
Friday, February 1, 2019

Get Away

2019 did not have the best start for me. I am, though, an intrinsically optimistic person and believe that the start does not have to set the tone for the remainder.

Spring will come and the weather will improve.

In the meantime we just have to keep going.  Not that we have a choice, right?

The choice comes from the ‘how’, not the ‘what’.

For me this includes having some fun along the way.

So I am off for a week of adventures.

Not somewhere warm. Nope, no sunny beaches for me.

Instead I am heading North. To Whitehorse to visit Cynthia.

It will be cold. But it will also be beautiful and very different.  I hope to experience all sorts of things that I wouldn’t be able to deal here.  Plus I will be spending time with my friend- laughing, talking and enjoying some wine.  If you follow me on Instagram you will likely see some photos.

I can’t wait.

See you in a week or so.

Bye babies. Make good choices 


  1. I wanted to make some comment about going on vacation somewhere freezing cold but it's going to be warmer most of next there than where I am in Edmonton! Leave the bikini at home and pack extra long John's. Have fun!

    1. I actually packed a bathing suit- hot springs you know. 😉

  2. safe travels ;) have fun and stay WARM!

  3. Hope you have a great trip and return feeling refreshed!

  4. Oh, I bet you'll have an amazing time! Can't wait to see pics! xx

  5. Have fun! It's always nice to get away once in a while. It should be beautiful up North.

  6. Can't wait to hear all about it - especially the northern lights!

  7. That first graphic is THE BEST! Also have so much fun!

  8. I need to find you on Instagram.


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