
Monday, October 10, 2022

An Easy Season

 How is almost mid October already? The horses are definitely enjoying the cooler weather. I haven't been riding as much as I'd like but it's been worse. 

I love this old maple and in autumn 
she never disappoints

Hurricane Fiona hit our province (and the rest of the maritimes pretty hard). We were fortunate and she missed our area, but other places were damaged quite extensively. Some of my rides have been pretty hairy and others really good. Which is pretty typical for her in the fall. I think it's a combination of the increased sugar in the grass and she always has a nasty heat in October as well. 

I realised how far I'd come when the other day the neighbour gunned his engine repeatedly, followed by squealing tires and raced down the road. We were just coming by the part of the ring closest to the road and she was already tense so this put her over the edge. She spun and took off I couldn't stop her. I sighed, muttered about the driver and turned her onto a circle. We cantered until she didn't want to anymore and then we cantered a little more. I wasn't even upset. There was a time her bolting resulted in my brain freezing. Funnily enough, once we get through the crap she lets out a big breath and then is soft and amazing. 
These two are getting along well.

Quaid is growing like a weed. I've been doing some more ground work with him and he's doing well. I find he asks me more questions then he used to but I'm actually happy about that. It means that he's trying to figure it out. He's also hungry all the time and chewing on everything in sight. 

The most handsome of baby geniuses

Guinness: license and registration please

On the weekend Julia and her sister came to visit for a couple days. It was fun- I rode Carmen, Dominique rode Irish and I had Julia work with Quaid in the ring. It was a lot of fun and all three horses did really well. I would have expected that Quaid would be distracted but he was good. Irish loved it and you see having us all together put a real spring in his step. 

I love having a busy ring

On the second day we all went into the woods. Carmen led and when a grouse flew up just stopped and looked before carrying on. It was fun. 

we have a new addition! 
Everyone meet Raven

I'm going to enjoy the good weather as long as it lasts. Because we all know that winter will be here soon. 


  1. All sounds good! Love the new grey kitty, my daughter owns her twin!

    1. It’s not a great photo- he’s all black.

  2. omg Raven <3 so glad to hear the fall has been treating you mostly well, despite the hurricane! and that must be such a good feeling having all three horses out and enjoying their utility!

  3. Winter is coming! Enjoy! Enjoy! 😁

  4. Your journey with Carmen and her sudden "change of speed and direction" has surely come a long way!
    The kitten is quite regal looking!
    I'm relieved that Fiona didn't do much in your area, was thinking about you when I heard it was hitting the Maritimes.

  5. Ugh, neighbors can be the WORST. I get where Carmen is coming from there... Glad you were able to work right through it.
    Sounds like other than the hurricane, things are lovely up there! So fun to have friends out for horsey time! And Raven is adorable!

    1. yeah, I thought of you. :) I just want to buy up all the land around me to get a bigger buffer. Not that I will ever be able to do that.

  6. That baby horse of yours is so dashing...


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