of change.

  2. Oh no Carmen, twice in one day?? How awful. Hopefully you got a double treat ration!

    1. Oh yeah. No worries. And she had a great sleep last night too!

  3. Lol, poor abused Carmen. She should've kept up with her Union dues!

    1. Irish tried to tell her but she wouldn't listen....

  4. Aw what a good pony!! Definitely worth it to take advantage of those good weather days!!!

    1. I know! Now it's -11 so no riding for a bit.

  5. That makes sense. She is set in a pattern and you pushed her out of it and prevailed. You probably increased in her esteem of you! She looks quite soft in that last shot! I think the progress you are making now is exponential and will have BIG payoffs spring and summer.

  6. Twice in one day?! Torture :P Sounds like you guys got some great work in :)

  7. Twice in one day -- after dragging the ring, even. Hmm, I think you love, love, love riding that horse.

  8. I'm pretty sure the fine print in her contract says nothing about being ridden twice in one day. Tell her how lucky she is not to be a lesson horse at a riding stable! It's good to keep her guessing and not get into a rut. Great work.

    1. haha- I do threaten her with that on occasion. :)

  9. Carmen, Valeria and Aria want to tell you about the tragedy of working multiple times a day. Aria also has horror stories about lesson horses going out up to 4 times in a day!

    1. Oh my- Carmen may complain to her union steward!

  10. Two good rides in one day! Awesome! I love how relaxed she looks in that photo, and I laughed reading your conversation with her. "I'm pretty sure." Hahaha. I'm glad Cynthia came out after all. Nice days in winter are too good to miss! And congrats on responsive, light turns on the forehand. That's great!

    1. I'm glad that she came out as well. It was fun!

  11. I've never ridden my mare twice in a day at home. I just get to hot and worn out haha! But, at shows, I usually do two classes, so she's had some practice there. It's.... OK. Carmen may surprise you and do quite well with a show where she goes twice. They're usually so different at a show, and the second ride might be much more relaxed. We'll wait to hear from you this spring. Bet it will be great!

  12. Haha that worked perfect you got to ride twice when the weather was so nice!

  13. 2 rides in one day - that's ambitious! I'm glad it went well.

  14. Haha, my horses react the same way re: 2 rides/day!


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