
Monday, April 6, 2020

Steady On

It's been a while since I posted, which is not normal for me in the spring. Usually I'm getting back to riding and excited to figure things out.

This spring it's different.

Events I had signed up for are all ready being cancelled. I have only left the farm twice in the last two weeks. I am appreciating the irony of having gas prices at a point where towing is not a huge hit to the wallet and there's no where to go.
Ripley is happy to keep me company at home

The thing I'm missing most are the lessons. I am working away trying to not let drift happen but it's not the same. I've been thinking of trying some sort of virtual lesson but I need to have some wireless ear buds. Does anyone have a recommendation for ones that have a good range and I don't have to sell a kidney to buy? Keep in mind that I often lose one of a's kind of my superpower (that and tangling things).

Life is definitely slower- except for work. That's been a bit hectic. I think people hear 'working from home' and picture us eating snacks and watching netflix. Let me tell you-  that is definitely not the case!

thanks Larry for this

But honestly, right now my problems are very 'first world'. I have a job, I am safe, my family is safe and our province is doing a pretty good job of keeping us safe and informed.

The weather is nice often enough that I can ride. That I need a saddle adjustment is not a pressing need. I am just aware and am careful. It's not causing Carmen distress but every spring I find that I need to get more flocking in the front.  I tell myself that making sure I am sitting back in the saddle is good for my core. 

Carmen is doing well. There are days where she's a bit more spooky but her spooks would have barely registered in the old days. Usually it's a quick correction and move on. I try to not get emotional about it and mostly I succeed. 

Yesterday I was asking her to stand so I could put my crop in the holder and she was very restless. I could have left it but thought that working on her standing was a good thing to start with. She was not so happy with me and was pawing. Mostly I ignore the pawing. This time she lifted her leg right up and it ended up hooking over the tape I use for the second 'rail' of my fence. Of course when she pulled back it was stuck and she leaned back heavily. There was little I could do and the tape broke like it was supposed to.
Carmen:  Oh my god, it's got me
Me: just wait--- *tape snaps*
Carmen: that was close. Told you it was dangerous. 
Me: you know you brought that on yourself, right? 
Carmen:  you tried to make me stand there, I'm blaming you. 
Me: ......

I dismounted, tied the tape back up and took her over to the mounting block. This time she stood while I put the whip away. In the past I would have expected this to colour the whole ride but it didn't. Not that our ride was perfect. But it was pretty good.

I joined a FB group that is all about poles. It's awesome- there are lots of exercises. It gives me ideas.

This is a fun one
The key is to deal in the moment and let it go. If I let myself get flustered we spiral into debates. the other key is to keep her in balance. When she worries she gets disconnected and off-balance. I focus not on the thing she's spooking at but getting her back in balance.  If you are in the field next door you will hear something along the lines of: if you bend you will feel better. No really, you're all off-kilter, Yes! That's it. Doesn't that feel good? I know, right? Fortunately, all that is next door is wildlife.

Not having events to go to does take some pressure off- we have time so, rather than focus on what I can't do, I'm going to keep doing what I can. It feels that she's understanding the turn on the haunches. I find her responding really well to my seat aids- it's becoming so easy to do SI/HI.

and the grass is turning green! 


  1. Try looking into the Bluetooth headphones for MP3 players, the ones marketed for, like, joggers and stuff; most of them also have a mic and call functionality, and at least the last time I looked, you could find some pretty inexpensive ones that were adequate for less than $50. Ditto with Bluetooth earbuds - if you can find them, given that everyone's in "surprise, remote employee!" mode.

  2. Have you checked out InterDressage? I used to participate with Lucy and its perfect for isolation feedback and competition. I enjoyed it and am thinking about doing it again with Luek.

    1. That's a good idea. I still need to figure out the video.

  3. I miss lessons too. I'm riding more than ever with some extra time on my hands and gorgeous weather, but it isn't the same. hang in there. Hopefully the fall season will be on and think about how much better everyone will be for the time to work on everything this spring

    1. I am definitely trying that! My issue is that once September hits, things tend to shut down in the equestrian world here. Maybe that will change now...

  4. Ohhh, what's the FB group for poles? Love to join!

  5. i like that cavaletti exercise! also i feel ya on knowing, on the one hand, that my problems are all squarely in the "first world" category.... but on the other hand they still kinda bum me out, but now i just feel guilty for having such superficial problems and then i feel even more bummed lol. it's a nasty cycle. glad you're still getting to ride tho!!

    1. Feeling bummed because you can't visit your horses does not make you a shallow person. You love Charlie and being separated is hard. It doesn't diminish the more dire things others are experiencing. It's not like there's a limited amount of feeling bad available out there. :)

  6. I hear you, work has been a lot here too. We're starting to run low on product though, so hopefully we can stretch it out somehow and keep our jobs.
    Glad you're still able to keep plugging away with Carmen! It is disappointing to have no place to go, but just think how much more prepared you will be when the time comes!

    1. That is the way I am focusing my energy. I hope you can continue to work for a while.

  7. I think riding with no pressure to get things done for shows is a good thing. It will give you and Carmen a chance to relax and work on things at your leisure.

    Stay safe and healthy.

  8. It's good you have space and a place to ride while sheltering at home.


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