
Saturday, July 30, 2022

Vacation Phase 1


I have been away for the past week, which is why things have been pretty silent.  I have worked in health care for a long time. Because it's Canada, I don't make a ton of money but I do get a ton of vacation. This year, for the first time ever, I decided to take 3 weeks off in a row this summer. 

Our first week Ed, Amanda and I got in the car and drove to Ontario to visit my son and my sister's family. My son moved last year (he's in the military) and I hadn't seen his house. I haven't seen my sister and her family since 2019. 

There was a heat wave right as we were leaving and I decided it was a perfect time to introduce Quaid to the hose. I had sprinkled his feet a week or so ago but that was all. As I turned it on his feet he moved a bit but settled. I slowly moved it up his body. His reaction? He walked a slow circle around me and then stuck his face in the stream. 

Quaid: this feels kinda nice

Right after he found the dirtiest spot in the paddock and rolled until he was coated in mud. He looked quite pleased with himself. 

We spent a few days at the beginning and end  in Kingston at my son's. His house is really nice and we spent a couple days relaxing and playing games. Ripley (my son's dog who's lived with us when he's away) was very happy to see us and she and I went on many walks. I enjoyed the walks, except for our last day there. I was walking through a path when all hell broke loose in the yard beside a house. A very large, very angry dog was doing her best to get through the fence. I am not afraid of dogs and am used to dogs barking when we walk but this was different. This dog was only interested in ripping Ripley to shreds while her owner was calling her back. She looked like a pitbull/cane corso mix (possibly a Press Canario) and was easily over 100 pounds. She jumped and almost cleared the fence. I screamed and she fell back. 

Get your dog please I called. 

Ma'am she's fine, she's behind the fence. 

I watched the dog and the fence move when she went against it. 

she almost jumped out. 

Ma'am she's fine, he actually sounded annoyed at me. I walked off saying 'she is definitely NOT FINE'. 

I was totally shaken. She even gave me nightmares that night thinking of what could have happened. But other than that the vacation was just what we needed. Visiting family, eating and drinking too much and laughing a ton. 

Ripley is the black dog, the golden is my sister's puppy

It was quite the crowd and my sisters but we all managed quite well. I love my nieces and nephews and it was great to catch up. 

Amanda having a serious conversation with  Juno
(probably about snacks)

I made it to a tack shop a couple times and made some purchases. I was also able to watch my niece have a lesson. It's been a long time since I've watched a jumping lesson- it was fun. 

All in all it was a great week and just what I needed to unwind. We arrived home today and it was great to see all the animals.  Guinness was first and then I headed out to the paddock to greet the horses.  Clearly, there has been a thaw in the herd dynamics. Irish and Quaid were grooming each other. 
Carmen was the first to greet me, then Irish, then Quaid. 

After doing some chores, I got out Quaid's present- a fly mask. I walked up to him in the paddock and gently rubbed him with it. Then I slowly but deliberately put it on his head. He didn't even blink. Although he was intrigued by the strings on his nose. He looked adorable. 

Quaid: this is new

Irish: don't worry little one, you just look like us now

As much as I enjoyed our trip I was quite happy to be back on my little farm. 
scratching each other

I dragged the ring in preparation to ride tomorrow. Phase 2 of vacation is a staycation and I intend to spend it riding, training Quaid and enjoying life. 

all nice and fluffy


  1. Sounds like a wonderful trip! Esp the week of staycation afterward, enjoy it!!!

    1. I love staycations in the summer. It’s so beautiful here

  2. I'm glad you found the tack shops in Kingston! I was in there a few years ago and didn't realize that a couple of stores I purchase online from were in the area and was quite disappointed after the fact. (Not that I needed to buy anything.)
    I hope the weather cooperates for you and you get lots of riding and I'm assuming TRT work for Quaid in over the next couple of weeks!

    1. Lots of TRT work. I was surprised that there were 3 tack shops!

  3. I'm so jealous of your vacation/staycation and I can't wait to read more about your work with Carmen and Quaid! ♥️

    1. Thank you. I’m hoping to have a lot of fun

  4. I love the color of the new fly mask! Welcome home, and glad you made it safely, considering the dog incident. A staycation is my favorite vacation nowadays. Enjoy!

    1. I love this style of mask. The strings help with flies and don’t get all stiff and crusty like others with nose protection.

  5. Sounds lovely-other than the dog incident! Enjoy the rest of your time off!

    1. Thanks. The dog incident was scary! I warned my son about it.

  6. What a great idea to take three weeks in a row! A week with the family sounds so lovely! (Mean neighbor dogs aside of course.)
    But the tack store teaser.... what did you get besides the fly mask?!

    1. I really didn’t get much. Just the fly mask, some spray that was on sale and a t-shirt. I couldn’t find the size and style I wanted at our local feed store.


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