
Monday, January 29, 2024

Shaking Up the Status Quo

 I have been really remiss in blogging this month.  Mostly because it's been a quiet month on the horse front. 

I did get to ride a bit when we had a January thaw. The ring was soft but not too bad. I had decided to ride Carmen first and then lunge Quaid. Well, Mr. Quaid took exception to being left behind. We mostly ignored it but then he backed up to the fence and let fly with both hind legs, getting them tangled in the middle tape. Fortunately, the fence did what it was designed to do: rip out the insulators and loosen so he could get his leg free. I was so pissed at him.  Fortunately, he escaped without a mark, although I hope that he got a real jolt from the electric. 

here he is grazing as though nothing happened.
Remind me of this when I want to get another baby

Carmen was very behaved through all of this. But when it was all quiet and I was thinking that we were done she gave a shy and a bolt at nothing I could see and so we weren't done. 

After this the weather turned freezing again so riding was done. Two days after this event I found Carmen with a fat leg int he morning. 


I have no idea what happened but I suspect that the frozen surface with mud underneath contributed to it. I contacted the vet but we figured out a plan without her having to come out. If her leg didn't go down in a few days then she'd come out: Bute, ice boot, wrapped at night and voltaren (which I didn't know about but worked great). Fortunately, the treatment plan worked and within 72 hours her leg was back to normal. 

Lest you think that the month is all doom and gloom, this guy turned 7 on January first. 

the best sidekick, oops I mean 
'head of security'

January really isn't a month to do much in terms of horses. But it is great for making plans.  February is going to be a busy month for both horses. 

Quaid goes on February 1 for four weeks of training at Mike and Nikki's. They are the ones that do the Obstacle Clinics. I am excited for him to do lots of learning. It is definitely time. This will be the first time I have ever sent a horse for training. I've usually either brought someone here or bumbled along with good intentions and luck. This time I want to start things off well. So while it's weird for me to send a horse away I also know it'll be be good for both of us. Quaid is growing like a weed. He's a solid 15'2 behind now and filling out. Although he continues to look mismatched in every single photo that is not how he looks in person (I swear). 

Me: Quaid pose for your fans
Quaid: Sure! *stands awkwardly*
And this was the best one! 

Which leaves Carmen. And I did a lot of fretting and planning to figure out how to manage her for the month. Then a friend of mine offered for her to go to her place. It will be perfect: she's just 10 minutes away and has an indoor. So Carmen can get some training in too. this will be good because lately she's been quite challenging in her ground manners. I can't figure out why and I've been dealing with them as they arise. My only thoughts are that without me riding and her dominance of Quaid she's getting a bit dominant with me. Which is never gonna fly. 

I think separating the two of them will be good for both of them, even though it will be incredibly weird for me to not have horses at home for the first time in 12 years.  I am hoping to get up to where Quaid is a few times to see how he's doing. Then in March everyone comes home and hopefully things will be thawed enough to seamlessly pick up the work. 

His first running braid. Not bad at all


  1. oh wow -- this is a really exciting development!! getting a change of scenery (esp with an indoor!) with Carmen while Quaid's off learning to be a grown up sounds like honestly a great idea! can't wait to get updates about Quaid's progress too!

    1. It's different than our usual pattern. It's good to shake things up and I think it will be a great thing. I'm excited to see how things go. I

  2. That will be a big change, but what great timing. January and February can be bad months here, too. Perfect for sending him off to training and working with Carmen in an indoor arena. It will be fun to see how Quaid progresses with them.

    1. I'm really looking forward to getting their perspective on him.

  3. Sounds like there's some spring fever going on there!
    February should be a good month for you and your 2 horses- always good to do something new not just for them but for you too. (Bonus, you get to sleep in instead of doing morning chores!)
    Just an FYI I have heard that Voltarin is toxic to dogs.

    1. I knew about the Voltaren. Fortunately Guinness is not a dog that gets into things. I agree it’s good to do new things.

  4. How is it possible that Guinness is seven already?!?!

    Sounds like February is going to be exciting :) Can't wait to read about it.

    1. I hope that February is exciting in a good way. 😁 and I have zero idea on how he’s 7!

  5. Ohhhh big things happening! I can't wait to hear how Quaid's month goes. I'm sure he'll be a star pupil. And how nice to have an indoor to use for a bit with Carmen. I can confirm it is nice to get a little break from horse keeping every now and then. Especially during the cold winter months.

    1. Usually February is boring so this is a nice switch

  6. I feel you down to the pit of my soul! It was sooooo hard to see Thunder go off to training when he'd never even overnighted off the farm before. But it was so worth it!

  7. I like braided manes! My hubby gives me the eye roll and apologizes to the horses when I attempt even a simple braid.

    Sending them off to school is hardest on us humans, but worthwhile. Enjoy your horse care break. They'll be back home before you know it.

    1. I love braiding manes. I find it very zen. I braid them often in the summer because it helps keep them cool.

  8. haha Quaid, I have a phone full of pictures like this. I know it will be hard for you to be letting go of so much with them both gone, but it will be good for the both of them. AND! AN INDOOR ARENA! I am jealous. Between freeze and has been a very light (as in none at all) riding month.


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