
Sunday, January 15, 2017

2017 Goals- Doing All the Things

Since Friday, winter has returned to it's normal January temperatures and my ring is now frozen. Since it doesn't look to thaw anytime soon I figured it was time to put my goals to paper, well pixels really.

I am feeling pretty ambitious so I have dubbed 2017 the 'Year of Doing All The Things'. I am likely to get all of them done but I like to have ambitions.

what are you thinking, exactly? 
Since I can't ride I want to maintain my fitness level and possibly raise it. I will keep up with my fitness classes, walk/snowshoe regularly and curl (okay I know that curling is not heavy exercise but every little bit helps at my age).

Continue to grow my relationship with Carmen through spending time with her grooming, doing groundwork, etc.

I also want to take Carmen to another barn if I can for a weekend of work. This is dependent on a)someone letting me come and b) weather being cooperative.


Lessons: As soon as weather permits I want to get back into regular schooling and lessons with Shanea. My plan would be for weekly-biweekly lessons working

Showing- I am going to take Carmen to a few shows come hell or high water. I don't care if all I do is trot her down center line, salute and hop off.  There's a series of schooling shows that I want to go to:
Scotia Series Dressage shows:

  • May 13-14
  • July 8 & 9
  • August 5 & 6
  • Oct 28 & 29
I'm hoping to do all of them but if I get 3 out of the 4 I will be happy.  The location, Five Fires also allows you to trailer in for a day and work in the ring for a minimal cost. I am hoping to do that in April to get her used to the facility. 

There are also a few Gold/Bronze Dressage shows that I would like to go to. The first one in June I may not be able to (I might be away) but the one the end of August should be doable. 

There's a fun show in my local community to raise money for breast cancer. I would like to go to that too and have a bit of fun. It's a western show but low key and fun. I think it would be good for her. 
Irish is ready to hand over the baton 

Hacking: I want to make hacking a regular part of our training. Some on my property and some off-site. A stretch goal would be to join up with members of the Atlantic Canada Trail Riding Association for a training ride. 

Johanna is likely coming back this year and I want to at least one with her. There may be others that are of interest. The goal is miles and exposure. 

These two like each other. 

Hobby Horse Farm has a week 'summer camp' every year. It's a beautiful place. If Carmen and I go we may even join the jumping lessons. What could go wrong? 

This is Irish and I way back at summer camp- I finally got him to go through the water
(despite the danger of crocodiles lurking in the reeds)

I think that Shanea mentioned that she might have some summer clinics too so I shall see what those options are. 

I want Carmen and I to take trips to my other horse friends- for a couple hours or couple days I don't care. I think the more miles she has on her the better she will adapt. 

Whatever else happens this year I want to have fun with Carmen. I want her to learn that the world is not a scary thing and that we can have fun together. Last year was a learning year for us and that required us to be closer to home.  I want 2017 to be our debut into the larger horse community. 

As part of that I am thinking I may kidnap my niece for 2 weeks to a month. There is joy in sharing a love of horses so I hope that it will work out. 

All of this is with the caveat of not overwhelming Carmen or bankrupting myself. I may decide to change up some things but putting it down helps me to be more clear and playful. 

2017 Ready or not, here we come! 


  1. I think those sound like great goals -- both attainable but pushing you outside your comfort zone! I hope you girls have a blast getting out there and doing all the things!

    1. I'm sure you will hear about it on my blog!

  2. You've put in some really solid work last year and certainly paid your dues for some fun. I love the plans you have in store!

  3. Wonderful goals! I like the idea of going to show or clinic series, and your area looks beautiful for trail riding!

    1. Thanks. It's not great- not all the trails are good for horses but with a trailer I can go to where they are

  4. Ha I like it!! Doing all the things is my favorite thing ;) Carmen will get so much excellent experience too!!

    1. It would be fun to go out with you and Charlie. He's so laid back he could help her!

  5. Sounds like a fun year! And good for you and Carmen getting out and doing stuff. I like the idea of that series that only has 4 shows that is so perfect

  6. Those are great goals--and the overall goal, just getting out together, will really deepen your bond. You'll be her safety net, and that is priceless.

  7. Good goals! I don't really do "goals", more of "keep moving forward" because things seem to change so drastically for me lol. I hope you get to do all the things on your goal list!

    1. It's the first time I have formerly done this but I want to see how it works out. I am fine with changing if I have to!

  8. I LOVE your goals! They sound a lot like what Katai and I need. Basically lots of experience going to new places and experiencing new things and overall learning that the world is a fun place :)

  9. Great goals for the year! I think taking her out and letting her see the sights will really help her get integrated into the larger horse community. It should be a fun year for both of you.

    1. I think that we're ready to go further this year!

  10. Excellent goals. I want to go to summer camp too!

    1. It can be a lot of fun- depending on who's going. There are acres to hack on and a full cross country course (lizard free if you want to bring Nilla). :)

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you- I really hope that it comes together!

  12. I like your goals. Far more ambitious than mine! Here's to a good year for you and Carmen. :)

    1. Hey- aren't you growing a baby? And have multiple horses? That's enough too!

  13. I hope you have the best year yet!


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