
Thursday, December 28, 2017

2017- Year in Review

I guess it's that time of year again. And since it's bitterly cold outside today seems like a good day to take a look back on the year that was. I have to say that is was a good year for Carmen and I. When I wrote my goals for this year back in January I thought that I might have been a bit optimistic.

However, writing them out helped me to stay motivated and keep going even when we had a few set backs.

Carmen: 'what are we looking at?'
Here are some basic statistics for 2017:
  • 145 blog posts (feel free to check my math). 
  • 4 clinics :
    • Dressage /centred riding with Johanna Batista
    • Dressage with Jane Fraser
    • Trail with Nikki and Mike Porter
    • Dressage with Jacqueline Brooks
  • 4 Shows with scores ranging from 3 to 8: 
    • 3 schooling shows at Five Fires
    • 1 Bronze/Gold at Windsor Exhibition
  • Multiple lessons- Too many to count (or I am too lazy to check, you decide). 
  • 3 off-property trail rides and many on-property
  • Rides- again I could count them as I track them on my calendar but let's go with 'lots'. I spent a lot of time in the saddle
  • 1 horse camp with my niece coming to stay
  • A few fun weekends with Karen
I am finding a hard time picking the 'best' thing that we did.  
It was a fun year. 

Getting the ribbons and awards was fun but more for what they represented. 

I still laugh when I see this photo- it totally summed up our first show experience (PC Joanne Kane)

We really worked hard on getting ourselves together and building the partnership.

pretty much where we were in January
pretty much where we are now
 This was a year of setting up challenges. Each time Carmen and I rose to meet them. Sometimes with ease and grace and other times with much flailing and struggling. I seem to have overcome my anxiety about trailering and have became comfortable doing it all myself.

I learned a lot this year:

  • Carmen is much better off-property than on. 
  • I still really enjoy showing. 
  • Carmen LOVES the trail and is far more relaxed then in the ring
  • I can sit in the saddle and ride things out (even a heart pounding bolt). 
  • Carmen and I can work together as a team and she will look to me for guidance (and by god I better have it). 
  • That Carmen has a habit of spooking in the same spot in every ring (between E and C)
  • I have the most amazing friends who go above and beyond to help us reach our goals. 

I loved doing the trail/ Working Equitation obstacles and want to do more this year. It is just so much fun:
Carmen: um, are you sure?

Carmen: I can do this and look pretty at the same time

Ed helped me carve out some trails on our property and it has been a lot of fun planning and riding on them. One has been blocked by the storm we just had and so will need some work in the spring:
no riding through that. 
Overall 2017 has been a stellar year for us. I am so happy that I persevered with Carmen and found a way to reach her. I have learned that we are very alike (both good and bad). She has made me a better rider and, in some ways, a better person. I am more patient (I said 'more patient' not 'patient' so stop laughing) and more aware of how my internal state affects those around me. 

Here's to 2018. 
Me: are you ready?
Carmen: oh yeah, I'm ready


  1. I've thoroughly enjoyed following your and Carmen's adventures this year. Thanks for all the great posts!

    1. Thank you Pam! I'm glad that you enjoyed my journey.

  2. Congrats on a stellar year full of progress!

  3. The January vs. now photo comparison is such a great representation of your year together. You both look so much more comfortable and sure of your partnership in the latter. Congratulations on such a monumental year. I hope 2018 is even more outstanding!

    1. Thank you. I like looking back at photos to see how we're doing.

  4. Definitely down well together this year.
    You guys are going to slay 2018!

  5. love that last picture <3

    what a year for you two! it's been super inspiring to follow along, esp as you set out some big challenges for yourself and just kept working at them, chipping away even as Carmen stepped up to the plate and became a real partner. can't wait to see how things keep developing in 2018!

    1. Thank you for that. I have loved following you and Charlie too.

  6. Can't wait to see you excel at WE. It's soooo much fun. And hard. Very, very hard. But worth it.

    1. I hope that I can keep playing at it. Carmen seems to quite like it.

  7. It has been wonderful to follow you two in 2017, what a great year you guys had :)

  8. A busy year with lots of accomplishments :) Looking forward to reading more adventures next year.

    1. It was a busy year. I am looking forward to seeing what you get up to as well.

  9. Great insights from a great year. Looking forward to what’s in store for 2018!

  10. You and Carmen had a wonderful year and it was fun and interesting to follow along with you both!

    The only thing I can think of to stop her spooking in the same spot between E and C in every ring...Switch the letters around so she can't read them ;)

    1. LOL That is genius. :) I don't know what the show committee will think of it though. ....

  11. What a year! I’ve really enjoyed following along as the two of you learned how to work together. 2018 will be a great year!

  12. Your work with Carmen has been inspiring. What a great year you two have had!

  13. You guys had such a great year. Love that last picture.

  14. Wow so much accomplished both you and Carmen! And more to come this year :)

  15. I should have put something about Working Equitation on my goals... that is something I would like to try.

  16. I think this is one of the best year end posts I have read. Y'all have done so much this year and your progress is undeniable. I think 2018 will be just as great. I can not wait to see where it takes the two of you.
    Funny how they are just like us...

    1. Thank you much. I love that you said 'Y'all' :D I am looking forward to 2018.

  17. You and Carmen had quite the year and worked really well as a team! Congratulations! I look forward to reading what 2018 has in store for you!


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