
Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Then and Now

Carmen is still off in her right fore. I can feel heat in the bulb of her heel (inside bulb) so I suspect that an abscess is making it's way out. Today I put a poultice on it to see if I can draw it out faster.

As I doctored Carmen this morning I realized how far she's come in her trust in me (and her ground manners). She let me frig with her foot and accepted the poultice boot. She was curious but not freaking out. Old Carmen would have been very tense about the whole thing and probably would have flung the boot across the barn.

Carmen: umm, what is this thing on my foot? 
Me: it's a poultice boot and an epsom poultice
Carmen: *waves foot vaguely in air* it feels weird
Me: it should help with your sore foot. 
Carmen: *sniffs it* okay, if you say so. 

Since watching a Warwick Schiller video on being 'present'. I've been trying to to that. In the morning as I pick out her stall, rather then plan my day I chat with her about the weather and my plans. I know she doesn't understand me but it seems that she gets that I'm talking with her and not just ignoring her. I can't explain it but she seems to respond.

It's also the time of year of Facebook flashbacks. One popped up of us from a few years ago and I see how far we've both come in our training.

April 2015

Nov 2016
flash forward
November 2017

And then to this year. Things are feeling much better. Not that there's not tension or shenanigans.

November 2018

Sept/Oct 2019

November 2019
We're getting there.


  1. What a beautiful trip down memory lane with those photos! Though the best part of all of it is your reflection on how much trust you have between you now. Isn't it crazy how the simplest things being trustingly-received by our horse partners can be so satisfying? I love how she's so much more trusting of what you do/ask these days. <3

    1. They go hand in hand. A big part of unlocking her talent is gaining her trust. Tonight as I applied the poultice she kept blowing in my hair.

  2. That Warwick Schiller video. Wow. I follow him on FB but just subscribed to his YouTube channel. Will make some enlightening winter viewing I think.

  3. Those most recent pictures are breathtaking. You truly have come a long, long way.

    1. Thank you! It's helpful to look back on where we were.

  4. So beautiful! Love the power in the later photos!

  5. Wow that last picture! She has such great uphill balance! She's so beautiful <3

    1. She can be quite uphill- if I stay out of the way!!

  6. oh man, she looks like an entirely different horse <3 <3 <3

    1. She definitely is mentally/emotionally! I also think that I'm a different horse person/rider.

  7. One of my barn friends (an older woman) always used to remind me to talk to my horse - it always worked pretty well with Ramone, I miss her since my move and now try to remind myself to talk to Dante.

    You two are most definitely getting there! Great progress

    1. Thank you! I find talking to her helps me to stay present and breathe. both of which are good things.

  8. I hope that abscess works it way out quickly for you - Maizey had a rather nasty one a few weeks ago and it was just miserable for her.

    You and Carmen have come such a long way - sometimes it helps to look back on old photos to really see the startling difference.

    1. She seems to be feeling better. Fingers crossed that she's back to her old(new) self soon. Poor Maizey. I think having photos to look back on are so very helpful. It's easy to get discouraged and not see the progress.

  9. She's such a pretty girl! And you two have come really far together both in and out of the tack. Hope the foot is on the mend soon!

  10. Hope her abscess heals quickly. It says it all in the flashback pictures. You and Carmen have come a long way in your partnership and you both keep getting better and better.

    1. I love having these pictures and the blog to look back at where we were.

  11. I love the progress pictures! She isn't greying as fast as most greys I've known!

    1. I wish that her tail, mane and legs would stay black but they won't.


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