
Sunday, January 28, 2018

Working on the Foundation

Before I get into the post let me share with you this adorable video of Guinness. I was watching Jacqueline Brook's freestyle and it caught his attention ( you should totally watch it too she does it to the Sound of Silence and it's beautiful):

I can't believe that I actually was able to ride twice this week! Wednesday was a beautiful day and my work day ended up opening up in the afternoon. I sent an email to my boss and she gave me permission to take a few hours off. Today was warm and we were able to ride again. Ashley was able to join me on Sunday.

I have been finding my focus on riding actively really paying off. On Wednesday I had a mini-epiphany. Carmen gave a 3 part spook. You know what I mean- you are trotting along and then something catches your horse's eye:
*stutter step* WHAT'S THAT?!
*horse starts to go forward and then* 'OMG it MOVED'
*bounce in place* 'WE MUST FLEE' 
During this I  suddenly realized how I freeze and don't do anything (other then tighten every single muscle in my bod).  I could feel how Carmen was really looking to me for help and I was doing nothing.

 I know that may sound stupid but I never really was able to analyze what I was doing during  one of her big spooks. After when the dust settled it was a blank to me. So this was huge for me and it underlined how I need to be an active rider not a passive one. I pulled my socks up (figuratively speaking) and made sure that I never stopped riding. It was a great way to spend an afternoon.

I was excited to have Ashley come out to ride Irish today. I don't mind riding by myself but it's fun to ride with others every now and then. I was curious to see how Irish went because he's been looking really good. His incontinence is continuing to improve which is really making me happy. He's continuing to eat everything in sight too.

Both horses seemed happy to come in. Irish is always pretty happy to be fussed with but Carmen was being very mellow and reached for the bridle. Ash noted that she was a lot whiter and I told her that she was becoming a unicorn. I looked at Carmen with her ears back (not down, just her look when she thinks I'm being foolish) and laughed
Me: 'you don't need a horn you'd just stab people with it'. 
Carmen: 'humph'
Ashley: 'She would totally stab people with it' 

I didn't lunge her before I got on. I honestly didn't think I would need it. And I was right. Carmen was forward and relaxed. There was one incident as be headed to Troll Corner but I put on my inside leg and got her marching through. And that was it. A few times she wanted to look but it really was nothing. I am feeling optimistic about conquering that corner this year.

Carmen was really forward in the ride in a way that I rarely feel. She was all 'let's go do the thing' and I was 'could we half-halt?  and she told me I was a 'spoilsport'.  I wanted to make sure the footing was okay and it was a bit mushy in places. The far end was best so I finally said 'okay fine go canter' and she leapt into it with enthusiasm.

And you should have seen Irish- he was carrying himself better then I have seen in a long long time. He was clearly feeling as good as Carmen and was there to play the game. I stopped Carmen to watch them go and she was convinced we were done. Which led to a bit of a discussion when I wanted to go back to work.
Carmen: We're done. 
Me: No, that was just a break. We can do more. 
Carmen: Nope, your quarter is up. 
Me: C'mon let's do a little more. 

She got herself into a bit of tizzy over going back to work and I just stayed quiet and clear and didn't back down. I asked her to canter and she couldn't decide whether to kick, buck or canter so it was a bit spazzy and made me giggle. We got the canter rhythm and then I brought her back to walk, relaxed and then asked again. Ashley was watching and said 'she launched straight up into that'. It definitely felt uphill.

We didn't work on anything new- with such sporadic schooling sessions it's just about confirming stuff already established. What's neat about that is that I can feel that getting more and more solid.

I love riding when the horses are having as much fun as the people.
from before Christmas but it still represents how I feel


  1. Guinness is too cute. Both my girls actually were watching Incredible Dog Olympic s today. They crack me up.

    Nice to hear how well Irish is doing. As usual Carmen makes me smile. Glad you had another quarter to put in the ride. The heart is sweet.

    1. Guinness is beyond adorable (except when he's driving me nutty). I am thrilled with how Irish is doing, it does my heart good. And Carmen makes me smile as well.

  2. So, are she and Leah communicating telepathically—coming up with the same plan each day? That is weird!! It was a new one for me and I think Leah was much more determined to stand still than Carmen. 😂 It was like this huge epiphany, if I don’t move my feet, I don’t have to work. The snow is so pretty. Ours is all gone. Looking at your pictures makes me miss it, and that’s just crazy.

    1. Snow is pretty- except when it's ice and the wind is bitter. I can tolerate mud for the sake of warmer weather. I laughed when I read your blog post. I have been keeping my rides short on her because of fitness but yesterday I pushed it a bit and she definitely noticed (and had an opinion).

  3. Awesome that you were able to mentally work through the spook to come up with a plan! And it sounds like 2018 will be the year that you vanquish troll corner 😁

  4. agreed completely about how fun riding can be when the horses are having fun too! and i still love that snow heart pic <3

    1. yeah- I'm not against schooling and helping a horse work through something but I do prefer when we're all having fun. And it wasn't that long ago that Carmen was not asking us to 'go'.

  5. There are days that I go into the arena and think I want to do something fun today. Usually some type of pole or low jumping exercise. I Don't get worried about where my horses head is, or how crappy I'm sitting the canter - and my horse does seem to have a blast and gets pretty full of themself!

    1. those rides are important for horse and person.

  6. Golly is it hard to be an active rider when you're on a horse with a history of spooking - but I TOTALLY understand what you're saying! I wish you many more moments of a calm mind when Carmen has A Moment so that you can be the support she needs. ☺

    1. It is really hard. Apparently that is the lesson I needed to learn.

  7. It's amazing how our bodies just instinctively react to our horses. I constantly find myself catching myself doing things and then go on to analyze why.

    1. I find the analysis part important as long as I don't over think it.

  8. Aww, your pics and video are so cute! I loved watching the global dressage freestyles online, and thought all our Canadians did super!

    1. I didn't get to watch much of it. One day I'd like to go and watch in person.

  9. So cute when he's listening in to the video!

    What a wonderful day out with your horses. We've had some big spooking going on too. It's exhaustive, but sometimes makes me more mad than anything. I sit in deeper, which upsets her more, then I perch, to lighten for her, and she'll fling around. Good times!

    1. Yeah- I hear you. I think it's just about being the calm center of the mare tornado. :)

  10. My unicorns wouldn't actually STAB a person, but they probably would do significant damage with their horns while mugging for cookies...

    1. I laughed at the mental image that conjured up.

  11. Isn't it nice to not have to lunge before getting on?!

  12. lol at the stabbing comment.

    I'm glad you had a good ride on her - that heart snow pic is one of my favs.

  13. What a great feeling and yay for active riding! I know exactly what you are saying. It all happens so fast, it is rare when we are able to actually 'see' what we are doing or not doing in that exact moment. Sounds like 2 great rides and woohoo for Irish!

    1. I've been trying to commit it to memory so that I can keep going when I'm back in the saddle.


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