
Wednesday, March 14, 2018


Basically my life right now. 

Yesterday a Nor'Easter blew through our province. It hit hard and fast. I was at work and saw that it was starting. I figured I had time to finish some things up but in 30 minutes the world outside my window was white. I hurried out and had one of the worst drives home through a raging blizzard. 

The wind was insane- we could hear it howling outside like a banshee. 

Opening the barn doors was a challenge. Sometime in the night we lost power and it's still not on as I type this. Thank heavens for generators. Also at some point in the night the snow turned to rain so there was not as much snow down as when I went to bed. 

Ed and I headed out to survey the damage. In general we got off fairly easy. There was no major damage but still some work to do: 

The doors literally blew off the shed. Which is a pretty neat feat when you think of it.

 Some flashing from the barn was blowing around. I held the ladder while Ed climbed up and tore off the dangling piece. I had images of it blowing free and chasing my horses around the field. Yes, my imagination has some bizarre turns.

There was more damage in the woods. There were some trees down blocking my trails so that will be more work.

Not even sure how? 

I would be tempted to leave this to pop over but I don't think that Irish could do it so it will be removed. 

 This one I managed to drag away myself.

Farm chores make you strong.

More carnage along the edge.

March is doing me in. But what can I do? I can't change the weather. And I'm trying to not let it get to me. Miraculously enough my ring seems okay. Once this wind stops I might actually get to ride.

And as though there were not enough trees down here's video of Ripley (my son's dog who's with us right now) trying to chew down a tree:

We figure that she's part hound and part lab but could she also be part beaver?

Dogs are weird. 


  1. I'm staying home from work tonight because the latest storm is going through, dumping another 10-12 inches on us. Add in the 40mph winds and the horrible, white stuff has me totally locked in. So sick of it.

    1. I really really hope that the storm doesn't make it's way up here! We're scheduled for another drop in temps this weekend. Warming up for monday. Of course.

  2. Been there. We just got back from Hawaii, which helped a lot. While we were gone, the weather improved—snow melted.

    1. I told Ed that next year I was going away in March to somewhere warm.

    2. If I didn’t have 8 horses, I’d move south in winter with 2 or 3 and my dogs. Still might.

  3. Ugh that sounds awful :( hopefully your weather gets better ASAP and the repairs aren't too hard!

    1. The repairs should be easy enough- just enough of them to keep us busy.

  4. We’ve had 3 Nor’easters in 10 days that dumped about three feet of snow. The neighbors three trees came down into our yard taking out sections of fence. He’s in Florida for the winter but won’t pay to have them removed. He’s a cheap s.o.b. So that’s on us again. And I’m sort of getting tired of this weather. Fingers crossed for a early Spring!

    1. oh man. Didn't that happen before? At least you will have firewood?

  5. Hang in there! It can’t possibly last much longer.

  6. Not jealous of that weather, but I'm glad you got through with minimal damage.

    1. I thought of you last night when I was doing chores with just a flashlight.

  7. We were watching the weather network the other day and saw some crazy video of that storm! I was hoping you made it through with minimal damage :)

  8. It may get really cold out here in the West, but we seldom get snow storms like that. And not that heavy wet snow either.

  9. It seems like winter is coming a wee bit late this year. I thought things were supposed to be thawing out in March. We're supposed to have another cool down, which I'm looking forward to, but this month's weather has been more typical in January or February. On the other hand, we've had a few hot days and several dogs have already died in killer bee attacks, which is usually a sign the spring has sprung in AZ.

  10. lol, beaver dog :) Very smart to have a generator!

    1. She's hilarious. A generator is essential in the country.

  11. Could she be part Malinois? Because that tenacity is a Malinois trait. Google Malinois vs tree . . .

    1. Possibly. We really don't know what she is.


      They are crazy dogs . . .

  12. Ugggg this winter is just never ending. It snowed here in Maine for 45 hours straight and we had two consecutive snow days. I have nothing else to add except I feel your pain!!

  13. Dang! I am glad you got home safe and sound. I am also glad I do not live there!

  14. Glad you guys are mostly unscathed!

  15. La Niña is wreaking havoc on weather patterns this year. I'm trying my best to make the most of it...but even as one who enjoys winter, my resolve is wearing thin. Hang in there!

  16. Oh man that's some intense wind :( glad the damage wasn't worse and I hope your power is restored already or will be soon!! This weather needs to quit for you tho. We need more pics of Carmen strutting in the sunshine!!

    1. We got it back on Thursday morning. And yes, my weather needs to quit! It's quite awful.


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