
Friday, December 22, 2017

Domestic Goddessing

The weather has turned cold and bitter. Which I guess is fair since it's winter. But any riding has come to an abrupt halt.

not ready to stop 
There's nothing I can do about it and I'm pretty sure that Santa is not going to bring me an indoor for Christmas no matter how good I've been.

The horses stand outside at the hay feeder and eat all day. I am sure that they are muttering about the 1.5"holes in the net. Irish can eat with attitude! I've cut Carmen's feed and hay since she's not in work and she is not taking it well at all. Last night we had a chat about what is an appropriate way to express her emotions about this and what is not. I suspect we will have this conversation again.

Guinness is getting a lot of walks which he's enjoying quite a bit.
someone has figured out the warm place to lay while he waits for me to be finished

On the up side I am more ready for Christmas then I have been in years. All the presents are wrapped and placed under the tree.

who is this woman?

Last year a blogger posted a recipe for candy cane bark but I can't remember who (Hawk maybe?). Anyway, I've been playing with the recipe this year. 
dark chocolate, salted caramel with milk chocolate drizzled on top
I find myself googling 'things to do with candied ginger'. 

Part of it is my free time. The other part is that I am really looking forward to this Christmas. the last few ones have not been great- there's been a shadow thrown by death and illness the past few years. This year I feel in a good place and I want to make the most of it. Snow might be coming so I can snow shoe. 

Do you have times you can't ride because of the weather? What do you do instead? 


  1. Honestly, this sounds so peaceful and nice. I'm ready to be snowed in. My favorite thing to do is put together photo albums (physical ones!) and do puzzles while listening to sappy music in my slippers and sweat pants. And reading. I miss having time to read.

    1. We're supposed to be snowed in on Christmas day. It might be one of the few Christmas days when I don't ride. But I will be okay. I love doing puzzles too.

  2. Looks like you're making the most of the Christmas season! There are always times that I can't ride and when I can't I simply find something else to do in the barn or the house. Have a very Merry Christmas!

    1. There's never a lack of things to do in either the barn or the house. That is for sure. I hope you have a lovely holiday.

  3. "I've cut Carmen's feed and hay since she's not in work and she is not taking it well at all. Last night we had a chat about what is an appropriate way to express her emotions about this and what is not. I suspect we will have this conversation again."

    Carmen & my crew are of similar mindset, I see.
    I really want that bark now....
    Merry Christmas, you really deserve a happy one this year!

  4. <3 I too am in a better place this Christmas than last. Good on you for celebrating it! Ride time has been but for me as well because of weather and festivities. Things to do when you can't ride...bake! groom. Throw a party. Go to a party. Christmas movies! Make decorations for the tree. Read by the fire with hot coco. I can think of less fun things to do, but I won't mention them because they are, well, not fun!

    1. those are great ideas. I am glad that you are in a good place.

  5. Your tree is pretty. I have a hard time scratching away the time to ride so when the weather is against me it is very easy to fill that up with other life stuff. Enjoy Christmas!

    1. We live in an area that has many Christmas tree farms so it's pretty easy to get a nice tree. You have a young one at home which makes it harder.

  6. OMG that looks fantastic! I should really try to make my own peppermint bark. My husband loves that stuff but it always is expensive because its a seasonal thing.

    1. It is quite tasty. Honestly- the bark is so cheap to make. It's crazy how cheap.

  7. Guinness will tell you that the perfect thing to do when you can't ride is go hiking with him!! He looks great, by the way, and so does your tree! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

    1. Yup. He went for three short hikes today. He's now crashed at my feet. Merry Christmas to you too.

  8. If I can't ride I do crafts or bake, but I rarely accomplish practical things like getting gifts wrapped (still not wrapped and haven't ridden in weeks) or getting anything in my house cleaned. Happy Christmas!

    1. Your crafts and baking projects are pretty incredible!

  9. We had snow, then melt, now ice. It’s bad out there and it worries me. It’s about 11 degrees F, too. So, I’m also domestic goddessing. 😭😭😢

  10. I want that chocholate caramel bark............
    Merry Christmas T!

  11. Ha that must feel super satisfying tho! I've tried to fill my non riding time (and there's been more than I would like) with things like improving my cooking and organization and all that. It's nice in its own way. Esp knowing that riding will resume again eventually! Merry Christmas ;)

    1. Yeah- I really need to work on my patience.....

  12. Lol on the wrapping and being prepped - that was me this year and I was like, "What. Who am I?!" We've plummeted into subzero arctic temperatures for a week or so and I've just decided "screw it" with regard to riding. I'd rather the horses use all of their calories to stay warm and plump. I make more time for domestic chores when I don't ride because I can get home a few hours sooner in the evenings. Winters are busy for me working 4-10 hour days at my normal job and then pulling a 14-hour and 10-hour day at the ski resorts on Friday and Saturday. Not riding just gives me more time to feel human this time of year!


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