
Monday, November 29, 2021

Sunshine and Ponies

 There was a break in the weather last weekend and we actually saw the sun, omg. 

OMG, is that the SUN??!

It was very exciting. I'm just not used to day after day of gray skies and rain and it was beginning take a toll on my mental health. 

I had some work I wanted to do to the ring. Nothing major, just regular maintenance. It felt good to be outside working. I also took Carmen up to the ring to let her move around and to connect with each other. It was a windy day and she was clearly feeling it. But I could tell that she was enjoying moving out.  I took off her halter and did some liberty work with her. She left me a couple times but came right back. It felt more like she was playing than running away. When I offered the halter at the gate so we could go back to the barn she didn't want to so we went and played some more.  After I gave her a really deep groom which she quite enjoyed. 

She's beautiful and she knows it

The next day also dawned clear and cold. But there was rain the forecast for later so I brought Carmen in as soon as the ring had a chance to thaw. This time I tacked her up. I was very careful with her ear and even took off the browband. She didn't react to having the bridle go over her ear at all. 

It seems that the browband was what 
was keeping her ears forward. She 
wouldn't even do it for a cookie

I wasn't sure if I was going to ride, it was all dependent on how the ground work went. She was much calmer than the day before and she felt good so I hopped on to do a 30 minute ride. It had been a few weeks since I rode so things felt a bit rusty. I had tacked her up in the spanish saddle in case she did anything silly. 

As a ride it was nothing to be excited about but I was excited to have ridden. The work I had done before her little break was all still there. Although I had to remind her a few times that we half-halt. A few times she threatened to blow but I just half-halted and carried on and she gave that idea up. 

It felt good to sit in the saddle. This time of year is hard on me anyway and with her surgery part of me was playing out every worse case scenario. To have this go smoothly and that I could ride about 9 days post surgery felt like a win. 

my happy place

Now it's raining again and I am so over it. It's the time of year where riding becomes hit and miss but that's okay. We shall see. I did send a message to Jane to see if we can get the weather and stars to align for another lesson.....

totally looks like Carmen, right? 


  1. Seems like your ride went well. I'm glad her ear is not bothering her. Hope you get some sun soon, rainy days are depressing. We had some snow already so that was annoying. Silly Sunshine totally looks like Carmen if you would only get her the princess crown she so deserves!

    1. lol she does have a very sparkly browband that I call her tiara.

  2. I know the feeling and I'm sure I'll be mired in grey sadness here soon 😭 but I'm so glad her ear is healing up so well and that you were able to fit in a ride!!

    1. It just gets so depressing. I sooo want an indoor but I doubt it will happen unless we win the lottery.

  3. omgosh her ears haha <3 so glad you were able to get on for a ride!

    1. Right? As soon as I pull out my phone her ears go back. it's hilarious.

  4. So glad you got to ride her <3

    1. me too. I hate stopping until it gets too cold

  5. Ugh, the nonstop cloudiness is so depressing. It's been overcast here for days now with snow flurries even. Thankfully no sticking!
    I'm glad you got a chance to ride, and that Carmen is recovering so well!

    1. It can get so dreary. I'm happy to see the sun a bit today

  6. I am glad you had a break in the weather and had some quality time with C <3. Winter is hard enough with the cold and wind, throw in the wet and it can be miserable for us horse people.

    1. You said it. I prefer snow to the cold winter rain

    2. Even I will agree with you there. It is gross when it melts...that is all it does here, but it is better than the wet cold that goes to the bones. It is hard on people and all the animals. Which I guess we already established.

  7. So nice to see her all healed up and doing well. I know what you mean about this time of year. It’s hard, and the cold rain is worse than the snow. I love riding in snow, but wind and rain, not so much. It’s good you’re taking advantage of the sunshine.

    1. Winter wind and rain is horrible. I prefer to hide inside..

  8. Yay for a ride! I totally understand how hard it is to get motivated when the weather is so yucky.

    1. It is really hard. That's when I need company

  9. Those angry ears, LOL. Mares gonna mare! So glad that the surgery doesn't seem to be bothering her and that you got to squeeze in a bit of saddle time!


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