
Saturday, November 28, 2020

Cue Rocky Music

 Here we are at the end of November and the weather, with the exception of a couple cold days, has been warm for this time of year. Honestly, I've gone through less hay in November than I did in August when the grass was dead from drought.

 It has been wet though. 

Not that I'm complaining, my ring is in fantastic shape and I am able to ride. I've been trying as much as possible to ride early in the morning because it's basically dark by 5 now. As always, the rides range from awesome to WTF horse? with most being in the middle. 

No shows but Guinness helps me to feel judged. 

I can usually get to a good place in the ride and I'm definitely better at dealing with her spooks and preventing any bolts. I think my brain switching to let's go forward has been helpful. It also helps that I'm very rarely intimidated by any antics.  Carmen is a funny mare- when I'm getting her ready and starting out she's cranky as hell. At the end of the ride she's happy and affectionate. It reminds of me of a kid not wanting to go to school but then having a great day. 

yes, I bought a new saddle pad. In my defense
I didn't have an all navy pad. 

With the second wave crashing on us (we're up to over a hundred cases, gah!) things are shutting down again. I have been getting tighter and tighter so decided to try some yoga videos. I've been actually really enjoying them (Yoga by Adrienne if you are interested) and am already seeing some results. I've done yoga off and on but not for years. every time I come back to it I realize how much I like it. My plan is to stick with it since it's in my living room there really is no excuse. 

Guinness likes to join in

Whenever I can I start the ride (and often end) with a short hack around our property. This requires Julia to be with me but Carmen leads the majority of the time. As you may recall I've been leading Carmen tacked up after a ride to get her used to going out alone. Yesterday was a beautiful warm day and of course I planned to ride. Carmen had also enjoyed her warm morning by trying to get mud into every possible place on her body. 
The very rare pinto Andalusian
Seriously, never buy a gray horse

After a good groom we had a lovely ride in the ring. She was tuned in and listening and things were going great. I could have carried on schooling but after about 30 minutes I hopped off and decided to head into the woods. I sent Ed a text that I was taking Carmen into the woods and might ride her (subtext- come find me if she returns alone). 

We walked in and she was happy to mosey along with me. So I lined her up at a spot where I could get on (she was standing in the stream and I stood on the bank) and swung into the saddle. I did my best to ride the same as when Julia was with me. I was doing pretty good although when I checked my watch my heart rate was 102 which is a bit high for just walking. Carmen was really good- she knows the trail and so was fine going around. 

I had to stop and take a photo

We went around the loop twice and then rode to the edge of the woods where I hopped off and I walked her home. It seemed like a good way for us to build confidence. I'm glad I dismounted because she was a bit tight walking back to the ring. Irish hadn't seen us go (he was napping at the time) but clearly was pissed off to wake up and see we had snuck off. He was definitely wearing his WTF face when we got back. 

This was a big step for us and I swear I could hear Rocky music playing as we were riding. My biggest issue with riding her out alone was that if she freaked out I could be hurt on a tree (they are close) or she could be hurt on the rocky parts if she ran through. Having tools and a plan have really helped me. And her. 

Have you had any major or minor wins lately? 


  1. Yay, you got to ride her in the woods alone!!! 😁

  2. Congrats on the solo hack!!

    And I heartily agree about grey horses. No mud here, but still needing fly spray (in almost December - wtf 2020?!) Never mix natural fly spray with the chemical kind - makes your grey horse look like he rolled in all the pee spots. :(

  3. It's great that you and Carmen have been able to keep riding into November. We've had mostly warmer weather too. I'm sure she likes getting out to the trails. I wouldn't be too nervous with her as she seems to like going and seems calm. I also know about cleaning grey horses it seems that they really have a talent for getting the dirtiest and grinding the mud into places you didn't know they had! Love Guinness doing 'downward dog' in your yoga class.

  4. Sounds like you are definitely having some wins. Daily yoga has been life changing for me...

  5. SO exciting! A major milestone and one you can work on from here!!! I bet all the work you did in leading trails with Irish helped build her confidence so that her first solo ride was same-old. Yeah! “cue rocky music”

    1. I’m pretty sure that’s how it worked. At least that was my plan.

  6. I love your posts. I feel the same way during so many of my rides. Nice to have someone else sharing the journey and celebrating the small wins!!

    1. One thing I got from blogging was realizing that I was not alone in things!

  7. love this! so awesome that Carmen's learning to love the woods too!

  8. I love that last picture of Carmen and every picture of Guinness makes me happy.

    1. Thank you! Maybe your pups would enjoy yoga too.

  9. Yay for a solo hack! We've been having nicer than usual (but suuuppper wet) weather too, so while I haven't been riding, I've had a few extra days to get some stuff done in the barn/outside.

    I keep meaning to try those same yoga videos - that is my plan for December!

    And love that navy saddle pad!

    1. The warmer weather is good for getting things done outside too.

  10. Yay for the solo trail ride! I'm with you, I prefer a buddy just in case. New saddle pad is really pretty!


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