
Tuesday, February 21, 2023

About That Light at the End of the Tunnel

In my last post I was talking about how well everything was going. And it is. But yesterday was rough guys. Quaid finally had enough of confinement, reduced movement and separation. And I was the casualty. 

Here's what happened. Yesterday was a rainy, cold day so the two horses were in for most of the day. Late afternoon the rain eased up so I let them out. But the small paddock was a muddy, puddly mess so I put him in the small paddock I created between the two  larger paddocks. At supper time I went to bring him in and he was a bit excited. I had left his halter on so snapped on the lead and began to bring him in. I don't know what set him off (could be him or perhaps something spooked him). Anyway, he went to run by me and I tried to stop him. Then he spun and kicked at me deliberately and got me in the right arm. I was in an enclosed space so couldn't really get away. 

I corrected him but it became pretty clear that my arm was useless so I got him in and shut the door. I then sat down and tried to not vomit. My fingers were tingly and my arm was numb but my elbow was overwhelmingly painful. I texted Ed who came running out the barn. He fed the horses and drove me to the hospital. 

The nurse, after triage, brought me right in and I had my x-ray in about 20 minutes. Then it was waiting for the doctor to look at it while I iced my elbow and felt sorry for myself. After a couple hours (and ice) the tingling/numbness faded and, while I still couldn't straighten it, my elbow felt better. This made me feel that perhaps it wasn't broken. The doctor came in and told me that my x-rays looked good. 

I was so relieved because, honestly, I don't have time for a broken arm. I know that this has been building with him- his confinement and coming three are making him challenge a bit more. I will be working on getting him to turn his ass away from me. Clearly he feels better so I can start to do some work. 

I'm not gonna lie, I was pretty shaken up. This wasn't a glancing blow but deliberate. Which I hadn't seen from him before. But he's young and we've been letting some things slide because I didn't want him to exacerbate his injury. I will fix this and it will be fine. I just need to keep that in mind. 

But enough universe. Enough. 


  1. Oof. I'm so glad your arm wasn't broken. Deliberate or not, getting kicked is scary. Deliberate seems even more so. I hope it is a one time incident and Quaid learns that feet do not belong near a human no matter what. I hope your arm feels better soon!

    1. Thanks! He will definitely learn about his hind legs.

  2. ugh omg, wtf..... glad you're ok, but damn -- the universe is really laying it on a bit thick :(

    sending healing thoughts. and, if i could, a stiff drink and some drugs for that wild unrepentant bebe horse.... #betterlivingthrutrazodone

    1. I might adopt your raging alcoholic lifestyle. 😁 and yes, today, the boy was medicated

  3. ouch, that would have been incredibly painful. I hope you're feeling better soon.

    1. It was really painful. Which was why I was sure it was broken. I think it caught the nerve and the ice brought down the swelling and let it work again.

  4. Ouch!!

    I've had some close calls with Annie before, too, and truth be told, I've armed myself with a lunge whip on certain occasions to get my point across a bit more firmly.
    Heal fast!

    1. yup, that's exactly what i did today. He does not get to be close if he can't be polite.

  5. I'm really sorry this happened to you but glad you are ok. Sounds like you have a good plan. Take care!

  6. Ouch that looks so painful! I'm so glad it wasn't broken.
    The weather sure wasn't helping. Mud is just as treacherous as ice!
    It's the ones we think are never going to hurt us that do.

    1. I am so over the mud. It is very treacherous. I don't think Irish would have dealt with it well at all (I know he wouldn't have). And that is exactly what my old vet used to say.

  7. Ugh I'm so sorry to hear this, but glad nothing was broken! It's so hard when you're trying to do what's best for them and they don't understand and get fractious, sigh.

    1. It is hard. But I was so relieved it wasn't more serious.

  8. Ugh !! I’m so sorry this happened. Young ones are unpredictable, especially at this time of year. You’re in a bad situation with his confinement, then turnout, and separation. It makes it worse.

    1. Yup, all of those things contributed to this. It's life with horses.

  9. 🙋🏻‍♀️ Ive had some close calls when my horse was way too spicy, and they were deliberate. Just know that it doesn’t necessarily mean anything tragic but a reminder to establish/enforce boundaries and to always pay attention. Easier said than done, I know. Heal fast!

    1. Yes, totally agree. He was testing a boundary. I don't think he's evil or even recognized the damage he could have done.

  10. Oh man! I'm so sorry, that looks very painful. I'm glad it's not broken.
    Rest is so tough on the young ones especially. Quaid made a mistake, but you will get it straightened out. Feel better soon!

    1. It is definitely painful but better every day. We will move past this.

  11. I am glad it is not broken! Now y'all can recover together.

  12. Oh I'm so glad it's not broken, what an injustice that would've been on top of everything else. I'm sorry it happened but it honestly makes me feel better to know I'm not the only one dealing with crap like that. I was leading both of mine in together from the pasture a couple days ago and got after Disco for nipping Connor, which he responded to by swinging his butt toward me and kicking. He missed, and he got the fear of Jesus put into him, but it was still so deliberate, I was annoyed. Babies!


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