
Monday, February 5, 2018

Comfort Food

Happy February everyone! I'm hearing all sorts of different predictions from Groundhog day. Here, our own 'Shubenacadie Sam' made a break for it and bit a reporter. Not sure what that means- maybe he was saying 'we're all doomed, I'm outta here suckers!' 

I hate being trapped inside. I always have. I can putter outside and not be bored but once I'm in the house puttering I'm completely bored. I needed to find a way to amuse myself that was different then scrolling through FB posts.

So I turned to cooking and baking.

It started with me making a stew and wanting some sort of bread to go with it. I decided to try making my own bread.

It was delicious. 
 From there banana bread and muffins seemed like a good choice.

Then oatmeal cookies with chocolate chips.

Then last weekend a couple girlfriends and I went to a Wine and Lobster event at a local winery. 

The joys of living on the coast
It was amazing. 

Each little course was accompanied by a different wine. The chef came out to describe the dish and then the wine owner described the wine and why they chose it. Each taste of wine was about 1.5 ounces. But they were pretty liberal with the wine and topped up freely. 

Part way through no one was listening to the chef or wine owner oner anymore. We were all having too much fun. I tried to listen but honestly I don't remember. 

This lobster taco was my favourite. I thought of 'L' while I was  devouring eating it. 

The local community college is putting on a series of dinners by their students. The food is amazing and beautifully presented.

Spring better come soon. Poor Shanea will be teaching two marshmallows.  How are you passing the winter? 


  1. Teaching two marshmallows perfectly describes me and Cinna 😂😂😂 that lobster/wine event sounds epic! And your baking photos have been make me so hungry!

    1. LOL, Marshmallows unite! That lobster/wine event was fabulous. Sorry to make you hungry. But if you deliver me a saddle I will bake for you..... :)

  2. .......aaaaaaand now I'm very hungry lol. Make that *three* marshmallows lol ;)

  3. Ha, I just posted about my winter. Lots of non-riding and I am just now working to get into a shape that isn't round. Sounds like a great night for you though! And I totally want to try making sourdough bread but I totally don't want to do the work. Such a lazy baker I am.

  4. I was in the Maritimes a couple of years ago for a week - I think I had seafood for all but two meals. Probably a good thing I don't live out there!

    1. You have to let me know if you come back. I enjoy lobster but I prefer scallops. We could have have so much fun....

  5. I am hungry from reading this. It looks delicious

  6. I just told J yesterday that next time we're in America, he has to try lobster. He's never had it (nor crab). Like most Germans, he's afraid of seafood, and the thought of cracking a shell to eat makes him queasy. So I'll have to try to find lobster or crab out of the shell.

    1. I bet he would like a lobster roll- no cracking of shells required.

  7. Baking is a lot of fun but then I eat it all and can’t fit into my pants.

  8. Looks so good! I miss gluten! I have not mastered the art of baking gluten free bread. And I love baking bread!

    1. I’ve had gluten free bread and like it. Is it hard to get it to rise?

  9. Wine and lobster?! Um. Give this to me. Every day. I don't care if my cholesterol is off the charts and I'm obese.

  10. Our winter seemed to have ended about three weeks ago. Canada geese everywhere. Ground is soft. Snow is gone. Temps to hit 49 on Friday. A patient told us he has a tulip coming up!! My arena is good to go, but the trails are still icey because of the trees. This is not typical winter weather. But I’ll take it! Your comfort food looks yummy and that wine and food pairing dinner looks amazing!!

    1. It sounds lovely. I’m hoping that ours go soon

  11. That is a LOT of baking! For being married to a professional baker, I don't get much baking done at my house... I've been reading lots of mystery novels in the evenings!

    1. Ah, it's like me- I'm married to an accountant so I never do any taxes. :D

  12. I can bake ONE thing in a day, forget multiple things. With only the Mr & I to eat it, I've had to learn to scale back my recipes or we are eating one thing half the week.
    I take care of my GrandAmy 2 days a week, I read a lot in the winter, I binge Netflix when Mr Shoes is at work. And I make a lot of fires to stay warm.
    Pretty boring life here - I could REALLY use a lobster & booze day...


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