
Saturday, November 7, 2020


 Like most humans these days I've been finding myself running on an increasingly low fuel tank. I value and love my job but lately it's been draining me quite a bit. I ended the week feeling quite stressed and drained. I must have sensed that I needed to refuel because last week I arranged to spend a day away with some of my dearest horse friends- Karen and Stacie. 

And it was just what the doctor ordered. I spent friday morning getting ready but refusing to rush. We arrived at the barn by mid afternoon. Carmen walked off the trailer and looked around "oh, I'm here again'. 

Approximately 3 minutes after getting off the trailer

I may or may not have plotted to kidnap this cat

This was not a clinic weekend. (Technically it wasn't even a weekend- my plan was to just stay over one night. ) It was just some *cough* mature *cough* women getting together to just have fun and enjoy our ponies. 

Friday evening Karen and I rode together. Carmen was experiencing many many many feelings. Often all at once. But where before that would make her unrideable, now it just makes her require more finesse and clarity. It wasn't necessarily a great ride but it was a good one and she was really trying. At the end Karen and I switched horses which was fun. I love riding Kalimo. This let me feel the turn on the haunches- something that Carmen and I are struggling with. Carmen decided to throw some things at karen and so had a longer workout than Kalimo. 

Kalimo: that mare doesn't know who she's dealing with

That night Jim cooked a feast for Karen and I. It was delicious. I might have been responsible for drinking 2/3 of a bottle of wine. You would be surprised to know that I slept really well that night. Saturday morning I didn't have to go to the barn because the women working there took care of Carmen. It felt very luxurious to sit there and eat french toast while Carmen was being taken care of. 

The weather the last few days has been stellar. Saturday was warm and sunny so I rode Carmen outside while Karen helped me from the ground. Carmen had fewer emotions and the ride was less energetic and more focussed. 

Carmen: I think we should be napping 
not working in this sunshine

Carmen went back out to enjoy some grass and Stacie rode her lovely black mare. Then Karen rode Kalimo while I helped from the ground. I took Kalimo back to his field and Carmen was nickering non-stop and he was looking intrigued. I guess that explains all the emotions. 
This is the look of a mare who doesn't 
really know what she wants but she's
pretty sure that Kalimo is the answer

After we all sat in the tack room and chatted about horses. Then we went for lunch at the most adorable general store/restaurant in nearby Maitland. It was delicious.

from their FB page

After lunch Carmen and I headed home. I am sitting here typing and feeling restored and refreshed. Sometimes you just need to unplug from the universe and play with ponies. No matter how old you are. 


  1. ❤️ This is the look of a mare who doesn't
    really know what she wants but she's
    pretty sure that Kalimo is the answer ❤️

    Yes! Handsome spanish steeds are always the answer! 😁
    a crazy thought ... but ... ever thought to breed her?

    1. Ahhh I go back and forth on breeding her. Part of me really wants to and the other part of me thinks it would be easier to just buy a 2 year old.....

    2. I totally understand. Ive done both (bred my mare twice ... and then bought a 2 year old). While I loved the process of raising a foal, there is much less risk and uncertainty when buying a 2 year old and the training results are similar.

  2. Man you're making me want an adult horse women weekend, how refreshing!

  3. oh man, what a lovely sounding weekend!! also 100% would support any tabby-related kitty-napping <3 <3 <3

    1. LOL, Ed said he was surprised that I didn't bring him home.

  4. sounds like a lovely way to de-stress!! Totally support wanting to kidnap felines! ;-)

    I am really missing our girls trip to Congress this year. That is usually my break to not have to do chores, consume adult beverages, shop, laugh, etc. *sigh* Stupid covid.

    1. Yes, I keep wanting to go to the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto and it never works out.

  5. Sounds like a lovely time! And uh... Carmen has a boyfriend (said in a sing-song voice obviously)!


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