
Sunday, March 17, 2019

Would You Melt Already

Just checking in to say that nothing is happening.

dreaming of spring
 The snow is finally going but it's painfully slow.
Me and my shadow

We finally had some temps going in the right direction. Heavy rain friday night into saturday took away a lot of the snow. 

My ring remains too frozen to do anything with. 

from earlier this week

after a day of rain and then sunshine
Seriously, how is the heat of my gaze not actually melting it? 

Realistically, it should all be gone this week. 

But it's taking too long. 

The horses get excited when I come out to the field. I am their entertainment system.

Irish: I have the bowl, quick grab the shovel.
Carmen: wait, I have an itch....

In the meantime I make plans. I realized that I have signed us up for three clinics in May.


Carmen: 'umm, you did what?
I have been buying some things to work on our relaxation. 

pride flag and hand clapper

Fun fact: Amazon is now sending me targeted ads based on pride parades....

Now if the weather would just cooperate.

It really needs to be not so cold at night for the ground to truly thaw.

Or if I could just win the lottery and build an indoor.....

might help if I actually bought a ticket


  1. i shouldn't laugh, but LOL @ "the heat of my gaze" !!

    seriously tho, it looks soooooo close to being allllmost all the way melted. here's hoping the forecast continues to cooperate!!

    1. I really hope it does. I have to go away next week for a conference and then a family visit. Part of me really wanted to be started before then.

  2. I have that same lottery ticket conundrum:)

  3. I say the same thing about the lottery. It really isn't useful unless you do buy a ticket. Maybe someone will win and donate all the money to me? XD

    1. Yeah, I'm not holding out for that either. :)

  4. At least when there is fluffy snow you can do something in it. When it does this freeze/thaw cycle and is mostly ice it's hard to do anything without slipping and sliding everywhere. And next it's mud season - gray horse owner's favourite time of year!

    1. Yeah, mud is not fun either. Although right now it seems like a good thing!

  5. LOL, the "heat of my gaze" comment is my life also...15 degrees celsius today and STILL the arena I use looks similar to yours, like is it in its own special climate zone or what? Fingers crossed you see some better footing out there soon!

    1. That is weird! I wonder if the frost is still in the ground?

  6. Carmen, "There's no waving grass, it's so nice, wait ...PATCH OF SUNLIGHT!" (Sorry, but that patch of sunlight scares me - is it a hole into the firey molten center of the earth?!?!)

  7. I tried asking for an indoor for my birthday. It didn’t work.

  8. I was tricked this weekend into thinking spring had arrived. Most of the snow is gone down here, and it was almost 50 degrees F Saturday! Alas, it was 23 this morning. Booo.

    1. It's like the universe is messing with us!

  9. We still had snow on Thursday. Then we had a warm temp that melted it so lunging was possible on Saturday. Then it froze again overnight. So we're all getting there but slowly.

  10. Happy first day of spring! Hopefully your snow melts quicker now lol

  11. Same situation here. I’m working with Tweed on a dry path on our gravel driveway. Pathetic! 😞 My arena is snowed in. On the bright side, slow melt means less flooding, and here I’m thinking about Nebraska. 😒😒😒 And counting my blessings. We will both be back in the saddle soon ‘enuf!

    1. Yes, my heart breaks for Nebraska. It's terrible.


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