
Monday, September 23, 2019

Dancing with the Stars

So this weekend Carmen and I did our dance number with our partners Karen and Kalimo. Right before I had these fears that I was going to be in a viral video featuring me in a fluffy dress going ass over teakettle in the show. Spoiler alert: that didn't happen.....

Carmen: Oh for heaven's sake, could you make it more boring? Move over, I'll write this one.
Me: wait, what?
Carmen: *waggles hoof* go along now, those stalls are not going to clean themselves. 
Me: um, but I----*Mare glare* sigh* okay

Sorry about that gentle readers. But honestly, since I was the 'star' of the show, it seems appropriate that I type it.

me early in the morning 

To be honest, I thought my show season was done. But nooo, my servant signed us for another show but she promised that this one would be fun and, more importantly, just one day. Karen and Kalimo arrived at our place on friday for this thing called a 'dress rehearsal'. They rode and then put us in the barn. I knew something was up when they left our saddles on. I heard a lot of rustling and giggling in the tack room but it didn't sound like a carrot bag. Then they came out looking like a ruffle factory exploded.

 Kalimo looked worried but I just rolled my eyes. Seriously, some days I'm sure she thinks she's 12. When we walked out of the barn Irish's head shot up and he dropped the hay he was eating to stare at us open mouthed. 
Irish: Oh my god. WHAT IS GOING ON?
Carmen: Oh, you know, she's lost her mind again. 

Apparently the dress rehearsal was a huge success. Of course it was. 

see what I mean? So.many.ruffles 

We arrived at the show grounds on Saturday. I remembered this place- it has so many places for trolls to lurk. Karen and Teresa rode in the ring and ran through the dance a couple times. I was not in the mood to play because 
A. I had to show her all the danger spots, and she paid to no attention. 
I know everyone things he's so handsome and sweet but  I am not interested. At least not right now. 

Our big number was near the end of the day, which is fitting. There were a few riders (young and old) in costumes. I have to say that this was the loudest show I'd ever attended. There was so much cheering, laughing, whistling and hooting in my life. 

In our warm up I was, frankly, an angel. Don't tell my servant but I enjoyed the rustling of the fabric and the roses in my mane. So much prettier than the black and white of dressage. I like dressage but don't you think it's time to glam it up a bit? 
more interesting this way, don't you think?

We went in and after a few technical difficulties the music started. I knew that I was on display and drank up the attention. I even forgot to be afraid at the spooky corners. But not to get after Kalimo for continuing to steal my air. 
Teresa: this photo makes me giggle so hard.
(PC Hazel Caldwell)

I am sorry to say that my servant did not share my thoughts about how this was serious business.  Would you believe that she giggled through the whole thing????? It was so embarrassing. Although I will admit that she rides better when she's happy. But still, giggling is so unsophisticated. 

At the end I didn't want to stop. Couldn't Kalimo tell that the exit was right there? But no, he had to stop and look noble. I did enjoy the cheering though. Clearly they recognized greatness when they saw it.  

My servant was so happy. I guess it's not a bad idea to let her fun every once in a while. 

tone it down there missy

I might admit to enjoying myself. Maybe

I know that you are dying to see the video so here it is:

Teresa: also, the show was a huge fundraiser. Everyone's efforts raised $12,223 for Breast Cancer. Not bad for one little show! 


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! I had a blast. (just in case you couldn't tell)

  2. Well done! Was that you giggling as you passed the camera near the beginning?
    That's a big chunk of change to be raised at a horse show.

    1. Yes, it likely was me giggling. People really went all out to get sponsors. It was awesome.

  3. You four did fantastic!!! This is the best thing I've watched at a horse show.

  4. Looks like you had so much fun! And thanks for Carmen's blog! She's VERY honest.

    1. Carmen is very honest. All the time. In fact, she could lie a little every now and then. We had a total blast.

  5. That's awesome! You clearly put a lot of work into this, well done!

    1. We could have used more time but we made the most of what we had.

  6. I love everything about this post!! So happy all went well, fun was had and money was raised!

    1. It was fun and beneficial- a great combination.

  7. omg this is INCREDIBLE!!! you guys look amazing, that dress, those ruffles, that MARE GLARE OMG!!! what a fun day :D

    1. Haha that mare glare kills me. That dress had more ruffles then my wedding dress! I am not a fluffy dress kind of girl. It was the most fun at a show I’ve had. I think it would be a great costume for your hunter pace fun show ....

  8. Wow! I'm really impressed with the video, you four did a great job and had fun doing it. I think ruffles should be the new dress code at all shows and definitely red roses in manes!

    1. Thank you! And I would like a little more flare at dressage shows.

  9. Fabulous! You have made some great progress with Carmen and it is wonderful that you take the time to have fun!

  10. Oh I love this so much! Such fun! And that face on C!!!

  11. I love this so much! Well done, Carmen and Teresa!! And well done to Karen and Kalimo. I died laughing at all the little quips Carmen wrote in there

  12. Super job! And I love that you were smiling and laughing throughout.

    Just an observation, and maybe this is deliberate, but it looks like your right stirrup is longer then the left?

    1. Thanks! I see it too. I will have to double check next time I ride!

  13. This is awesome! And Carmen was so wonderful! (I love that she "wrote" this post too!

  14. You two look fantastic together :)


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