
Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Unplugging and Recharging

I just finished a glorious two week vacation. We had planned a big vacation in September but that ended up having to be cancelled. That left me we some time I wanted to use up so I decided to take vacation over the summer.  Before I started I was definitely feeling the stress of work so  I used it as a time to unplug and unwind. 

I basically got up every  morning, went outside, and didn't come back in until supper time. My plan was to take each day as it came. I even went out to the pasture and sat to see how the horses would react.  
what are you doing down there? do you have carrots? 

It started off great with the obstacle clinic. Not only was Carmen an angel but I had so much fun hanging out with Karen and Paula. There was much laughter. As a bonus, a young girl was offering to clean out our stalls at the end of the clinic for a small fee. We all jumped on that one! 

fun was had by all and it got me off to a good start for riding at home

I rode almost every day and squeezed in a couple lessons. 

I got some projects done, like painting poles that had almost all the paint worn off. 

Ed: why are the tips of Guinness' ears red
Me: ummmm

When I wasn't riding or puttering I sat on the deck and read. I think I read 3 books while I was off. It was glorious. 

The little women are providing lots of entertainment. They 
come running every time they see me FOOD!!!!

Ed and I took a day and drove over to the valley to tour around and have lunch in a lovely little restaurant. It was a fun day. 

The last two weeks were exactly what I needed. I returned to work Tuesday (Monday was a holiday) feeling rested and recharged.  And the best part? After this week I am also off next week. But don't tell Carmen! 

Carmen: Vacations are hard work. Somebody save me


  1. What a lovely staycation! Particularly with a successful clinic and some great lessons under your belt :)

  2. Sounds lovely! That first picture of Carmen...

    1. she secretly loves me. Just don't tell her that I know!

  3. When I was young and stupid I never understood when the older ladies would take vacation and stay home puttering around with home projects. Now that I am an older lady I 100% get it.

    1. LOL wait until you are my age! A whole day of no bra woohoo!

  4. What a lovely vacation. I didn't know you had chickens.

    1. the chickens are a recent addition to the homestead. they amuse me greatly.

  5. sounds glorious, i'm honestly prettttty jealous lol!!! i just took a couple days for staycation PTO too, but it felt kinda squandered.... womp. one day we got hit by a tropical storm all day, and another was supposed to be volunteering to set up for a big upcoming show. except the person running the volunteers wasn't capable of delegating lol so i spent an entire day standing in the sun watching her work...

    1. ah I remember so frustrating times of someone not letting people do things. I just leave now.

  6. So glad you were able to recharge <3 Sounds like a wonderful stay-cation

    1. I really enjoyed it. I figured I could be sad that I couldn't travel or I could make the best use of my time.

  7. Sounds so wonderful! Glad you were able to really enjoy it and get lots of relaxing and horse time in.

  8. Oh wow. That sounds amazing. Two whole weeks of doing what you want!

  9. I love a vacation where there is nothing planned but pony time. My vacation always seems to end too soon though!

    1. Yes, I know what you mean. I find that 2 weeks is needed to feel really rested.

  10. You just might get used to vacation life and never return to work! Glad you didn’t let a moment go to waste.


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