
Thursday, May 16, 2019


Spring continues to be elusive. It's a real downer.  I swear if we have one more cold rainy day I am going to look into moving to sunnier climes.

Surprisingly, the grass is growing anyway. Which is good because Irish is real wing nut when it comes to grass.  I have started to transition them on to the back pasture. In the front paddock that I let them winter in, the grass is also coming in but much less.  This helps, so that they are not starting with nothing.

My approach is to let them over to the back field before supper and continue to back it up. Starting this certainly lets me know how aware they horses are of where I am, despite seeming to be oblivious.

cold but still able to eat grass

I come out of the house and walk behind the barn. The horses are in the field with their backs to me. When I come out the other side of the barn they are standing at the gate. Oh Hai.  It's amazing how they can be like silent and speedy ninjas.

Irish always drop weight this time of year, because he refuses to eat any hay. Preferring to seek out any stray blades of grass.

The other day I took Carmen out for a ride. Irish decided that I was taking them for grass. When that didn't happen he pitched a complete and total tantrum: kicking, squealing, bucking etc.

Carmen: is he okay?
Me: yes. Sort of. He's just being a jerk because he wants grass. 
Carmen (hopeful voice):  does that work? 
Me: No
Carmen: *sigh* I figured as much. *shrugs* seems like a lot of work anyway. 

By this weekend they will be over there for the day and things will calm down.

On a happy note, Carmen continues to be a star. Today there was an ATV zooming up and down the road, backfiring occasionally. She was a little worried at first but then forgot about it and settled into work.

after the ride, so very mellow
This weekend we're heading off to a Trail Clinic. It should be a ton of fun. If you are in the Hantsport area stop on in at Murphy's Stable. We'll be there.


  1. Old horses are my favorite. They seem so mellow and easy until something doesn’t go their way and then they become crotchety and expressive.

  2. I love how you write your conversations with them. Carmen looks so beautiful and sleepy in that last photo.

  3. It’s raining here, too. Have fun at the trail clinic!

  4. Lol @ Sara's comment - I was going to say he sounds a lot like many of the elderly clients at my work :D
    The trail course clinic sounds so fun!

  5. I love her happy expression. She's so pretty. My horse Baasha kept a dark mane his entire life - so nice to never have to wash it.

    1. Thanks. It is already graying so I don’t think it will. I wish it would. I also love her black legs

  6. lol gotta love those sneaky clever horses tho!!!

  7. We've finally got a sunny day! Hope you get some in a row too. Have fun at the clinic. Irish is a riot throwing a tantrum. What a character. Carmen is gorgeous as usual and such a good girl.

    1. Irish is all character. I just love him to bits, even when he's being exasperating.

  8. It's been raining here too, almost every day since I got my weeds cleared. If Irish liked tall mustard weeds, he'd be so happy over here.

    1. lol. can you make mustard from the plants?

  9. Looking forward to the post about the trail clinic!

  10. Ugh, back firing anything gives me the angst! Fortunately, so far my little yellow pony don't care as we encountered a backfiring motorcycle this weekend.
    I can't wait to read about the trail clinic! Your photos look like you had a lot of fun!


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