
Tuesday, March 15, 2022

What You Need

 Sorry about the radio silence for the past few weeks. I confess to being completely unmotivated with the weather and winter dreariness. I have been reading blogs but I just couldn't bring myself to write a 'I'm not riding because of weather but that's okay' post.  

I have been squeezing a ride here and there but I was getting frustrated because there could be no consistency. I would ride, be excited and then the weather would escalate (yet again) and I'd be shut back down again. I'm not good with being in a holding pattern. Let's face it, no one is going to be at my funeral extolling my excessive patience. 

Impatient chicken is tired of this crap

When I do ride I've been finding that I'm doing pretty good at staying in the moment and not letting my brain ping around like a bingo game ball. I'm also trying to not working Carmen hard. It seems unfair if I can't be consistent. And I'm trying to get her to enjoy what we're doing, not dread it. The footing has been really soft- which is pretty typical with the frost coming out of the ground. 

Just recently the weather has been showing signs of improving. And with the clocks going forward the sun is setting much later.  Which meant that I can ride after work and not feel rushed. 

Yesterday, Julia joined me and we had a good ride. I'm finding that at the start of my rides Carmen will give a couple tests (tension, consider spooking etc) but I'm able to stay consistent on the outside rein and keep my legs on to get her up to the bit. Once we have that in the past we can carry on with the work. I felt in the zone and it was enjoyable. 

I may be baking too many loaves of bread. 
If that is even a thing

Today I felt tired after a full day of work but the sun was shining and I really wanted to ride. So I got Carmen ready and we headed to the ring. It was clear that Carmen was in a very mellow place and not at all keen to go forward. I'm hoping this year to be able to connect the concept of forward and relaxed for us.  

In addition to being slow she was also heavily on the forehand. To the point of tripping herself. One option would be to pick up a crop and get after her a little. However, I had actually forgotten my crop and I wasn't in the mood for an argument. So instead I settled on quietly working her through it, encouraging and rewarding her for the forward. I did get some okay trot work (look away Jane, pay no attention to this admission). I decided to come back to walk and just focus on flexibility and suppleness. So I collected and let out the walk. We played with shoulder in, turn on the haunches, travers, renvers, shoulder out. 

At the end she was a telescoping nicely and felt open and relaxed. And so was I. It turns out that I didn't need a workout, I just needed to have a quiet, 'yoga-like' session. 

I'm really hoping that this weather continues to be warmer so I can work more consistently. 

I need more of this view


  1. When I'm mired deep in winter sadness it can be hard to see everyone else still riding 😭😭 so I can empathize. I'm glad the time change is making it easier for you to ride after work and that you had a good ride and were able to end in a good place ♥️

    1. Winter is tough. covid and then the invasion of the Ukraine made is worse. I'm hoping that I'll start to get my groove back.

  2. That bread looks amazing... I know I should comment on the horse stuff, but I'm too busy looking at BREAD. And it's bread I can't eat. LOL

  3. sounds lovely <3 i find my motivation really slips away if *every* ride has to be big and important and perfect and and etc etc.... sometimes it's nice to just play around and experiment! esp when the weather is so unreliable, bleh. spring is arriving here tho, hopefully it's not far behind for you!

    1. I agree that playing is good. I'm just more used to having to get Carmen to slow down that getting her to speed up is hard.

  4. I’m glad your weather is getting better and you can benefit from the extra daylight hours. That’s a big psychological kick forward. Taking it slow is really wise. The relationship will get off to a solid restart as you both get back in the groove.

    1. Thank you! I agree that a slow restart is way better.

  5. Winter is so tough. Sounds like you are right back in your groove though and SPRING is just ahead!

  6. Winter is the worst. Especially as you get closer to spring and it teases with nice days, only to return to snow and ice. Torture. I hope things warm up soon and you can get back to more consistent training. In the meantime, enjoy those relaxed, yoga days. They're just as important as the hard work days.

    1. The cold days become harder and harder to endure this time of year.

  7. This has been such a hard winter to find motivation to ride. The weather is finally changing for the better and sun always helps the urge to get off the couch and do something! Also, I hear you about trying to get forward and relaxed - it seems like these PRE's can only do one or the other but not both at the same time! I share your struggle!

    1. I'm glad I am not alone in my struggle, lol. I'm sure we can get there.

  8. <3 I am just glad all is well. I am also just so happy that we finally have the daylight hours. Cheers to yoga rides.

  9. I am so happy about the daylight hours. Luckily in Texas we can easily ride year round but riding in the cold, dark night is no fun for anyone

    1. It’s hard to be motivated when it’s both dark and cold!


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