
Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Small Joys

Late fall to winter is a hard time for me. I have lost a lot of people and animals that I loved this time of year and it can start to feel a bit heavy. I have learned to let myself feel what I need to and to not push myself too hard. I have learned to try to find the little things that ease the soul.
baking cookies is relaxing

I know that I can't lock myself away and hide. I try to find a balance without pushing myself.

I made plans with friends to go to a sign painting class. I assumed that I would suck
how I see myself

But the instructor made it easy and it turned out pretty nice.

it looks great on the barn

Saturday, rather than stay home and brood, I made plans to meet up with friends at Bits N Bridles tack shop. It helped that they were having a sale. I bought myself this shirt and so far I love it.

But even better than the purchase is the time I spent chatting and catching up with everyone.

Riding has definitely been on the back burner. However, I'm making sure to spend time with them and not have it be just about the chores. After watching the Warwick Schiller video I was struck by how he discussed changing his attitude by changing behaviour. So I've been making sure that each day I speak to the horses. It's nonsensical stuff. Usually about the weather and my plans. What I say is unimportant. But while I talk I work on projecting my love for them. I know it sounds all like 'woo woo' but honestly, it seems to be working for all of us. I find them less about 'feed me now' in the morning and more interactive with me.
enjoying watching them eat while they enjoy the eating

Saturday was a massive rain storm followed by two days of non-stop wind. The horses were less than impressed and wanted to hide in the barn.

how Irish and Carmen visualize my job

Sunday wasn't raining though so I tacked her up. I was pretty sure that I wasn't going to ride but figured that lunging in tack was good for us. Carmen was wired. The wind was fierce and it made sense that she would be up. The purpose of the session was to help her to relax. Every time I found my thoughts straying to the negative I would turn them around. When I would start thinking 'why can't you just'  I would stop myself and say 'what do you need right now'.  She was really really trying to be good but at times would be overwhelmed. I just kept working and she began to relax more and more.  I played a bit with her lining herself up at the mounting block. I've been working on increasing the distance for her to travel. 

She's understands this question really well and likes having the answer. I was pretty sure I could get on her then but I decided to end our session there. Carmen had tried really hard and I wanted to reward that, not add more.

Finally the winds died down this week. Julia wanted to ride late afternoon Wednesday and I hurried home from work to meet with her. The ground in the ring was a bit hard and we planned to have a walk session. Carmen was much more relaxed on our way up to the ring. We started by heading into the woods and walking the trails for a bit. I love that as a warm up because it really allows them to get moving without us fussing with them. I try to not pick at her in my warm up but I suspect that I do anyway. In the woods I can drop the rein and let her be.

Back in the ring we walked in 2/3 of the ring (there were ice patches in the other part). I worked on her being soft and supple and me keeping my seat soft and following.

And she was fantastic. When she seemed to be worried about any part of the ring I would project my feeling of how wonderful she was and, hand to god, she would relax and carry on. I lightened my rein and she began to really reach for the bit. We worked on SI and HI and some half-pass, all at the walk.  I even worked on the turn on the haunches and she really stayed loose and turned without hollowing and coming above the bit.

floppy ears (ignore the dirt stain on her neck)
It felt good to be in the saddle.

Life is full of ups and downs. It can seem that age is about losing people, animals and things you love. And maybe it is. I do enjoy the 'big' exciting things but it is the small joys that create a feeling of contentment.


  1. This time of year is very hard. The change in the seasons, the demands on your time and the memories of love ones lost all adds up. It’s smart of you to take the time to do what you need and not push yourself but not hide away either.

  2. oh WOW that's really impressive with the mounting block!!! i want to train spicy to do that. And your sign is gorgeous!

    1. Teaching her to do that was so very very easy. And thank you about the sign. I really like it.

    2. ugh will you come teach spicy? or tell me how to do it :P

  3. It is a hard time of year - hang in there. Two more days and the light starts to come back!

    My trainer used to stress that horses don't understand words - just intentions and images. She recommended visualizing what you do want, rather than what you don't. Very challenging for verbal oriented humans. :D

    1. Hanging in! :D And I agree about the visualizations. My thoughts tend to be visual rather than verbal so even when I speak I see things (if that makes sense). But you are right , the mental pictures really help.

  4. It's a tough time of year. Even those you don't lose around this time, it's still painfully obvious that they aren't around for these special moments. I personally do my best to remember the good times fondly rather than dwell on them. Celebrate lives and all that. We all cope differently though, and you have to do what works for you!
    The sign is beautiful! I'm impressed! Also impressed with Carmen lining up to the block. What a good girl she is!

    1. I do my best to remember the good times as well. Sometimes it's okay to allow the mourning too.

  5. Remember that song...""if we make it through December...". I've been using one of those therapy lights to mimic sunlight and it does help. Maybe add that to a shopping trip.

    I talk to my critters all the time. The words don't matter, but they understand the meaning behind them better than we do:)

    1. I will have to look up that song! Sunshine definitely helps and it has been lacking!

  6. I'm glad you are taking things easy and being kind to yourself, it can be hard. *hugs*

  7. i'm so with you on cherishing the small joys this time of year <3 <3 sending you warm holiday wishes! also, those cookies are amazing ;)


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