
Saturday, March 2, 2019

The Right Tools for the Job

As expected, the outside stall doors were frozen in ice Tuesday morning. We were able to get Carmen's free. (and by 'we', I mean Ed).

This allowed us to lead Irish outside through Carmen's stall. Which was fine. When I brought Irish in she would follow and then get super excited when I took him into his stall. She would run back out again, just in case he was going out.

 For a couple days it was bitterly cold and very windy. We were able to chip the ice away from Irish's door when the temperatures became more reasonable. Unfortunately, the bottom of his door had a thick coating of ice which prevented it from sliding along the floor guide.

We tried chipping it but couldn't get it off. I poured salt all along the bottom and that helped but not enough.  I sprayed a mixture of alcohol and water on it which also helped a bit.

Yesterday I tried using a hair dryer. It worked a bit but it took forever to get even a little melt.

sitting on a horse blanket over ice holding a hairdryer.
My life is so very glamourous. 
The issue was the angle, and being able to get a direct line to the ice. I think overnight the ice would build back up (like a stalactite). I persisted though, periodically taking the shop vac and sucking up the water.

The horses were suspicious. I did notice though that Carmen was much more intrigued and relaxed by the whole thing.

the noise of a shop vac is not keeping our
heroine  from her meal. 

After a bit I gave up and turned to the next fun job: chipping the ice out of my drainage ditches. I also spent some time doing a good clean in the barn. It was nice and warm (relatively) and it motivated me to do some spring cleaning (not in the house though. That would be silly).

The hairdryer was only marginally helpful. I found myself wishing I had a heat gun. I then realized that I didn't have to wish, I could just go and buy the tool that I need. I stopped at the hardware store on my way to get feed.

nothing like a new power tool

Does anyone else feel that sometimes they are their own worst enemy? It's not like getting this is rocket science. Or even expensive. 

It still took about 45 minutes but it worked a treat. 

I felt a ridiculous sense of accomplishment. 
I finished cleaning stuff up and then opened the door for Irish and Carmen. They were hesitant. Maybe worried that the shop vac was still there? 

honestly, it's like they think it's a trap! 
I have everything working. Just in time because more weather is rolling in. We are under a snowfall warning for Saturday night and another storm on Monday. I am more worried about Monday because it's supposed to be a rain/snow mix. 

Spring is coming though.



  1. Sometimes I envy your home barn setup. This is not one of those times. Today I rode for three hours, an hour of which was glorious cantering down the groomed horse trail throuh the pine woods. Saw sleighs, riders, walkers with dogs and the occasional xcountry skier on a parallel ski trail. It was a mild daybut the snow was still crisp and made rubbery squeaky sounds at each stride. I hope you will be able to get back in the saddle soon!

    1. You are killing me. 😢
      That sounds like an awesome ride. As much work as it is, I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

  2. Replies
    1. Yes. But you like the cold,remember? 😉

  3. Ha good for you for getting the heat gun!! Those pictures just plain old LOOK cold tho - I hope spring really truly is coming for you soon!

    1. It wasn’t that bad. With March comes warmer weather. And snow. And rain. Often together.

  4. Yay for heat guns! That is fabulous and a good tool to have in your tool box! March is here and it will definitely be getting (slowly) warmer!

  5. It’s hard to understand why we make so and struggle instead of getting the right tool. Dusty is slowly convincing me to get some better tools and make life more efficient.

  6. The right tool always makes it better. But I'm a fan of struggling forever first before realizing that it seems lol!

  7. Ugh, not jealous of that (although it's in single digits here too) but man - getting the tool that makes life easier is so amazing! I gave in and bought a power sander recently and it was one of those OMG life changing moments.

    1. I really really really hope that spring is soon.

  8. I love any excuse for a new power tool!

  9. I love owning a little farm but I am not sure i have what it takes to be a barn owner in the north! Yikes!

    1. I am not sure I could cope with blistering heat either. I like having four seasons but I wish winter was a bit shorter. :D

  10. i'm cold just looking at photos haha

    1. I'll give you a shovel- that will warm you up!

  11. I'm not sure I knew that tool even existed! I do the same thing sometimes, oh I wish I had a (whatever). And then remember that I'm a grown ass woman and very easily go get whatever that thing is (usually anyway).
    Glad you got the door working again! I can't wait for spring.

    1. A friend suggested it. I actually went looking for it in the tools section to be told it was in the paint section.
      Grown ass women unite. :D

  12. haha yes I totally get that way too "I wish xyz" well you can go get/do/whatever xyz is haha

    1. I think I really just want my own house elf!

  13. The right tool is always a good idea. Wish I would think of that first before attempting to do it my way and screw it up! Sounds like you need to take a pat on the back out of petty cash for your work!


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