
Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Minor Miracles

With the rain, snow, wind and deep cold I haven't ridden since Monday. I miss being outside and I miss riding.  This photo has been popping up in my FB feed.

(borrowed from Dancing Donkey's post)
Clearly this is true. 

It also makes me want to find this pithy person and make them lug water, shovel snow and battle winds to look after my ungrateful precious equines. Then I want to pummel them with snowballs while hysterically shouting 'here's your joy! Do you like it? Here have some more'

*ahem* I might need some help. 

Anyhoo, Sunday actually turned into a very pleasant day. The sun was shining, the wind was gone and the snow had melted. I couldn't believe that it was actually a)sunny, b) not freezing and c) there was no wind. It seemed like a minor miracle.

I spent the morning get some chores done around the farm that I had put off when it was miserable out. The dogs and I walked numerous times and they 'helped' me with my chores. 

We are the best helpers. We don't even know how you get stuff done without us
Now throw the ball you're holding over your head. . 
I dragged my ring, breaking up a few ice patches and then headed out to the field to get Carmen. When she saw me she came moseying up to me. This time I didn't have to lift her ears up to get the bridle on her.

During our ground work she was very calm. I am seeing a clear difference between her quiet because she's shutting me out vs calm because she tuning into me. I mounted with a clear goal- I want to get her relaxed and forward. 

Under saddle she started off well but was a bit looky at some areas but responded well to my leg and seat. I focussed on keeping my weight aids clear and my seat relaxed. It was kinda funny- she would be calm, then rigid then relax almost in spite of herself as I asked her to. 

Carmen became quite worried down at the far end and I let her stop and look. When she let out a breath (probably because I wasn't forcing her) I said 'hey do you want to go and take a look?' As soon as I said that she walked forward. I was taken aback but then realized that I say this to her all the time on the ground when she spooks at something and then I walk forward and let her follow. Could it be that this has transferred. 

I am also liking working on keeping her straight rather then off-balance trying to steer her back with the reins. It keeps things simple and changes up the discussion. 

Carmen has finished her ulcer medication and she is a whole different horse. Brighter, curious, friendlier and easier to ride. She is still sensitive and will spook but I'm not getting the really scary feeling that her brain has gone. Carmen spooked a bit and worried a bit but given that she hasn't been ridden for 6 days it seemed very reasonable. 

We worked on transitions and a bit of shoulder/haunches in. We played over poles and around cones. And when she was nice and relaxed we did a bit more work and then I hopped off. I don't want to push her and make her sore- that's not fair since we're not in regular work right now. I figure just working on relaxation and forward is good enough for now. 

looking towards the scary trees


  1. This all sounds very good. I'm sure Carmen is enjoying her relaxing time with you! And the dogs look like the perfect assistants.

    1. The dogs consider themselves essential and have no idea how I manage without them.

  2. Ah, snow... I have the ideal situation here. When it snows, which it has done less and less each year, but when it does, it melts in a day or two, you can just love it because you never have to shovel it. And BTW aren't you Canadian? I thought you all loved the white stuff. Love your dogs, I know they enjoyed helping you.

    1. LOL, yes I'm Canadian and snow is fun to play in but not to work in.....

  3. Working on relaxation and forward seems to be having big payoffs for you. I read about your arena in the last post, too, and I’m amazed at how well you keep it up. That will sure help you get your saddle time in, rain or snow. I got back from Hawaii on Monday and I was happy to feel cold again. No lie. We don’t have snow, and I don’t miss it, but I do enjoy the seasons and cuddling up by the fire.

    1. It really is working. I hope it continues to do so. I do get a bit obsessed about my ring but it is worth it.

  4. You make a good point about the snow and equestrian chores...

  5. Loved the visual of throwing snowballs. I currently have some joy to share in the form of a lovely pacific wind/rain storm :)

    1. Yeah, wind and rain is not so good either.....

  6. I love that Facebook post! I'm torn about the weather. I want to hate it (and I am no fan of the cold) but when the snow is falling it looks so beautiful!

    1. I too enjoy the sight of falling snow. It is fun to play with but when it's followed by heavy rain it makes it difficult.

  7. I saw that meme as well and had the same exact thoughts haha! It sounds like you are on a much better track headed into winter than when show season ended. That's got to feel really good!

  8. Ugh I can’t believe winter has already descended so fully on you guys.... it feels way too soon! Glad Carmen is really figuring out how to plug into her “calm” moments! And even better that the ulcer meds worked so well to get her feeling good again !

    1. I know, it's awful. It's already going back to seasonal so that is good.

  9. working for relaxation will pay off in waves!

    1. Yes it will. I just need Carmen to realize that too. :D

  10. Last night I thought it had snowed but it was just the full moon making everything shine white. I really cannot say which I hate more - Summer or Winter in Germany. No AC in Summer, and all the shoveling to come...

    This is the first blogging (commenting) I've done at work, woo, free Internet!

    1. We had the full moon on the snow. It makes everything so bright.


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