
Sunday, March 4, 2018

Heart's Ease

I know I should not be complaining about the weather- it's certainly been mild. But I still have not been able to get back into a regular riding schedule and it's driving me a bit nutty.

Last week there were some beautiful days but I was 500 kms away for work. When I returned home the weather had turned cold and rainy.  This weekend had mild temperatures but oh my god, the wind was terrible.

Call me a wimp but I could barely face being out in it for a little bit of time.

Riding was out of the question.

On the plus side the wind is drying out the mud.

Irish is starting early with his 'let me into the grass field now' stare. 

Fortunately I had a distraction- a few of us from work were in a Curling Bonspiel. It was a fundraiser for the hospital. It was a lot of fun and a great team building exercise. I do enjoy curling. We had 6 of us sign up- only four can play at a time so we cycled in and out. We didn't win any games (there were a lot of very experienced teams and three of members were new to curling) but I think that we had the most fun.

So I  had a good weekend and I should feel happy. And I wasn't unhappy.

And yet, I found myself cranky this afternoon. I took the dogs for a couple walks and I cooked a roast beef supper complete with roast potatoes and yorkshire pudding.

And I was still out of sorts. So after supper I left the dogs in the house (much to their dismay) and went out to the barn.

I started with Irish. I groomed him from nose to tail while he stood there enjoying the scratches. Carmen watched closely and gave a nicker. I figured it was at Irish but when I moved away from him she nickered right at me.   I brought her out to groom and she soaked it all up. She showed me a couple itchy spots and while I detangled her tail she just relaxed.

I then cleaned both the stalls and told Ed to let the dogs out. I played fetch with the two young hooligans before coming inside.

And I felt completely better and content.

Anyone else out there feel out of sorts if they don't get their 'pony time'? And it's not just about seeing them -I see them every day because I feed them and clean their stalls. When I boarded I used to believe  that my horse would be more attached to the barn owner but now I realize that there's a difference between care and caring.

Now I just need this weather to improve so I can ride. In a fit of blinding optimism I have a lesson tentatively arranged with Shanea.


  1. I definitely feel out of sorts when I don't have adequate pony time. And when I'm ready to work and the weather is the sticking point? Ughhhh I haaaaaate that. But I'm glad you got to spend some good quality time with Carmen and Irish, sounds like it was just what the doctor ordered! :)

    1. It was good for me. I think I take it for granted because they are at home but I really shouldn't.

  2. I completely know what you felt. I've got days where I'm super cranky and going out to the horse makes me feel better. On days where I'm pretty normal, I find myself in an almost zen like state on my way home from the barn. I've thought about it several times on my drive. It's crazy how much I need horses to center myself.

    1. It's like a piece is missing when we don't get it but it's so hard to explain to others.

  3. Yup - I always feel better after some time at the barn :D

  4. They should have shirts with the logo “It’s Better At The Barn”! I don’t know anyone that doesn’t feel a lift of spirits after some horse time.

    1. We could make those t-shirts and they could fund our horse-habit....

  5. oh man, i *definitely* need that special "caring" time with my horse, even if it doesn't include riding. the only thing that keeps me sane when he's lame with some ding or another is just spending that time taking care of him. all the grooming and tlc. it's soothing to my soul, esp with these horses who are just so pleasant to be around!!

    also unrelated but that big curling event sounds super fun!! glad you guys did well and enjoyed it even if there weren't any big wins!

    1. It's good for Charlie that you enjoy that- the way he has been lately!

  6. Absolutely need my pony time. And same as you - just hanging out with them makes a big difference.

  7. Oh yes, my husband will even sometimes notice my crankiness and tell me to go ride my horse haha! ;-) Even when I cannot ride because of the weather/footing, I will do the same and groom them as you did. Let's hope March is kind to us and spring will arrive soon!

  8. Barn time can heal a lot of things. I’m glad you got it in :)

  9. I think a trip to the barn is the cure for most things! If I am crabby, or just not myself my hubby is convinced that a little Gen time will cure it...and he is pretty much always right (unless Gen is what is stressing me out :P). Animals are good for the soul!

    1. Even when they are the issue it's still better after spending time.

  10. Grumpy if no horses? Yep. All. Of. The. Time. It was the worst when I had knee surgery the 2nd time and didn't see them for 2 weeks. Hubby would avoid coming home bc I was so bad. I do need my horse time for sure.

    1. Ugh- two weeks! I've been gone for that long when I had foot surgery and it was awful.

  11. "there's a difference between care and caring."

    Man. This. It's true, but I've been guilty of that same thought. I think the time spent caring is as good for us as them, too.

  12. The loss of routine is hardest on me. Knowing I can't commit to a solid schedule makes wanting to do the thing for one day so much harder. My head goes to negative places a lot quicker without consistency! "Why bother riding today if I won't be back out for at least 5 or 6 days after? What would one 30 minute ride today do for the horse's fitness in the long run? It's all a wash anyway!" I hate this thought, but man, I've been stuck there! I like the care vs. caring point - I am going to work harder to focus on that in coming weeks of chaos.

    1. Sorry that you are facing some chaos! I know what you mean about 'what's the point'. I try on those days to just have a 'fun' ride and not worry too much about anything.

  13. I used to ride daily whatever the weather, not so many years ago.
    I also used to 'run rather hot'... for most of my life I was always seeking a breeze. The last 2 years in particular, that switch has flipped and I just cannot stay warm enough anymore, I don't know why. The wind here is most often very cold & seems to cut right through me, but I love taking care of my horses and never find them to be a chore - I cannot say the same for the cattle, but they have to eat...
    When horses were my paying job (as well as my pleasure), I showed up ready, every day, 7 days a week, 364 days of the year. I think I've earned the right to ease up a little; I can safely say that my cayuses are happy enough to work less. Maybe because I do not compete, it's easier to slack off. ;-)

  14. I know exactly how you feel and I am the same way. The grooming sessions really ease me. Also. Sometimes I just sit on them bare in the stall. That helps too. To feel them breathe.


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