
Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Free Time

As of the end of the work day today, I am on vacation. As is typical with me I have packed it full of horse plans.
Carmen is not sure what she thinks of 'vacation'

This weekend, Carmen and I are headed to CNHP for our second show of the season. We were there last year and I was really pleased with how it went. This time I have booked a hotel instead of camping. Last year I got almost no sleep and I really don't function well without sleep.
not this time

My goals for the show are as follows:

  • Keep Carmen straight and on the aids
  • don't wait three strides to respond to her tension
  • keep my seat engaged not tense
  • have fun
the wild roses are taking over the hill by my ring.
The smell is heavenly. 

We also have a clinic the next weekend with Karen on Centered Riding Principles. It should be a lot of fun and full of learning. I am excited. 

In between I shall hang out at home and get some chores done. Including walking the dog and doing all sorts of things that are not work. This includes working on a special project that I am not yet ready to divulge. 
this is my Pussy Willow enjoying the great outdoors

these two <3
I do love summer in Nova Scotia. It is so beautiful here this time of year. I am going to enjoy every minute of my vacation.


  1. Make sure you schedule some rest and recharge time in there! Have a good vacation,

    1. I’m hoping to have some lovely naps on my deck. 😁😴

  2. i gotta say, that sounds like the PERFECT vacation :D enjoy it and take lots of pictures!!! ooh and good luck at the show!

    1. Thanks! I’m really looking forward to it.

  3. I'm so happy for you that you're enjoying the flowers and animals and weather altogether. I know the weather there can be as miserable as Germany. But the seafood is 100% better so eat some of that for me: )

    I'm sleeping on the living room floor tonight because it's the room with the AC. I've been unable to sleep, rolling around in a puddle of my sweat. Not tonight! 41C.

    I went to our favorite Turkish deli to get dinner and the owner said he's goin to Greece next week. I laughed, "Oh, you're going to Greece to cool down on your vacation!" *lol* yes. Greece is cooler than Germany lately.

    In Seattle no matter how hot it got, you could always drive to snow. We have that 5K meter mountain that always has snow. But here I think we'd have to drive 40 hours to find snow.

    Another reason I cannot sleep - my brain cannot comprehend how my animals can survive out there. I lay in bed thinking how they're literally dying from the heat. I was amazed this morning to see them all alive. Cat, donkey, horse. SO MUCH water is being drunk I don't even bother to put my hose away.

    Enjoy your flowers and pets and hotel!

    1. It’s mid-high 20s which is perfect. 41 is horrible.

  4. Sounds like a ton of fun planned! Enjoy!

  5. Vacations from work are always a nice time to kick back and relax. Have fun with whatever you decide to do.

  6. Good luck this weekend at the show, and I hope the whole sleep thing goes better this time around!
    Hope you have a wonderful vacation - it looks like you guys have finally gotten a break in the weather and some "real" summer weather!! Enjoy!

  7. Sounds like a well-deserved time of rest!


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