
Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Countdown is on!

in one week Carmen and I will be participating in the Canter for the Cure show.  I love that I can combine the sport I love with raising money for a cause near and dear to my heart. The show is shaping up to be a blast.
Carmen: I thought I was done with this showing thing

People are riding freestyles and there is even going to be a costume class. Karen and I will be riding our Pas de Deux in Flamenco dresses.

I’m pretty sure that Carmen will be okay with it.

It has more ruffles then my wedding dress 

We’re also making our 2nd Level debut.  Not that we have any business doing that but I decided to go for it. She is fully capable of all the movements.

It’s not too late to donate and be entered in my giveaway. Just click on the link to the right and it will take you to the post.

If you can, come and watch. I promise that  I will be posting a video of our ride post show.  Kalimo and Karen will be awesome. Carmen and I will be awesome or awesomely dramatic. At the very least It should be entertaining.


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