
Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Spring Break

 This year I found myself with a surplus of vacation as we neared our fiscal year end. I was in a 'use it or lose it' situation so I booked off the last week of March. 

I hit the jackpot with the weather. We had a snowstorm on friday and then the sun came out  and the temperatures started to rise. The past few days have been gloriously sunny and warm. It feels wonderful. And I'm not alone in thinking so. The horses have been basking in the sun. 

I rarely see Carmen laying down outside. 
Right before I took this she was flat out

I've been outside doing some chores and walking Guinness. Which he's enjoying. 

Why are we resting? We should be walking

And of course I'm riding. It feels good to start regular schooling. I've been trying to see where we are and to start to rebuild our fitness.  For one of my rides the chickens joined on one side of the ring with Guinness keeping a close watch on the other. I had to giggle and couldn't resist singing "dogs to the left of me, chickens to the right; here I am stuck in the middle with you" 
Carmen:  must you? 
Me: Aw, c'mon. It's funny. 
Carmen: *sigh*

I'm sure that Carmen is finding it very warm and it's making her a bit sluggish.Which is okay - it lets me play with getting the energy while keeping the tension out. It's interesting to play with this while making sure that I'm not blocking her with my body. Today felt like a bit of breakthrough- I asked for a lengthen and she opened up and flew down the side of the ring. It felt so cool.  

would rather be napping

Irish is loving this sun. Yesterday at supper Carmen trotted right in to eat. I looked and Irish was standing there, clearly not ready to come in. I walked up to him and stroked his face. 
Me: Hey, I know you're enjoying the sun. Come on in and eat and I promise it will be warm tomorrow too. 
Irish gave a sigh and walked into his stall. 

Tomorrow I've signed up for a lesson. I've tried three times in March and none have worked out (mostly due to weather). It will be nice to get some feedback on and some work.  As you can see Carmen has enjoyed grinding mud into her coat. I am trying to ignore it until it's warm enough for a bath. 

Carmen: I may be muddy but I am still glamourous 


  1. She looks like a female Fabio!

    1. She really does. the breeze was wafting her mane perfectly and she had on her adorable 'give me cookies' face. :)

  2. oh my goodness, look at that elegant wind-swept mare! lol it's SUCH a good feeling when the temperatures start rising and the sun warms everything up... good luck with the lesson!!

    1. The warmer temps make me practically giddy. It just feels so good to not have multiple layers on when outside!

  3. I'm glad the weather has been cooperative for your spring break! 😁 And yay for a lesson!

    1. I'm excited for the lesson. Both are us are not in great shape yet but this should be a good start!

  4. Isn't it amazing when energy can finally be channeled and they just open up into a whole new gear?

    Good luck with the lesson!

    1. It feels so good. I had a fleeting thought of shutting it down because of past experiences (bolting) but didn't. So 'yay me' :D

  5. Ah, spring! Great that you had a nice week with your critters (love your little song too!)

    We've had nice warm weather this week - so nice! And how did I not notice how gorgeous Guinness is??? Wowzers. :-) My husband would love a dog like that.

    1. He's a great dog. Sweet, lovable and very serious about being head of security on the farm. :)

  6. Now you've done it, I'll be singing that song all day!
    It won't be long now until the grass is growing! One of the advantages of having a black horse is the mud doesn't show as much. Hope you enjoy your vacation time!

    1. With my lyrics or the original? 😁😁 at least with dark horses, once you knock the mud off they look clean.

  7. Glad you were able to take some much deserved time off!

  8. So glad the weather cooperated for your vacation time!

  9. Looks like everyone is enjoying the sun and warmth. Our herd has been loving the mud and taking advantage of rolling in it. So there's lots of grooming going on. Hope you have a good lesson. Guinness is gorgeous.

    1. When spring comes we all go a little crazy for the sun.

  10. Sounds like a wonderful vacation! Love the last photo of Carmen! It moves.

  11. That mane though!! I love it! Do you keep it braided for length? I will try any trick in the book to get my Arabian's white tresses to Rapunzel-worthy lengths, lol!

    1. I braid it during the summer because it allows for airflow. Otherwise I leave it alone.


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