
Sunday, April 8, 2018

First Lesson of the Year: Tapping into the Energy

 Finally after lots of cancellations due to weather I was able to have a lesson with Shanea on Friday. I was worried at first because the day before the wind was brutally cold and fierce. Riding was impossible.

It was still windy on Friday and my ring was frozen but the sun was shining so I was optimistic that it would be okay at 1:00. I was able to drag the ring at 11:00. By the time my lesson started the wind was starting to abate a bit.

Carmen was more relaxed then our last ride. We started with walking and getting her to stretch over her topline and march. It was a bit of a yo-yo to start. Shanea has watched the Cindy clinic and was able to coach me through the bending and keeping her going. Shanea is big on using the nervous energy in a positive way.

I totally understand the principle of that- it makes sense: don't try to hold the horse but channel the energy. Execution though when you are riding 1100 pounds of tense energy is a different thing. (NB-all photos taken by Julia who came to watch the lesson).

tense, braced but ears are listening. I am not as
slumped as I look- I have so many puffy layers on.

The lesson was fantastic. My abs have another opinion on that - mostly ow. Shanea really focusses on engaging your core. I was too tight through my *ahem* pelvic region and had to relax a little more.
It really helped.

We played with lots of circles and changing of direction. Shanea commented that the timing of my aids for changing the bend has improved. Which made me think about it more which then screwed it up for a bit.

Sigh. Riding is hard.

Or perhaps, riding is easy but my overthinking makes it hard.

Still though- sigh.
I like the outline and reach. Her head is tilted because she REALLY
wants to look out of the ring. I clearly need to address this, still, baby steps
oh my god- are we actually straight across the diagonal?  

We played with lengthens and sitting trot (which is why my abs are so sore). 

I quite like this moment- forward, soft and listening. 
I could feel things starting to click in my body and with Carmen and I. I could feel her compressing and lengthening her stride. A few times it was so light and free I had to smile. I could also feel her uncertainty at this level of lightness. But this time, instead of spooking I could feel her attention shifting to me for guidance. 

After we practised our free walk and for us it was really really good.  I feel like we moved ahead in so many things. 

we can actually reach forward and down. (this was earlier in the lesson)

After I talked to Shanea and caught up on some things. Ed and I are going away for a couple weeks vacation and I arranged for Shanea to come and give a training ride or two. I think it will be great for Carmen to keep her going and I can feel less guilty for abandoning her. 


  1. A really good lesson. I think you both look great. Have a fun trip!

  2. I’ve come to believe that four years is that magical number for dogs. Four years of communication, setting boundaries, maturing, which results in pliable, confident, pack members.

    I’m beginning to think six years might be that magical number for horses. Each ride: more connection, less reaction to outside stimulus, more desire to “stay with you”. Everything moves at a pace slower than we might expect. She looks very good in those photos. Keep plugging along.

    1. That's an interesting theory. It definitely takes longer then we think it should.

  3. Glad you had some nice work during the lesson.

    1. I always get something out of them. This was a really good one which makes me happy.

  4. Lessons that show progress are wonderful. Enjoy your vacation!

  5. So nice that Shanea was able to help you pick right back up after the clinic and get in your groove!

    1. It really was. Before all the bad habits creep back....

  6. Those moments of lightness make it all worthwhile and keep us working for more. I love that you and Carmen are finding more of them together!

  7. Glad you were able to get a lesson in!! And enjoy the vacay!

    1. I'm glad too. And I can't wait to get away.

  8. ooooh i love all the pictures - you guys look really great, esp considering not all that long ago everything was covered in mountains of snow! exciting about the trainer rides too - i'll be very curious to hear your thoughts afterward!

    1. I'm looking forward to see how the rides go and the difference that they make. In any event it will be good to get her opinion and I think it will make the rides better.

  9. It sounds like so many things are starting to come together and now you can take your vacation and reflect on it all. Two weeks may make a drastic difference in the weather so that we can start shedding all these layers. Have fun!

    1. Oh I hope that the weather improves. otherwise I'm going to lose my mind.

  10. Enjoy your time away! You can really see when Carmen starts to relax. She's so expressive!

    1. Thanks. Yes, Carmen is always very clear about how she feels!


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