
Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Settling In

 It has been a hot minute since Quaid arrived but it feels like he's been here much longer. 

Irish and Carmen checking out the interloper

I bought a horse based on photos and videos which is definitely a risk but I am quite happy with my choice.  

I am finding him to be friendly, smart and calm. Not that he isn't sensitive- he really is but his reaction is not to run away right away. I'm trying to take things slow and easy and give him time to settle in. I am still working out the new routine with the three horses. Quaid has the stall and opening to the little paddock because he's not on full pasture yet. Which means I have to lead Irish and Carmen out to the back field. 

I noticed that Carmen appears to be a bit resentful of the time I'm giving Quaid so I'm making sure to give her some extra attention.  

That face!

When I first brought Quaid home I honestly thought that he was an ugly bay colour. But then I realised that he was simply very dirty. Every time he shook a little cloud of dust came off of him. Turns out that he loves being groomed. It has turned out to be a lovely way to bond. I've probably groomed him about a dozen times since Friday. 

Looking much better

I've been gradually increasing his time out on the grass. At first by hand but once we hit 45 minutes I opened up the front field for him to go out and graze. I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't the slow, happy amble:

Yesterday I turned Irish out with him. It was a bit exciting at first for everyone. 

Carmen was pitching a fit and Irish was upset at being separated. Quaid was, frankly, the most sensible of the bunch. He kept a respectful distance from Irish.  Today everyone was much calmer. Quaid didn't pick up his head when Irish joined him. 

I will turn out the three of them together soon but I want another person with me in case there's too much excitement. 

looking much shinier

He's eating the food I'm giving him along with the vitamin. I also like his manners. I spent a little time on Saturday putting his halter on and off to show him what I want. Once he was good I stopped. Since then he's been great. This weekend I'll start really working on leading. We've done a bit but not too far. He has learned to walk by the scary tarp I have hanging up to protect the hay from the sun. I love that he seems to be looking for answers. 

I have noticed that, while he was at first indifferent, now he's pretty locked on to me. It's amazing what a little attention and food will do. 

working on being best friends


  1. how beautiful! he will be shiny as a penny on all that grass and with all that grooming. enjoy the bonding time! 😍

    1. That is my plan. I do love how you can get a bay to shine with a little elbow grease.

  2. Sounds like he's making himself right at home! He seems very sensible, but more importantly, he's SO CUTE!

  3. Holy cow. I think you hit the lottery, sight unseen. What I’m reading from those videos is extreme intelligence. A horse who runs is a horse who will get chased. His happy amble shows a level of control not usually seen in a horse so young, in a new place. I’m impressed, and very eager to see more. He just might be one of the “noble ones.” I suppose some people call them golden. I call them noble.

    1. Thank you for that! I love the term 'noble'.

  4. Congrats on the new pony and gotta love a horse who won't run away and instead, explore around new things!

  5. I love his fluffy forelock <3 seems like so far he’s doing really well and figuring life out !


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