
Friday, August 24, 2018

Celebrating a Life

Today we let go of the most awesome of Border Collies- d'Arcy. 
One of my most favourite photos of the most perfect of dogs and horses

He was 14 years old and his life had caught up with him. He was having so much difficulty staying upright and was in some pain so I called the vet's and made the appointment. It was hard a decision but I was at peace with it. 

We are very sad but it was not a tragic death. d'Arcy lived his whole life with us and was loved and cared for that entire time. His passing was peaceful and without trauma. Ed, myself and Guinness were with him as he breathed his last. That was a gift to him and us.

I picked d'Arcy out as a wee black and white blob in a kennel overlooking the ocean.
shortly after he came home. Such an adorable face. 
He drove me nutty with his energy and drive. I spent many many hours walking him, trying, futilely, to tire him out. Rarely was he clean. And groomed.

When we got him our children were really into playing hockey. d'Arcy went with us to to rinks and he began to get into the game. It was amazing to watch him- he was following the puck not the players. When the ref would blow the whistle to stop the game he would sit and when she/he blew to start the game he would stand up. If a goal was scored he would run to the centre line, often before the goal was called. In one game, there was a goal that was waved off and some irritated dad yelled out 'ask the dog, HE was paying attention'. I'm sure that he missed going to the hockey rinks.

d'Arcy would accompany me to the boarding barns we were at and he would keep his eye on me the whole time. He took his assigned tasks very seriously. When my mom was on oxygen and stayed at my house he would sleep outside her door. If her oxygen hose slipped off her nose the machine would beep and he would go in and nudge her away until she fixed it. No one taught him that. I wouldn't even know how to go about it. He just knew. 

He also loved children- he was at his happiest hanging out with the kids.  He was a truly gentle soul. 

even looking after canine 'kids'

Sometime his energy got him into trouble. I used to say that his personal motto was 'it's just a flesh wound'.  Ed called him the 'million dollar dog.'
but why can't I go on the hike with you? I'm fine now. 
he loved the beach too

d'Arcy and I spent hours hiking over the farm. I used to joke that we bought the farm just for him. 

both he and Belle loved their new home. 
d'Arcy had a way of looking at you that was goofy and loveable all at the same time. 

totally d'Arcy. No other dog could quite capture this expression

He was the best of dogs and we will miss him so much. Not sure if it's even hit me yet.

But now he's not in pain anymore and he can run like the wind.

Just like the old days.


  1. Oh I'm so sorry <3 It hurts so much to lose a once in a lifetime dog like him. Thank you for letting us get to know him in this beautiful tribute.

  2. What a golden one!! Our dogs represent such huge chapters of our lives. They are so deeply intertwined with all that we love and have loved. They were there for us in happiness and sadness. To lose them can feel like a chapter closing. I have delved into Rilke’s letters from The Dark Interval. “Transience is not separation.” They are so deeply rooted in our souls. Forever. I hope the memories you carry give you peace through this time, and maybe even a bit of joy. You had an angel with you, and it appears you were well aware and appreciated him very much. He was blessed to have you, too.

  3. This is beautiful Teresa. What an amazing dog, and he had such a wonderful life with you! The last photo of him and Steele running together made me choke up. I'm so sorry. *hugs*

  4. I’m sorry to hear about this. He was such a special guy. It’s hard to lose our beloved friends. Thank you for sharing this wonderful tribute to a dog who was definitely one of a kind.

    1. Everyone loved d’Arcy. If you didn’t there was something wrong with you.

  5. I'm so sorry for your loss, but what a life he lived with you ❤️❤️❤️ I giggled out loud at the hockey dad commenting that he was watching the goal! What a wonderful pup.

  6. You wrote a beautiful tribute to your boy. I totally respect the courage it took to make this difficult decision, and I am sure it was the right one. However, I also know how very, very hard it is to go on without him, so I will be thinking of you and will remember d'Arcy.

    1. Thank you. It was a hard decision but necessary

  7. Big warm hugs to you. Dogs give us two gifts. The first is the time we get to spend with them. The second is the life time of memories to make us smile and laugh during hard times as they wag their tails in our hearts.

  8. What a beautiful tribute. He sounds like he had a fantastic, love filled life. My thoughts are with you.

    1. He had a great life. That brings me so much comfort

  9. I am so sorry, it is terribly hard to say goodbye to such a good friend. Guinness cleary has some big pawprints to fill.

  10. Aw I’m so sorry Theresa :( what a good dog and a good life!

  11. I am so sorry for your loss Theresa.:'(

  12. Sound like he had a wonderful life with you. The memories always in your soul.

    1. He had a great life and lived it to the max.

  13. What a gorgeous photo at the end - Steel? and D'arcy? Gotta never again own a dog, it's too much pain. I had the one (my GSD), and I'm good.

    1. Thank you. Yes, that is d'Arcy and Steele racing in the field. It is painful to let them go but it's worth it to have them in my life.

  14. I'm so sorry, this is the hardest thing to live through. He is at peace now, his pain is gone, and you will have all the good memories of this wondeful dog.

  15. Lucky you to have such a lovely dog, lucky him to have such a wonderful home with you!

  16. Lovely tribute Teresa. The last picture tore me up. (((❤️❤️❤️)))

  17. What a full and beautiful life. My heart aches for you because of your loss, but rejoices at the thought of a dog getting to live in doggy bliss for 14 years with you <3

    1. Thank you Dom. I love that we had him his whole life.

  18. He sounds like a fantastic dog who had such a lovely, happy home! <3

  19. I’m so sorry for your loss but what a wonderful life you gave him right up until the end. He looks like an amazing dog.

  20. The hardest gift we can give, and your family gave with such grace. What a sweet boy. I've loved getting to know him through your blog. Those high energy dogs are so special, and love and care for us so much. Take time for yourself and to remember him. What a special boy. ❤️

    1. He was the sweetest of dogs. BCs can be a bit sharp and stand-offish but he never got that memo. I used to joke that he was like a lab in a BC coat.

  21. All of my love to you. This is a beautiful tribute to the incredible life he lived ❤️

    1. He really had an awesome life and that gives us so much comfort.

  22. I'm sorry for your loss but this is a lovely tribute.

  23. What a wonderful dog and wonderful life you gave each other. I especially love how he watched hockey and the dad comment about the goal. <3

  24. I'm so sorry for your loss, sounds like he was a wonderful dog <3

  25. My heart hurts for you and your family, but know you gave him such a wonderful life and did the kindest thing you ever could for him <3 Knowing when to let them go is such a hard thing, but it sounds like you made sure he had his dignity intact when he crossed <3. Thinking of you guys - take the time you need to heal and remember him.

    1. There were so many doubts as we drove there but they weren't real. If that makes any sense. Knowing that his death was soft has helped us so much.

  26. All my love and blessings. What a great life he had. I am so glad he had a peaceful passing. <3

  27. It is never easy. For the people or the animals.


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