
Friday, April 30, 2021

Calm Amidst the Chaos

And the 'worst blogger' award goes to......

Argh, sorry. Just insert the usual excuses of being busy, and tired and just...ugh.. dealing with covid (not having it, but working in health care trying to keep things going. 

Since coming back from our weekend away I've been having some really excellent rides and lessons. I'm finding that channeling the bubble is getting much easier. I'm also getting great use of my new saddle. If she feels 'up' or I'm unsure I use that one and it's really increased my confidence. This saddle is so comfortable and I love where it puts my leg. I've never been a person who's had multiple saddles or bridles to use so it feels like I'm living life large. 

The last two lessons have been really good. They have been focused and then done. Which is what Carmen prefers. She's not a horse to enjoy a lot of repetition. I'm enjoying the way we're zeroing in on getting her to sit back on her haunches and even collect at the various gaits. We start with just going forward and soft. 

I've been using the bubble and it's definitely a game changer. If I forget to do it and Carmen begins to get reactive I work on building it around me. 

Since then Carmen's reactions have really settled. Probably because I'm not entering into the spiral of doom.  One of my struggles I have is that in lessons I try too hard. Which creates tension and pressure. My other horses have tolerated that in me, but not Miss Carmen. She has zero interest in going along with that shit. Shanea is noticing too and is commenting on improvements in my hands and seat. 

It's not that things are perfect, but that the blips are less and last for a shorter time. I took some screen shots from a video:
Not sure what was bugging her here but definitely 
there were opinions. 

Four strides later

So we are working along. My life is pretty much work and riding. We're dealing with a surge in COVID and things are a bit tense. One of the variants has shown up (maybe more than one) and people were careless with not self-isolating and having parties. It's so annoying. We even had a 'Freedom Rally' in our small town. Honestly, if you are pissed at having to wear a mask you are not a freedom fighter you are a whiner and should sit the fuck down. Because of people like you more people are in hospital (some will die), churches are shut, non-essential business have been forced to close (and may not be able to survive) and people are unable to see their families. 

Sorry, not sorry for the rant. When I am done work, chores and riding I have little energy left over. What energy I have I save for riding. Now that weather is better we're dong more hacking and Carmen is even starting to lead. 

nice bend but what the heck is my right hand doing? 

I'm keeping things short and sweet. I'm operating on the theory that 20 minutes of good riding happening often is better than longer rides that are less frequent. We'll see if I'm right. I think all those years of lessons have indoctrinated me into the 'hour' idea. But that's pretty arbitrary. 

In my last lesson (and likely my last one for a bit with the shutdown) Carmen and I were working on collecting and letting out the canter. She gave me a really really good try on her right (her bad way) I was just planning to tell Shanea that we should stop when she said 'I think we should stop right there'.  So we did. 

trying so hard

I celebrating by doing a first wash of her tail. It's hard to tell when it's really clean because she has a mix of colours but it feels better now and less grotty. 

It's a lot of work but very pretty


  1. You and Carmen are doing really well. I'm glad you're getting time in the new saddle too. I agree that 20 minutes of good riding is better than pushing it past the point of learning and fun. It's always best to end on a good note. Her tail is gorgeous. When I had my grey his tail looked like that color sometimes. We used some shampoo (which I forget the name of but I think it had "blue" in the name), anyway it worked really well to bring the grey out. Have a good weekend.

    p.s. I agree about the whiners, shut the fuck up, wear a mask and protect the rest of us from your bullshit! The end!

    1. I have a purple shampoo that works well. The problem is that some of her hairs are actually brown.

  2. Time with our horses is the best way to re center ourselves and relieve stress. Sorry you are dealing with so much illness at work.

    1. I would be in a much worse state without having my horses to take care of. So far my staff have been safe but making sure that all the precautions are being followed to keep our staff, clients and families safe.

  3. You both are looking so good! For what it's worth, my GP trainer said (and I agree) that Connor does best with half hour-ish rides. Sometimes they'd be as short as 20 minutes if like she was introducing a new concept and he got it quickly, and then she'd hack him out as a reward and to cool him out. My own Dressage schooling rides are typically 25-35 minutes. So don't feel like you're short changing her with the short rides!

    1. I think it's good too but then I get those voices that tell me I'm being lazy. :) sigh. I'll get there.

  4. sometimes i wonder where all the freedom fighters are in the face of such social atrocities as shop signs like, "no shirt, no shoes, no service." really, wHeRe Is ThE oUtRaGe ShEePlE!!1!

    ahem, cough cough, sorry about that lol.... for real tho, stay safe amid the outbreak -- and glad to hear you're enjoying so much good riding time! Carmen really does look wonderful, even with that "opinions" face haha

    1. There is zero logic in their stance. I’m pretty sure that Carmen will always have opinions. Thanks for compliment. We keep working away.

  5. Glad you’ve hit your stride with the bubble technique. It makes sense that she would be less reactive. It sounds like it’s just an overall more enjoyable experience for both of you.

    1. It is much more enjoyable. I think it works for me because it gives me something to do rather than ‘not do’. Like ‘put up my bubble’ rather than ‘don’t get upset’.

  6. Sorry to hear there is an outbreak in your area - stay safe!

    Carmen looks great, and so do you! I'm so glad you guys are getting some good weather and are able to hack out more as well. That "4 strides later" photo is GORGEOUS.

    1. I was quite thrilled with how quickly she came back. To be honest, I didn’t even remember that she was pissy.

  7. You both look so good! Sorry about the outbreak... :(

  8. I don't think my coach has ever had us ride for a solid hour - my brain is dribbling out of my ears around the 15-minute mark! Even on my higher-level rides, we seldom go for longer than half an hour. On youngsters, I've even had lessons as short as ten minutes. I much prefer this to going around and around for an hour!


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