
Saturday, January 26, 2019

Louder Than Words

This week I was laid out with the flu. It was a nasty bug that made me incapable of doing anything other than lay on the couch and watch TV.

It's never easy to be ill with animals because they do not understand sick days.

Usually I can muster up the energy to take care of them but this time it was really hard. Staying upright was hard. Let alone doing barn chores.

But I was fortunate that Ed was home and he stepped into the void with not one complaint. In fact, he was quite emphatic that I was to rest and not do anything.

We have been married for a number of years (32 this year!) and our verbal communication is often of the mundane- plans for supper, work gossip etc.

Words don't always show the inner truth of feelings and thoughts.

But actions cannot mask who we are. For example, Ed went to the store and bought some oranges. He asked if I wanted one and when he brought it to me I saw that he had peeled it for me. He knows that I don't like orange residue on my hands and always wash right after peeling. By bringing a peeled orange he kept me from having to get up.

I took this from the kitchen window. Ed is in the barn taking care of the horses
Guinness kept me company, making sure that I was never lonely. 
Nothing helps you feel better than a loyal dog, says Guinness

As I began to feel better I began to try to take back more chores. It was not easy because he fought me every step of the way. On Friday, while he was showering I snuck out to walk Guinness. When I got back he was not happy but I explained that I needed some fresh air. Which was true.  

This morning I set my alarm to get up to do the morning feed and as I was heading to the bathroom he yelled what are you doing? Go back to bed. 

Drat. Foiled. 

Rather than argue I let him go out while I made the morning coffee and fed the cats. 

Ed has a torn rotator cuff and it has been bothering him more with the additional chores. While he was out getting a hair cut I got the tractor and emptied the manure cart. 

He was back when I brought the tractor back up. 
You know I said that I was going to do that. 

Yes I know but I didn't want you to further irritate your shoulder. 

So I'm trying to protect you from feeling sick and you're protecting me from hurting my shoulder? 

I laughed.  Welcome to our later years. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you. I’m getting mushy in my old age

  2. aw i'm sorry you're not feeling well :( and boo to Ed's hurt shoulder! hope you can both take it easy!! in the spirit of sitting back and relaxing and maybe indulging in some fun viewing, i'm sharing a video with you of some aussie model vlogger youtuber who also happens to ride dressage and recently moved to europe, and even more recently bought a very fancy and sensitive baroque horse that reminds me in some ways of Carmen. kinda silly but also kinda fun mindless eye candy viewing ;) feel better soon!

    1. That was fun to watch. What a stunning horse and beautiful location.

  3. What a husband you have there! Really considerate and caring. I don’t like orange residue on my hands either and thought I was the only one. Lol. I am glad you are starting to feel better.

    1. And I thought it was just me! Lol. Glad I’m not alone.

  4. Replies
    1. Yeah. I’ll have Tom save this post for the next time he pisses me off.

  5. Hope you get to feeling better. One if you had to be in solid working order :)

    1. It would be nice. Right now the healthiest one in the house is Guinness!

  6. Super sweet post! ❤️ Hope you're feeling better today.

  7. Hope you're feeling better now. You are very fortunate to have such a wonderful partnership!

    1. We're not always in sync. I don't want to sound like we run around like a couple love birds all the time. That said, we both know that we can count on each other when the chips are down.

  8. What a great guy! My husband wouldn't know what end of the pitchfork to hold. Hope you're feeling better.

    1. LOL, Ed was trained through a rigourous program. He still does not do quite as good a job as I would like but I consider it 'good enough' and have decided to be so demanding that it makes it impossible. Kind of like when I mow the lawn. Just be grateful :)

  9. Replies
    1. Aw thanks. We're not always so good- we bicker and irritate each otehr too. :)

  10. That's definitely one of the good ones you have there! Glad you're feeling better!
    That's the hardest thing about having horses at home. I came down with a nasty stomach bug a few years ago. Fortunately, it was during the week when I have a barn helper for morning chores. But feeding lunch felt herculean, and I finally broke down and called the horse sitter to feed dinner. It was so frustrating! Who has time to be sick when you have horses?

    1. I feel good about my choice. :)
      It's good that you had a horse sitter- I hear you on trying to do things when you feel like dying is really really hard.

  11. Oh my god, I love this so much <3


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